6 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    A History of Australia. Volume IV. The Earth Abideth For Ever, 1851–1888. By C. M. H. Clark. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 1978. Pp. xv + 427. 17.50.Britain′sImperialCentury,1815–1914;astudyofempireandexpansion.ByRonaldHyam.Batsford,London1976.Pp.462.£10.00.TheLion′sShare;ashorthistoryofBritishimperialism1850–1970.ByBernardPorter.Longmans,London1975.Pp.xiii+408.£3.75.VictorianImperialism.ByC.C.Eldridge.HodderandStoughton,London1978.Pp.248.£3.50.HouseholdandLineageinRenaissanceFlorenceTheFamilyLifeoftheCapponi,GinoriandRucellai.ByFrancisWilliamKentPrincetonUniversityPress,Princeton1977.Pp.xiii+325.17.50. Britain's Imperial Century, 1815–1914; a study of empire and expansion. By Ronald Hyam. Batsford, London 1976. Pp. 462. £10.00. The Lion's Share; a short history of British imperialism 1850–1970. By Bernard Porter. Longmans, London 1975. Pp. xiii + 408. £3.75. Victorian Imperialism. By C. C. Eldridge. Hodder and Stoughton, London 1978. Pp. 248. £3.50. Household and Lineage in Renaissance Florence The Family Life of the Capponi, Ginori and Rucellai. By Francis William Kent Princeton University Press, Princeton 1977. Pp. xiii + 325. 21.00 Social Control in Nineteenth Century Britain. Edited by A. P. Donajgrodzki. Croom Helm, London 1977. Pp. 285. £8.50. Cholera 1832: The Social Response to an Epidemic. By R. J. Morris. Croom Helm, London 1976. Pp. 228. 21.00.ChurchesandChurchgoers:PatternsofChurchGrowthintheBritishIslesSince1700.ByRobertCurrie,AlanGilbert,LeeHorsley.OxfordUniversityPress,Oxford1977.Pp.xi+244.21.00. Churches and Churchgoers: Patterns of Church Growth in the British Isles Since 1700. By Robert Currie, Alan Gilbert, Lee Horsley. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1977. Pp. xi + 244. 33.00. The emergence of the Australian party system. Edited by P. Loveday, A. W. Martin and R. S. Parker. Hale and Iremonger, Sydney 1977. Pp. xviii + 536. 9.85.DocumentsonAustralianInternationalAffairs1901–1918.EditedbyGordonGreenwoodandCharlesGrimshaw.Nelson(inassociationwiththeAustralianInstituteofInternationalAffairsandtheRoyalInstituteofInternationalAffairs),Melbourne1977.Pp.cxiv+779.9.85. Documents on Australian International Affairs 1901–1918. Edited by Gordon Greenwood and Charles Grimshaw. Nelson (in association with the Australian Institute of International Affairs and the Royal Institute of International Affairs), Melbourne 1977. Pp. cxiv + 779. 29.95. Great Britain and the Origins of the Pacific War A Study of British Policy in East Asia 1937–1941. By Peter Lowe. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1977. Pp. ix + 318. 21.00.TheVoyagetoMaregeˊ:MacassanTrepangersinnorthernAustralia.ByC.C.Macknight.MelbourneUniversityPress,Melbourne1976.Pp.xi+175.21.00. The Voyage to Maregé: Macassan Trepangers in northern Australia. By C. C. Macknight. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 1976. Pp. xi + 175. 20.00. Climatic Change and Variability: A Southern Perspective. Edited by A. B. Pittock and others. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1978. Pp. 455. 29.50.EnvironmentalManagementinAustralia,1788–1914.Guardians,Improvers,andProfitanintroductorysurvey.ByJ.M.Powell.OxfordUniversityPress,Melbourne.1976.Pp.xi+191.29.50. Environmental Management in Australia, 1788–1914. Guardians, Improvers, and Profit an introductory survey. By J. M. Powell. Oxford University Press, Melbourne. 1976. Pp. xi + 191. 8.95. Sydney in Ferment Crime, dissent and official reaction 1788 to 1973. By Peter N. Grabosky, Australian National University Press, Canberra 1977. Pp. xii + 205. 12.95(cloth),89.50(paper).TheImmigrants.ByWendyLowensteinandMoragLoh.HylandHouse,Melbourne1977.Pp.ix+149.12.95 (cloth), 89.50 (paper). The Immigrants. By Wendy Lowenstein and Morag Loh. Hyland House, Melbourne 1977. Pp. ix + 149. 8.95. The Chinese in Australia 1901–1921. By C. F. Yong. Raphael Arts, Richmond S.A., 1977. Pp xiv 4 + 301. The Confessions of William James Chidley. Edited by S. McInerney. University of Queensland Press, St Lucia 1977. Pp. xxxix + 303. 13.95.CitizentoSoldierAustraliabeforetheGreatWar;RecollectionsofMembersoftheFirstA.I.F.ByJ.N.I.DawesandL.L.Robson.MelbourneUniversityPress,Melbourne1977.Pp.x+216.13.95. Citizen to Soldier Australia before the Great War; Recollections of Members of the First A.I. F. By J. N. I. Dawes and L. L. Robson. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 1977. Pp. x + 216. 12.60. Greater than Lenin? Lang and Labor 1916–1932. By Miriam Dixson. Melbourne Politics Monograph, Melbourne 1977. Pp. 238. 6.00.JackLang.EditedbyHeatherRadiandPeterSpearritt.HaleandIremonger,Sydney1977.Pp.xvii+309.6.00. Jack Lang. Edited by Heather Radi and Peter Spearritt. Hale and Iremonger, Sydney 1977. Pp. xvii + 309. 5.95. Samuel Marsden The Great Survivor. By A. T. Yarwood. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne; 1977. Pp. xvi + 341. 18.50.JohnCurtin.ABiography.ByLloydRoss.Macmillan,Melbourne1977.Pp.xiii+422.18.50. John Curtin. A Biography. By Lloyd Ross. Macmillan, Melbourne 1977. Pp. xiii + 422. 25.00. Patrician Democrat The Political Life of Charles Cowper 1843–1870. By Alan Powell. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 1977. Pp. viii + 192. 12.00.BibliographyofAustralianMedicine1790–1900.ByEdwardFord.SydneyUniversityPress,Sydney1976.Pp.xvi+348.12.00. Bibliography of Australian Medicine 1790–1900. By Edward Ford. Sydney University Press, Sydney 1976. Pp. xvi + 348. 30.00. ’The Grains and Threepenn'orths of Pharmacy’. Pharmacy in N.S. W. 1788–1976. By Gregory Haines. Lowden, Kilmore 1976. Pp. xx + 335. 14.00.Albany:APanoramaoftheSoundfrom1827.ByDonaldS.Garden.Nelson,Melbourne1977.Pp.xii+363.14.00. Albany: A Panorama of the Sound from 1827. By Donald S. Garden. Nelson, Melbourne 1977. Pp. xii + 363. 14.95. Queensland Political Portraits, 1859–1962. Edited by D. J. Murphy and R. B. Joyce. University of Queensland Press, St Lucia 1978. Pp. viii + 518. $19.95