11 research outputs found

    Majorana fermion chain at the Quantum Spin Hall edge

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    We study a realization of a 1d chain of Majorana bound states at the interfaces between alternating ferromagnetic and superconducting regions at a quantum spin Hall insulator edge. In the limit of well separated Majoranas, the system can be mapped to the transverse field Ising model. The disordered critical point can be reached by tuning the relative magnitude or phases of the ferromagnetic and superconducting order parameters. We compute the voltage dependence of the tunneling current from a metallic tip into the Majorana chain as a direct probe of the random critical state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement entropy of random quantum critical points in one dimension

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    For quantum critical spin chains without disorder, it is known that the entanglement of a segment of N>>1 spins with the remainder is logarithmic in N with a prefactor fixed by the central charge of the associated conformal field theory. We show that for a class of strongly random quantum spin chains, the same logarithmic scaling holds for mean entanglement at criticality and defines a critical entropy equivalent to central charge in the pure case. This effective central charge is obtained for Heisenberg, XX, and quantum Ising chains using an analytic real-space renormalization group approach believed to be asymptotically exact. For these random chains, the effective universal central charge is characteristic of a universality class and is consistent with a c-theorem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement entropy of the random s=1 Heisenberg chain

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    Random spin chains at quantum critical points exhibit an entanglement entropy between a segment of length L and the rest of the chain that scales as log2 L with a universal coefficient. Since for pure quantum critical spin chains this coefficient is fixed by the central charge of the associated conformal field theory, the universal coefficient in the random case can be understood as an effective central charge. In this paper we calculate the entanglement entropy and effective central charge of the spin-1 random Heisenberg model in its random-singlet phase and also at the critical point at which the Haldane phase breaks down. The latter is the first entanglement calculation for an infinite-randomness fixed point that is not in the random-singlet universality class. Our results are consistent with a c-theorem for flow between infinite-randomness fixed points. The formalism we use can be generally applied to calculation of quantities that depend on the RG history in s>=1 random Heisenberg chains

    Infinite Randomness Phases and Entanglement Entropy of the Disordered Golden Chain

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    Topological insulators supporting non-abelian anyonic excitations are at the center of attention as candidates for topological quantum computation. In this paper, we analyze the ground-state properties of disordered non-abelian anyonic chains. The resemblance of fusion rules of non-abelian anyons and real space decimation strongly suggests that disordered chains of such anyons generically exhibit infinite-randomness phases. Concentrating on the disordered golden chain model with nearest-neighbor coupling, we show that Fibonacci anyons with the fusion rule τ⊗τ=1⊕τ\tau\otimes\tau={\bf 1}\oplus \tau exhibit two infinite-randomness phases: a random-singlet phase when all bonds prefer the trivial fusion channel, and a mixed phase which occurs whenever a finite density of bonds prefers the τ\tau fusion channel. Real space RG analysis shows that the random-singlet fixed point is unstable to the mixed fixed point. By analyzing the entanglement entropy of the mixed phase, we find its effective central charge, and find that it increases along the RG flow from the random singlet point, thus ruling out a c-theorem for the effective central charge.Comment: 16 page

    c-theorem violation for effective central charge of infinite-randomness fixed points

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    Topological insulators supporting non-Abelian anyonic excitations are in the center of attention as candidates for topological quantum computation. In this paper, we analyze the ground-state properties of disordered non-Abelian anyonic chains. The resemblance of fusion rules of non-Abelian anyons and real-space decimation strongly suggests that disordered chains of such anyons generically exhibit infinite-randomness phases. Concentrating on the disordered golden chain model with nearest-neighbor coupling, we show that Fibonacci anyons with the fusion rule tau[direct-product]tau=1[direct-sum]tau exhibit two infinite-randomness phases: a random-singlet phase when all bonds prefer the trivial fusion channel and a mixed phase which occurs whenever a finite density of bonds prefers the tau fusion channel. Real-space renormalization-group (RG) analysis shows that the random-singlet fixed point is unstable to the mixed fixed point. By analyzing the entanglement entropy of the mixed phase, we find its effective central charge and find that it increases along the RG flow from the random-singlet point, thus ruling out a c theorem for the effective central charge

    Local renormalization method for random systems

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    In this paper, we introduce a real-space renormalization transformation for random spin systems on 2D lattices. The general method is formulated for random systems and results from merging two well known real space renormalization techniques, namely the strong disorder renormalization technique (SDRT) and the contractor renormalization (CORE). We analyze the performance of the method on the 2D random transverse field Ising model (RTFIM).Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to the Special Issue on "Quantum Information and Many-Body Theory", New Journal of Physics. Editors: M.B. Plenio, J. Eiser

    Entanglement Entropy of Random Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    The entanglement entropy of the ν=1/3\nu = 1/3 and ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 quantum Hall states in the presence of short range random disorder has been calculated by direct diagonalization. A microscopic model of electron-electron interaction is used, electrons are confined to a single Landau level and interact with long range Coulomb interaction. For very weak disorder, the values of the topological entanglement entropy are roughly consistent with expected theoretical results. By considering a broader range of disorder strengths, the fluctuation in the entanglement entropy was studied in an effort to detect quantum phase transitions. In particular, there is a clear signature of a transition as a function of the disorder strength for the ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 state. Prospects for using the density matrix renormalization group to compute the entanglement entropy for larger system sizes are discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures; fixed figures and figure captions; revised fluctuation calculation

    Entanglement entropy in aperiodic singlet phases

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    We study the average entanglement entropy of blocks of contiguous spins in aperiodic XXZ chains which possess an aperiodic singlet phase at least in a certain limit of the coupling ratios. In this phase, where the ground state constructed by a real space renormalization group method, consists (asymptotically) of independent singlet pairs, the average entanglement entropy is found to be a piecewise linear function of the block size. The enveloping curve of this function is growing logarithmically with the block size, with an effective central charge in front of the logarithm which is characteristic for the underlying aperiodic sequence. The aperiodic sequence producing the largest effective central charge is identified, and the latter is found to exceed the central charge of the corresponding homogeneous model. For marginal aperiodic modulations, numerical investigations performed for the XX model show a logarithmic dependence, as well, with an effective central charge varying continuously with the coupling ratio.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Off-diagonal correlations in one-dimensional anyonic models: A replica approach

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    We propose a generalization of the replica trick that allows to calculate the large distance asymptotic of off-diagonal correlation functions in anyonic models with a proper factorizable ground-state wave-function. We apply this new method to the exact determination of all the harmonic terms of the correlations of a gas of impenetrable anyons and to the Calogero Sutherland model. Our findings are checked against available analytic and numerical results.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, typos correcte