1,195 research outputs found

    Legislative Proposals for Compulsory Health Insurance

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    Consonant identification using temporal fine structure and recovered envelope cues

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    The contribution of recovered envelopes (RENVs) to the utilization of temporal-fine structure (TFS) speech cues was examined in normal-hearing listeners. Consonant identification experiments used speech stimuli processed to present TFS or RENV cues. Experiment 1 examined the effects of exposure and presentation order using 16-band TFS speech and 40-band RENV speech recovered from 16-band TFS speech. Prior exposure to TFS speech aided in the reception of RENV speech. Performance on the two conditions was similar (∼50%-correct) for experienced listeners as was the pattern of consonant confusions. Experiment 2 examined the effect of varying the number of RENV bands recovered from 16-band TFS speech. Mean identification scores decreased as the number of RENV bands decreased from 40 to 8 and were only slightly above chance levels for 16 and 8 bands. Experiment 3 examined the effect of varying the number of bands in the TFS speech from which 40-band RENV speech was constructed. Performance fell from 85%- to 31%-correct as the number of TFS bands increased from 1 to 32. Overall, these results suggest that the interpretation of previous studies that have used TFS speech may have been confounded with the presence of RENVs.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 DC00117)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R43 DC013006

    Level variations in speech: Effect on masking release in hearing-impaired listeners

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    Acoustic speech is marked by time-varying changes in the amplitude envelope that may pose difficulties for hearing-impaired listeners. Removal of these variations (e.g., by the Hilbert transform) could improve speech reception for such listeners, particularly in fluctuating interference. Léger, Reed, Desloge, Swaminathan, and Braida [(2015b). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 389–403] observed that a normalized measure of masking release obtained for hearing-impaired listeners using speech processed to preserve temporal fine-structure (TFS) cues was larger than that for unprocessed or envelope-based speech. This study measured masking release for two other speech signals in which level variations were minimal: peak clipping and TFS processing of an envelope signal. Consonant identification was measured for hearing-impaired listeners in backgrounds of continuous and fluctuating speech-shaped noise. The normalized masking release obtained using speech with normal variations in overall level was substantially less than that observed using speech processed to achieve highly restricted level variations. These results suggest that the performance of hearing-impaired listeners in fluctuating noise may be improved by signal processing that leads to a decrease in stimulus level variations.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01DC000117

    Fullerene-based molecular nanobridges: A first-principles study

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    Building upon traditional quantum chemistry calculations, we have implemented an {\em ab-initio} method to study the electrical transport in nanocontacts. We illustrate our technique calculating the conductance of C60_{60} molecules connected in various ways to Al electrodes characterized at the atomic level. Central to a correct estimate of the electrical current is a precise knowledge of the local charge transfer between molecule and metal which, in turn, guarantees the correct positioning of the Fermi level with respect to the molecular orbitals. Contrary to our expectations, ballistic transport seems to occur in this system.Comment: 4 pages in two-column forma

    Exploring tandem ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogen transfer and SNAr chemistry

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    A hydrogen-transfer strategy for the catalytic functionalization of benzylic alcohols via electronic arene activation, accessing a diverse range of bespoke diaryl ethers and aryl amines in excellent isolated yields (38 examples, 70% average yield), is reported. Taking advantage of the hydrogen-transfer approach, the oxidation level of the functionalized products can be selected by judicious choice of simple and inexpensive additives

    Electrostatic potential profiles of molecular conductors

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    The electrostatic potential across a short ballistic molecular conductor depends sensitively on the geometry of its environment, and can affect its conduction significantly by influencing its energy levels and wave functions. We illustrate some of the issues involved by evaluating the potential profiles for a conducting gold wire and an aromatic phenyl dithiol molecule in various geometries. The potential profile is obtained by solving Poisson's equation with boundary conditions set by the contact electrochemical potentials and coupling the result self-consistently with a nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formulation of transport. The overall shape of the potential profile (ramp vs. flat) depends on the feasibility of transverse screening of electric fields. Accordingly, the screening is better for a thick wire, a multiwalled nanotube or a close-packed self-assembled monolayer (SAM), in comparison to a thin wire, a single-walled nanotube or an isolated molecular conductor. The electrostatic potential further governs the alignment or misalignment of intramolecular levels, which can strongly influence the molecular I-V characteristic. An external gate voltage can modify the overall potential profile, changing the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic from a resonant conducting to a saturating one. The degree of saturation and gate modulation depends on the metal-induced-gap states (MIGS) and on the electrostatic gate control parameter set by the ratio of the gate oxide thickness to the channel length.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B 69, No.3, 0353XX (2004

