270 research outputs found

    Mindfulness in Medicine and Healthcare

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    Overall Goals and Objectives: 1. Identify recent advances in integrative medical care and discuss their application to clinical practice. 2. Describe the latest data on complementary and alternative medical therapies that could improve patient outcomes. 3. Discuss core integrative medicine topics that patients frequently ask physicians about

    Mindfulness in the Workplace: Current Research

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    Overall Goals and Objectives: Identify recent advances in integrative medical care and discuss their application to clinical practice. Describe the latest data on complementary and alternative medical therapies that could improve patient outcomes. Discuss core integrative medicine topics that patients frequently ask physicians about. Presentation: 53 minute

    Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health-related quality of life in a heterogeneous patient population

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    This study examined the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on health-related quality of life and physical and psychological symptomatology in a heterogeneous patient population. Patients (n=136) participated in an 8-week MBSR program and were required to practice 20 min of meditation daily. Pre- and post-intervention data were collected by using the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), Medical Symptom Checklist (MSCL) and Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R). Health-related quality of life was enhanced as demonstrated by improvement on all indices of the SF-36, including vitality, bodily pain, role limitations caused by physical health, and social functioning (all P\u3c.01). Alleviation of physical symptoms was revealed by a 28% reduction on the MSCL (P\u3c.0001). Decreased psychological distress was indicated on the SCL-90-R by a 38% reduction on the Global Severity Index, a 44% reduction on the anxiety subscale, and a 34% reduction on the depression subscale (all P\u3c.0001). One-year follow-up revealed maintenance of initial improvements on several outcome parameters. We conclude that a group mindfulness meditation training program can enhance functional status and well-being and reduce physical symptoms and psychological distress in a heterogeneous patient population and that the intervention may have long-term beneficial effects

    Mindfulness-based stress reduction lowers psychological distress in medical students

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    Background: Medical students confront significant academic, psychosocial, and existential stressors throughout their training. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an educational intervention designed to improve coping skills and reduce emotional distress. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the MBSR intervention in a prospective, nonrandomized, cohort-controlled study. Methods: Second-year students (n = 140) elected to participate in a 10-week MBSR seminar. Controls (n = 162) participated in a didactic seminar on complementary medicine. Profile of Mood States (POMS) was administered preintervention and postintervention. Results: Baseline total mood disturbance (TMD) was greater in the MBSR group compared with controls (38.7 ± 33.3 vs. 28.0 ± 31.2; p \u3c .01). Despite this initial difference, the MBSR group scored significantly lower in TMD at the completion of the intervention period (31.8 ± 33.8 vs. 38.6 ± 32.8; p \u3c .05). Significant effects were also observed on Tension–Anxiety, Confusion–Bewilderment, Fatigue–Inertia, and Vigor–Activity subscales. Conclusion: MBSR may be an effective stress management intervention for medical students

    The Effectiveness of the Learning to BREATHE Program on Adolescent Emotion Regulation

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    This study assessed the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based program, Learning to BREATHE, on adolescent emotion regulation. Participants included 216 regular education public high school students with pretest and posttest data participating in the program or instruction-as-usual comparison condition. Program participants reported statistically lower levels of perceived stress and psychosomatic complaints and higher levels of efficacy in affective regulation. Program participants also evidenced statistically larger gains in emotion regulation skills including emotional awareness, access to regulation strategies, and emotional clarity. These findings provide promising evidence of the effectiveness of Learning to BREATHE on the development of key social-emotional learning skills

    Coherent Integration of 0.5 GHz Spectral Holograms at 1536 Nm Using Dynamic Biphase Codes

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    Spectral hole-burning-based optical processing devices are proposed for coherent integration of multiple high-bandwidth interference patterns in a spectral hole-burning medium. In this implementation, 0.5 GHz spectral holographic gratings are dynamically accumulated in Er3+:Y2SiO5 style= position: relative; tabindex= 0 id= MathJax-Element-1-Frame \u3eEr3+:Y2SiO5 at 4.2 K using a 1536 nm laser frequency stabilized to a spectral hole, along with commercial off-the-shelf components. The processed data, representing time delays over 0.5–2.0 μs, were optically read out using a frequency-swept probe; this approach makes possible the use of low-bandwidth, large-dynamic-range detectors and digitizers and enables competitive processing for applications such as radar,lidar, and radio astronomy. Coherent integration dynamics and material advances are reported

    An adapted mindfulness-based stress reduction program for elders in a continuing care retirement community: quantitative and qualitative results from a pilot randomized controlled trial.

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    The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility and effectiveness of an adapted 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program for elders in a continuing care community. This mixed-methods study used both quantitative and qualitative measures. A randomized waitlist control design was used for the quantitative aspect of the study. Thirty-nine elderly were randomized to MBSR (n = 20) or a waitlist control group (n = 19), mean age was 82 years. Both groups completed pre-post measures of health-related quality of life, acceptance and psychological flexibility, facets of mindfulness, self-compassion, and psychological distress. A subset of MBSR participants completed qualitative interviews. MBSR participants showed significantly greater improvement in acceptance and psychological flexibility and in role limitations due to physical health. In the qualitative interviews, MBSR participants reported increased awareness, less judgment, and greater self-compassion. Study results demonstrate the feasibility and potential effectiveness of an adapted MBSR program in promoting mind-body health for elders

    Inhibition promotes long-term potentiation at cerebellar excitatory synapses.

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    The ability of the cerebellar cortex to learn from experience ensures the accuracy of movements and reflex adaptation, processes which require long-term plasticity at granule cell (GC) to Purkinje neuron (PN) excitatory synapses. PNs also receive GABAergic inhibitory inputs via GCs activation of interneurons; despite the involvement of inhibition in motor learning, its role in long-term plasticity is poorly characterized. Here we reveal a functional coupling between ionotropic GABAA receptors and low threshold CaV3 calcium channels in PNs that sustains calcium influx and promotes long-term potentiation (LTP) at GC to PN synapses. High frequency stimulation induces LTP at GC to PN synapses and CaV3-mediated calcium influx provided that inhibition is intact; LTP is mGluR1, intracellular calcium store and CaV3 dependent. LTP is impaired in CaV3.1 knockout mice but it is nevertheless recovered by strengthening inhibitory transmission onto PNs; promoting a stronger hyperpolarization via GABAA receptor activation leads to an enhanced availability of an alternative Purkinje-expressed CaV3 isoform compensating for the lack of CaV3.1 and restoring LTP. Accordingly, a stronger hyperpolarization also restores CaV3-mediated calcium influx in PNs from CaV3.1 knockout mice. We conclude that by favoring CaV3 channels availability inhibition promotes LTP at cerebellar excitatory synapses.journal article2016 Sep 192016 09 19importe

    Fermilab E791

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    Fermilab E791, a very high statistics charm particle experiment, recently completed its data taking at Fermilab's Tagged Photon Laboratory. Over 20 billion events were recorded through a loose transverse energy trigger and written to 8mm tape in the the 1991-92 fixed target run at Fermilab. This unprecedented data sample containing charm is being analysed on many-thousand MIP RISC computing farms set up at sites in the collaboration. A glimpse of the data taking and analysis effort is presented. We also show some preliminary results for common charm decay modes. Our present analysis indicates a very rich yield of over 200K reconstructed charm decays.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, LaTe
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