94 research outputs found

    Nucleus Accumbens Core and Shell Differentially Encode Reward-Associated Cues after Reinforcer Devaluation

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    Nucleus accumbens (NAc) neurons encode features of stimulus learning and action selection associated with rewards. The NAc is necessary for using information about expected outcome values to guide behavior after reinforcer devaluation. Evidence suggests that core and shell subregions may play dissociable roles in guiding motivated behavior. Here, we recorded neural activity in the NAc core and shell during training and performance of a reinforcer devaluation task. Long–Evans male rats were trained that presses on a lever under an illuminated cue light delivered a flavored sucrose reward. On subsequent test days, each rat was given free access to one of two distinctly flavored foods to consume to satiation and were then immediately tested on the lever pressing task under extinction conditions. Rats decreased pressing on the test day when the reinforcer earned during training was the sated flavor (devalued) compared with the test day when the reinforcer was not the sated flavor (nondevalued), demonstrating evidence of outcome-selective devaluation. Cue-selective encoding during training by NAc core (but not shell) neurons reliably predicted subsequent behavioral performance; that is, the greater the percentage of neurons that responded to the cue, the better the rats suppressed responding after devaluation. In contrast, NAc shell (but not core) neurons significantly decreased cue-selective encoding in the devalued condition compared with the nondevalued condition. These data reveal that NAc core and shell neurons encode information differentially about outcome-specific cues after reinforcer devaluation that are related to behavioral performance and outcome value, respectively

    One month of cocaine abstinence potentiates rapid dopamine signaling in the nucleus accumbens core

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    Cocaine addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder that is difficult to treat in part because addicts relapse even after extended periods of abstinence. Given the importance of the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system in drug addiction, we sought to characterize cocaine abstinence induced changes in rapid DA signaling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Here, rats were trained to self-administer cocaine for 14 consecutive days, then divided into two groups. Day 1 rats (D1; n = 7) underwent 24 hours of abstinence; Day 30 rats (D30; n = 7) underwent one month of abstinence. After abstinence, all rats underwent a single extinction session. Immediately after, rats were deeply anesthetized and fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) was used to measure DA release and uptake dynamics in the NAc core before and following a single cocaine injection. We show that one month of cocaine abstinence potentiates the peak concentration of electrically evoked DA in the NAc core following an acute injection of cocaine. This potentiation is not related to alterations in DA uptake parameters, which are unchanged following abstinence, but may reflect alterations in release. These results further support the abundance of literature showing that cocaine abstinence induces neuroplasticity in brain areas implicated in drug reward and relapse. The present findings also demonstrate critical differences between abstinence-induced neuroadaptations in DA signaling and those caused by drug exposure itself

    Prior Cocaine Experience Impairs Normal Phasic Dopamine Signals of Reward Value in Accumbens Shell

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    Dopamine signals have repeatedly been linked to associative learning and motivational processes. However, there is considerably less agreement on a role for dopamine in reward processing, and therefore whether neuroplastic changes in dopamine function following chronic exposure to drugs of abuse such as cocaine may impair appropriate valuation of rewarding stimuli. To quantify this, we voltammetrically measured real-time dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) core or shell while rats received unsignaled deliveries of either a small (1 pellet) or large (2 pellets) reward. In drug-naive controls, core dopamine signals did not discriminate between reward size at any point, while in the shell dopamine encoded magnitude differences only in a slower postpeak period. Despite this lack of discrimination between rewards by the peak DA response, controls easily discriminated between reward options in a subsequent choice task. In contrast, phasic dopamine reward signals were strongly altered by cocaine experience; core dopamine decreased peak response but increased discrimination between reward magnitudes while shell lost phasic responses to reward receipt altogether. Notably, animals with cocaine-associated alterations in dopamine signals for reward magnitude failed to subsequently discriminate between reward options. These findings suggest that cocaine self-administration alters the ability for dopamine signals to appropriately assign value to rewards and thus may in part contribute to later deficits in behaviors that depend on appropriate outcome valuation

    Selective Encoding of Cocaine versus Natural Rewards by Nucleus Accumbens Neurons Is Not Related to Chronic Drug Exposure

