310 research outputs found

    Moderating effect of social support on personal financial constraints and job stress relationship

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the moderating effect of social support (which may be supervisory, friends, family and relatives) on the relationship of personal financial constraints and job stress relationship. Sample consists of 294 respondents from randomly selected 28 branches of 22 banks located across all major cities of Pakistan. Moderated regression analysis has been used to test the hypothesized relationships. Personal financial constraints enhance job stress and social support moderates this relationship. Job stress increases when an employee faces financial constraints but decreases in the presence of social support. Practical and theoretical implications are drawn. This research is conducted in banking industry, so its results can’t be generalized to other industries. This paper is the first which examines the impact of a non-work related variable, personal financial constraint on job stress along with buffering role of social support. Its findings have great implications for employers for increasing productivity of employees.Job stress, personal financial constraints, social support, moderating, banking, Pakistan


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    The present research is a step toward determining the behaviorof corporate customers with regard to the current practices of group/institutional life insurance institutes. Data were collected from intellectual corporate customers using 18 open-ended questions and interviews.Furthermore, 08 insurance experts were selected from service providers for a focus group and 200 closed-ended questions were distributed among corporate respondents. In the initial stage, an exploratory sequential design was used. With the help of existing literature, researchers gathered reactions regarding service justice, service quality, switching cost, and service value on the behavior of individual life insurance and banking patrons. These results reveal that group insurance service providers should be further explored by additional performance strategies based on the results of this study

    Derivative Usage In Corporate Pakistan: A Qualitative Research Of Listed Companies

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    The motivation behind this study was to see why Pakistani companies are releuctant to use derivative instruments. The study aims to look into factors that influence the corporate finance managers to use derivatives. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain the response of finance managers of companies. The questionnaire aims at ascertaining the factors that influence the usage or non-usage of derivatives in corporate Pakistan. The questionnaire incorporated factors like trend of derivative usage, risk level, awareness with modern finance, correlation between hedging and firm’s value, firm’s performance and business cycle effect, and correlation between nature of business and financial risk. For this purpose, 67 non-financial firms were selected based on their nature of business, turnover, and risk level. Out of 67, 31 firms responded. We concluded that managerial knowledge of modern finance, development of full fledged derivatives market and measuring the risk level of corporation may enhance the derivative usage thus minimizing the financial risk of companies

    Technology Based Employees Training and Organizational Performance as Perceived by Employees

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    The present study explores the nature of the technology-based HR trainings practices with a focus on the banking sector in Pakistan. The study was carried out in the twin-cites of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Random sampling technique was adopted and population mainly was categorized into six Islamic banks and 6 conventional Banks. The study recommends that by implementing the technology-based training and acquiring the inputs from the top level management and the internal customers using this input and information for the organizational strategies and goal, can further the market shares and the profitability

    A Comparison between Islamic Banking and Conventional Banking Sector in Pakistan

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    The Islamic banking system is attaining enormous development. Several modern international conventional banks were also enchanting significant concern and starting Islamic banking branches in their organizations, which work in compliance with the specific Islamic Shariah principles in a number of states of Pakistan. The Islamic banking structure is bizarrely facing gigantic contest by the Islamic banking sector all over the world as well as from the well-known International commercial banks that hold out services and products of IB. It is an attempt for exploration and investigation of the extensive and essential factors, which persuade consumers to choose the Islamic banking or conventional banking and the function of demographic features, which track consumers to the assortment of IB or CB in Pakistan. Sample of 341 respondents has been used in this study mainly focused on non-probability convenience test tool. Pre-institute 5 point likert survey instrument ranging from 5 to 1 was applied to gather data. The conclusion reveals that there are countless factors other than religious perception like employee and customer interactions, convenience, reputation, financial benefits & services, and technology, which are fundamental for the consumers for the assortment of Islamic or conventional banking. The demographic characteristics of the respondents also have a significant impact. The authors expect that the crux of this study will explore new ways for the Islamic banking system to emphasis on specific emerging factors to enhance the efficiency and performance of the Islamic banking system in Pakistan. There will be enormous advantage for executives of IBs & CBs in developing marketing approach

    Investment Behavior and Stock Preference of an Individual Investor: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange

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    The purpose of the research is to study the individual investor’s behavior in Karachi Stock Exchange. In this study data was collected from individual clients at Karachi Stock Exchange. Type of the study is descriptive and deductive approach was used.  The data was collected from 389 respondents at Karachi Stock Exchange with the help of designed questionnaire. The individual behavior is tested with the help of regression analysis. There are three regression models developed to study the relationship and impact of Independent variables (Accounting information & financial literacy, overconfidence, irrationality and biasness in decision making) on three different dependent variables (Preference of capital gain, preference of dividend and gambling). Results explain no relationship toward preference of capital gain but the significant relationships found toward preference of dividend and gambling. So it can be easily concluded that the investors at Karachi Stock Exchange do not prefer capital gain but they want better payout and speculation in the market. There were also studied that the accounting information & financial literacy increase the behavior toward preference of dividend and decrease toward gambling. There have been the evidences found that the investors at Karachi Stock Exchange have irrational behavior and this behavior influences the preference of dividend and gambling. Keywords:Investment behavior, Capital gain, Dividend, Gambling, Financial Literacy, Overconfidence, Irrationality and Biasness in Decision Making

    Inter Relationship between Team Conflict Management, Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Performance

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    Team work in competitive environment has attained greater Importance for organizations to enhance their performance. This paper is described the team conflict management with its antecedence like trust, task interdependence and managerial coping skill, whereas dependent variables i.e. team conflict management styles, employees satisfaction and organizational performance has been chosen as outcomes. To evaluate the deduction of other studies have been made part of this paper. This paper is conceptual in nature henceforth, relations between independently and dependent variables have been described. Studies proved that there is a strong relation between team conflict management with employee’s satisfaction and organizational Performance. It is recommended that to Executives, Managers Trust and Task interdependence between the team members have positive impact on TCMS (Team conflict management styles). Present paper provides the solution to handle the conflicts within the team and with the team. Future research is directed for its empirical testing of TCMS model†should be replaced with sound implication

    Shrinking Employees Turnover Intention by applying Tools of Job Embeddedness (Used as a Mediator)

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    The current research study examined the association among the HRM practices through job embeddedness (as a mediator) and employee turnover intentions. In this study, the researchers used new construct i.e. job embeddedness to explore its mediating impact on the relationship between employee turnover intentions and HRM practices such as training, compensation, career planning, performance appraisal and supervisor support. Job embeddedness was studied in terms of fit, links, and sacrifice organization. Job embeddedness plays a crucial role to reduce turnover. If organization applies these HRM practices in true letter and spirit, then their employees will be more satisfied, committed, and loyal to that organization. If employees are more embedded to the organization in a positive manner, so that employees are more committed, satisfied and impacts their performance
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