456 research outputs found

    Completeness of the Coulomb scattering wave functions

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    Completeness of the eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint Hamiltonian, which is the basic ingredient of quantum mechanics, plays an important role in nuclear reaction and nuclear structure theory. However, until now, there was no a formal proof of the completeness of the eigenfunctions of the two-body Hamiltonian with the Coulomb interaction. Here we present the first formal proof of the completeness of the two-body Coulomb scattering wave functions for repulsive unscreened Coulomb potential. To prove the completeness we use the Newton's method [R. Newton, J. Math Phys., 1, 319 (1960)]. The proof allows us to claim that the eigenfunctions of the two-body Hamiltonian with the potential given by the sum of the repulsive Coulomb plus short-range (nuclear) potentials also form a complete set. It also allows one to extend the Berggren's approach of modification of the complete set of the eigenfunctions by including the resonances for charged particles. We also demonstrate that the resonant Gamow functions with the Coulomb tail can be regularized using Zel'dovich's regularization method.Comment: 12 pages and 1 figur

    A new proof of the analyticity of the electronic density of molecules

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    We give a new, short proof of the regularity away from the nuclei of the electronic density of a molecule obtained in [1,2]. The new argument is based on the regularity properties of the Coulomb interactions underlined in [3,4] and on well-known elliptic technics. [1] S. Fournais, M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Oe stergaard Soerensen: The electron density is smooth away from the nuclei. Comm. Math. Phys. 228, no. 3 (2002), 401-415. [2] S. Fournais, M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Oestergaard Soerensen: Analyticity of the density of electronic wave functions. Ark. Mat. 42, no. 1 (2004), 87-106. [3] W. Hunziker: Distortion analyticity and molecular resonances curves. Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e, s. A, t. 45, no 4, 339-358 (1986). [4] M. Klein, A. Martinez, R. Seiler, X.P. Wang: On the Born-Oppenheimer expansion for polyatomic molecules. Comm. Math. Phys. 143, no. 3, 607-639 (1992). The paper is published in Letters in Mathematical Physics 93, number 1, pp. 73-83, 2010. The original publication is available at " www.springerlink.com "

    Inverse scattering at fixed energy on surfaces with Euclidean ends

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    On a fixed Riemann surface (M0,g0)(M_0,g_0) with NN Euclidean ends and genus gg, we show that, under a topological condition, the scattering matrix S_V(\la) at frequency \la > 0 for the operator Δ+V\Delta+V determines the potential VV if VC1,α(M0)eγd(,z0)jL(M0)V\in C^{1,\alpha}(M_0)\cap e^{-\gamma d(\cdot,z_0)^j}L^\infty(M_0) for all γ>0\gamma>0 and for some j{1,2}j\in\{1,2\}, where d(z,z0)d(z,z_0) denotes the distance from zz to a fixed point z0M0z_0\in M_0. The topological condition is given by Nmax(2g+1,2)N\geq\max(2g+1,2) for j=1j=1 and by Ng+1N\geq g+1 if j=2j=2. In \rr^2 this implies that the operator S_V(\la) determines any C1,αC^{1,\alpha} potential VV such that V(z)=O(eγz2)V(z)=O(e^{-\gamma|z|^2}) for all γ>0\gamma>0.Comment: 21 page

    Subset feedback vertex set is fixed parameter tractable

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    The classical Feedback Vertex Set problem asks, for a given undirected graph G and an integer k, to find a set of at most k vertices that hits all the cycles in the graph G. Feedback Vertex Set has attracted a large amount of research in the parameterized setting, and subsequent kernelization and fixed-parameter algorithms have been a rich source of ideas in the field. In this paper we consider a more general and difficult version of the problem, named Subset Feedback Vertex Set (SUBSET-FVS in short) where an instance comes additionally with a set S ? V of vertices, and we ask for a set of at most k vertices that hits all simple cycles passing through S. Because of its applications in circuit testing and genetic linkage analysis SUBSET-FVS was studied from the approximation algorithms perspective by Even et al. [SICOMP'00, SIDMA'00]. The question whether the SUBSET-FVS problem is fixed-parameter tractable was posed independently by Kawarabayashi and Saurabh in 2009. We answer this question affirmatively. We begin by showing that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parametrized by |S|. Next we present an algorithm which reduces the given instance to 2^k n^O(1) instances with the size of S bounded by O(k^3), using kernelization techniques such as the 2-Expansion Lemma, Menger's theorem and Gallai's theorem. These two facts allow us to give a 2^O(k log k) n^O(1) time algorithm solving the Subset Feedback Vertex Set problem, proving that it is indeed fixed-parameter tractable.Comment: full version of a paper presented at ICALP'1

    Localized Endomorphisms of the Chiral Ising Model

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    Based on the treatment of the chiral Ising model by Mack and Schomerus, we present examples of localized endomorphisms ϱ1loc\varrho_1^{\rm loc} and ϱ1/2loc\varrho_{1/2}^{\rm loc}. It is shown that they lead to the same superselection sectors as the global ones in the sense that unitary equivalence π0ϱ1locπ1\pi_0\circ\varrho_1^{\rm loc}\cong\pi_1 and π0ϱ1/2locπ1/2\pi_0\circ\varrho_{1/2}^{\rm loc}\cong\pi_{1/2} holds. Araki's formalism of the selfdual CAR algebra is used for the proof. We prove local normality and extend representations and localized endomorphisms to a global algebra of observables which is generated by local von Neumann algebras on the punctured circle. In this framework, we manifestly prove fusion rules and derive statistics operators.Comment: 41 pages, latex2

    A microscopic derivation of the quantum mechanical formal scattering cross section

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    We prove that the empirical distribution of crossings of a "detector'' surface by scattered particles converges in appropriate limits to the scattering cross section computed by stationary scattering theory. Our result, which is based on Bohmian mechanics and the flux-across-surfaces theorem, is the first derivation of the cross section starting from first microscopic principles.Comment: 28 pages, v2: Typos corrected, layout improved, v3: Typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Comm. Math. Phy

    Imprints of the Quantum World in Classical Mechanics

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    The imprints left by quantum mechanics in classical (Hamiltonian) mechanics are much more numerous than is usually believed. We show Using no physical hypotheses) that the Schroedinger equation for a nonrelativistic system of spinless particles is a classical equation which is equivalent to Hamilton's equations.Comment: Paper submitted to Foundations of Physic

    Thermal Density Functional Theory in Context

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    This chapter introduces thermal density functional theory, starting from the ground-state theory and assuming a background in quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. We review the foundations of density functional theory (DFT) by illustrating some of its key reformulations. The basics of DFT for thermal ensembles are explained in this context, as are tools useful for analysis and development of approximations. We close by discussing some key ideas relating thermal DFT and the ground state. This review emphasizes thermal DFT's strengths as a consistent and general framework.Comment: Submitted to Spring Verlag as chapter in "Computational Challenges in Warm Dense Matter", F. Graziani et al. ed

    Composite Fermion Description of Correlated Electrons in Quantum Dots: Low Zeeman Energy Limit

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    We study the applicability of composite fermion theory to electrons in two-dimensional parabolically-confined quantum dots in a strong perpendicular magnetic field in the limit of low Zeeman energy. The non-interacting composite fermion spectrum correctly specifies the primary features of this system. Additional features are relatively small, indicating that the residual interaction between the composite fermions is weak. \footnote{Published in Phys. Rev. B {\bf 52}, 2798 (1995).}Comment: 15 pages, 7 postscript figure