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    We reported previously that subsets of nucleus accumbens (Acb) neurons differentially encode information about goal-directed behaviors for "natural" (food and water) versus cocaine reward in animals well trained to self-administer the drug (Carelli et al., 2000). Here, we examined whether repeated exposure to cocaine is the crucial determinate of the selective encoding of cocaine versus water reinforcement by Acb neurons. Acb cells were recorded during a water-cocaine multiple schedule from the first day of cocaine exposure as well as during repeated sessions. Specifically, animals were initially trained to press a lever for water and were then surgically prepared for extracellular recording in the Acb. After 1 week, Acb cells were recorded during acquisition of the water-cocaine multiple schedule. Because behavioral responding for water was already established, training on the multiple schedule was divided into three components corresponding to acquisition of self-administration: (1) "initial" (day 1 of self-administration), (2) "reliable" (self-administration behavior was present but erratic), and (3) "stable" (cocaine responding was stable). During the initial component, the percentage of water-selective neurons was high compared with cocaine neurons. However, this became approximately equal with repeated self-administration experience (i.e., during the stable component). Remarkably, the percentage of neurons showing overlapping (similar) neuronal firing patterns during initial exposure to cocaine was low (<8%) and remained low during reliable and stable components. These findings support the view that separate neural circuits in the Acb differentially encode information about cocaine versus natural reward, and that this functional organization is not a direct consequence of chronic drug exposure

    Cocaine abstinence alters nucleus accumbens firing dynamics during goal-directed behaviors for cocaine and sucrose

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    Distinct subsets of nucleus accumbens (NAc) neurons differentially encode goal-directed behaviors for natural vs. drug rewards [R. M. Carelli et al. (2000) The Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 4255–4266], and the encoding of cocaine-seeking is altered following cocaine abstinence [J. A. Hollander & R. M. Carelli (2007) The Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 3535–3539]. Here, electrophysiological recording procedures were used to determine if the selective encoding of natural vs. cocaine reward by NAc neurons is: (i) maintained when the natural reinforcer is a highly palatable sweet tastant and (ii) altered by cocaine abstinence. Rats (n=14) were trained on a multiple schedule of sucrose reinforcement and cocaine self-administration (2–3 weeks) and NAc activity was recorded during the task before and after 30 days of cocaine abstinence. Of 130 cells recorded before abstinence, 82 (63%) displayed patterned discharges (increases or decreases in firing rate, termed phasic activity) relative to operant responding for sucrose or cocaine. As in previous reports, the majority of those cells displayed nonoverlapping patterns of activity during responding for sucrose vs. cocaine. Specifically, only 17 (21%) showed similar patterns of activity (i.e. overlapping activity) across the two reinforcer conditions. After abstinence, this pattern was largely maintained, 23 of 70 phasic cells (33%) were overlapping. However, cocaine abstinence altered the overall percentage of selectively active neurons across reinforcer conditions. Specifically, significantly more neurons became selectively activated during cocaine-directed behaviors than during sucrose-directed behaviors. The results indicate that, although the selective encoding of cocaine and natural rewards is maintained even with a highly palatable substance, 30 days of cocaine abstinence dynamically alters the overall population encoding of natural and drug rewards by NAc neurons

    Cocaine-Associated Stimuli Increase Cocaine Seeking and Activate Accumbens Core Neurons after Abstinence

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    Electrophysiological recordings were completed in rats

    Cocaine Self-Administration Abolishes Associative Neural Encoding in the Nucleus Accumbens Necessary for Higher-Order Learning

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    Cocaine use is often associated with diminished cognitive function, persisting even after abstinence from the drug. Likely targets for these changes are the core and shell of the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which are critical for mediating the rewarding aspects of drugs of abuse as well as supporting associative learning. To understand this deficit, we recorded neural activity in the NAc of rats with either a history of cocaine self-administration or controls while they learned Pavlovian first- and second-order associations

    Distinct subsets of nucleus accumbens neurons encode operant responding for ethanol versus water