    Auditory and tactile gap discrimination by observers with normal and impaired hearing

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    Temporal processing ability for the senses of hearing and touch was examined through the measurement of gap-duration discrimination thresholds (GDDTs) employing the same low-frequency sinusoidal stimuli in both modalities. GDDTs were measured in three groups of observers (normal-hearing, hearing-impaired, and normal-hearing with simulated hearing loss) covering an age range of 21–69 yr. GDDTs for a baseline gap of 6 ms were measured for four different combinations of 100-ms leading and trailing markers (250–250, 250–400, 400–250, and 400–400 Hz). Auditory measurements were obtained for monaural presentation over headphones and tactile measurements were obtained using sinusoidal vibrations presented to the left middle finger. The auditory GDDTs of the hearing-impaired listeners, which were larger than those of the normal-hearing observers, were well-reproduced in the listeners with simulated loss. The magnitude of the GDDT was generally independent of modality and showed effects of age in both modalities. The use of different-frequency compared to same-frequency markers led to a greater deterioration in auditory GDDTs compared to tactile GDDTs and may reflect differences in bandwidth properties between the two sensory systems.National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (U.S.) (Grant R01 DC000117

    Hamiltonian thermodynamics of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om-anti-de Sitter black hole

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    We consider the Hamiltonian dynamics and thermodynamics of spherically symmetric Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant. We impose boundary conditions that enforce every classical solution to be an exterior region of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om-anti-de Sitter black hole with a nondegenerate Killing horizon, with the spacelike hypersurfaces extending from the horizon bifurcation two-sphere to the asymptotically anti-de Sitter infinity. The constraints are simplified by a canonical transformation, which generalizes that given by Kucha\v{r} in the spherically symmetric vacuum Einstein theory, and the theory is reduced to its true dynamical degrees of freedom. After quantization, the grand partition function of a thermodynamical grand canonical ensemble is obtained by analytically continuing the Lorentzian time evolution operator to imaginary time and taking the trace. A~similar analysis under slightly modified boundary conditions leads to the partition function of a thermodynamical canonical ensemble. The thermodynamics in each ensemble is analyzed, and the conditions that the (grand) partition function be dominated by a classical Euclidean black hole solution are found. When these conditions are satisfied, we recover in particular the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. The limit of a vanishing cosmological constant is briefly discussed. (This paper is dedicated to Karel Kucha\v{r} on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.)Comment: 34 pages, REVTeX v3.0. (Minor corrections and presentational revisions; added references.

    A first-principles approach to electrical transport in atomic-scale nanostructures

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    We present a first-principles numerical implementation of Landauer formalism for electrical transport in nanostructures characterized down to the atomic level. The novelty and interest of our method lies essentially on two facts. First of all, it makes use of the versatile Gaussian98 code, which is widely used within the quantum chemistry community. Secondly, it incorporates the semi-infinite electrodes in a very generic and efficient way by means of Bethe lattices. We name this method the Gaussian Embedded Cluster Method (GECM). In order to make contact with other proposed implementations, we illustrate our technique by calculating the conductance in some well-studied systems such as metallic (Al and Au) nanocontacts and C-atom chains connected to metallic (Al and Au) electrodes. In the case of Al nanocontacts the conductance turns out to be quite dependent on the detailed atomic arrangement. On the contrary, the conductance in Au nanocontacts presents quite universal features. In the case of C chains, where the self-consistency guarantees the local charge transfer and the correct alignment of the molecular and electrode levels, we find that the conductance oscillates with the number of atoms in the chain regardless of the type of electrode. However, for short chains and Al electrodes the even-odd periodicity is reversed at equilibrium bond distances.Comment: 14 pages, two-column format, submitted to PR

    Predictors of linkage to care following community-based HIV counseling and testing in rural Kenya

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    Despite innovations in HIV counseling and testing (HCT), important gaps remain in understanding linkage to care. We followed a cohort diagnosed with HIV through a community-based HCT campaign that trained persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) as navigators. Individual, interpersonal, and institutional predictors of linkage were assessed using survival analysis of self-reported time to enrollment. Of 483 persons consenting to follow-up, 305 (63.2%) enrolled in HIV care within 3 months. Proportions linking to care were similar across sexes, barring a sub-sample of men aged 18–25 years who were highly unlikely to enroll. Men were more likely to enroll if they had disclosed to their spouse, and women if they had disclosed to family. Women who anticipated violence or relationship breakup were less likely to link to care. Enrolment rates were significantly higher among participants receiving a PLHA visit, suggesting that a navigator approach may improve linkage from community-based HCT campaigns.Vestergaard Frandse
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