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    Subsets of nucleus accumbens neurons process information about operant responses for drug as well as natural rewards (food and water) by excitations and inhibitions in firing rate time-locked to the operant response. The degree to which ensembles of neurons exhibit similar firing patterns when encoding cues and operant responses across different reinforcer conditions will provide critical information regarding the functional organization of this nucleus. The present experiment evaluated the relative contribution of subsets of accumbens neurons that encode distinct features of lever press responding for ethanol versus water. Electrophysiological recordings (n = 153 neurons) were made in the accumbens of rats trained on concurrent reinforcement schedules for ethanol and water throughout a self-administration session. During operant responding, 52% of neurons exhibited patterned discharges characterized by significant increases or decreases in firing rate ±1 s relative to lever presses for ethanol and/or water. Of these phasic cells, 85% discriminated between presses for ethanol and water (i.e., exhibited firing patterns unique to one reinforcer type), while 15% exhibited identical firing patterns relative to lever presses for both reinforcers. Notably, the data revealed that both high ethanol preference and spatially distinct lever positions contributed to the reinforcer specificity. Together, these data demonstrate that subsets of nucleus accumbens neurons encode conditioned and instrumental aspects of ethanol versus water reinforcement in well-trained rats, and that reinforcer preference and spatial cues are important components of this differential information processing

    When a good taste turns bad: Neural mechanisms underlying the emergence of negative affect and associated natural reward devaluation by cocaine

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    An important feature of cocaine addiction in humans is the emergence of negative affect (e.g., dysphoria, irritability, anhedonia), postulated to play a key role in craving and relapse. Indeed, the DSM-IV recognizes that social, occupational and/or recreational activities become reduced as a consequence of repeated drug use where previously rewarding experiences (e.g., food, job, family) become devalued as the addict continues to seek and use drug despite serious negative consequences. Here, research in the Carelli laboratory is reviewed that examined neurobiological mechanisms that may underlie these processes using a novel animal model. Oromotor responses (taste reactivity) were examined as rats learned that intraoral infusion of a sweet (e.g., saccharin) predicts impending but delayed access to cocaine self-administration. We showed that rats exhibit aversive taste reactivity (i.e., gapes/rejection responses) during infusion of the sweet paired with impending cocaine, similar to aversive responses observed during infusion of quinine, a bitter tastant. Critically, the expression of this pronounced aversion to the sweet predicted the subsequent motivation to self-administer cocaine. Electrophysiology studies show that this shift in palatability corresponds to an alteration in nucleus accumbens (NAc) cell firing; neurons that previously responded with inhibition during infusion of the palatable sweet shifted to excitatory activity during infusion of the cocaine-devalued tastant. This excitatory response profile is typically observed during infusion of quinine, indicating that the once palatable sweet becomes aversive following its association with impending but delayed cocaine, and NAc neurons encode this aversive state. We also review electrochemical studies showing a shift (from increase to decrease) in rapid NAc dopamine release during infusion of the cocaine-paired tastant as the aversive state developed, again, resulting in responses similar to quinine infusion. Collectively, our findings suggest that cocaine-conditioned cues elicit a cocaine-need state that is aversive, is encoded by a distinct subset of NAc neurons and rapid dopamine signaling, and promotes cocaine-seeking behavior. Finally, we present data showing that experimentally induced abstinence (30 days) exacerbates this natural reward devaluation by cocaine, and this effect is correlated with a greater motivation to lever press during extinction. Dissecting the neural mechanisms underlying these detrimental consequences of addiction is critical since it may lead to novel treatments that ameliorate negative affective states associated with drug use and decrease the drive (craving) for the drug

    Dissecting motivational circuitry to understand substance abuse

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    An important goal of cocaine addiction research is to understand the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this disease state. Here, we review studies from our laboratory that examined nucleus accumbens (NAc) cell firing and rapid dopamine signaling using electrophysiological and electrochemical recordings in behaving rodents. A major advantage of these techniques is that they allow for the characterization of NAc activity and rapid dopamine release during specific phases of motivated behavior. Moreover, each approach enables an examination of the dynamic nature of NAc signaling as a function of factors such as hedonics and associative learning. We show that NAc neurons differentially respond to rewarding and aversive stimuli and their predictors in a bivalent manner. This differential responding is modifiable and can be altered by the presentation of other natural rewards or cocaine. Likewise, the dynamic nature of NAc cell firing is also reflected in the differential activation of distinct populations of NAc neurons during goal-directed behaviors for natural versus drug rewards, and the heightened activation of some NAc neurons following cocaine abstinence. Our electrochemical data also show that rapid dopamine signaling in the NAc reflects primary rewards and their predictors and appears to modulate specific NAc neuronal responses. In some cases, these influences are observed in a regionally specific manner that matches previous pharmacological manipulations. Collectively, these findings provide critical insight into the functional organization of the NAc that can be used to guide additional studies aimed at dissecting the neural code underlying compulsive drug-seeking behavior
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