2 research outputs found

    Kinetic study of bioethanol production from agroindustrial residues of ripe banana peel

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    Esta investigaci贸n aborda la aplicaci贸n de un compuesto de polietilenglicol (PEG) de masa molecular 1500, cuyo objetivo es degradar los compuestos inhibidores presentes durante la hidr贸lisis enzim谩tica de la c谩scara de banano maduro de la variedad Cavendish. Asimismo, se realizaron tres experimentos al 60% de c谩scara de banano molida, en los que se adicion贸 PEG a diferentes concentraciones: 0,01; 0,02; 0,03 g/g biomasa. La hidr贸lisis enzim谩tica se realiz贸 con conidios del hongo Trichoderma viride y su posterior fermentaci贸n alcoh贸lica fue con levadura activa seca comercial de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, que previamente fue activada. El mejor resultado corresponde al experimento PEG3 (0,03 g/g biomasa), con el que se obtuvo un mayor incremento de az煤cares reductores. Adem谩s, se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0,5) para la glucosa obtenida entre los tres tratamientos hidrol铆ticos. Los resultados demuestran que, a partir de los residuos lignocelul贸sicos de la c谩scara de banano maduro, se puede obtener bioetanol, cuyo rendimiento obtenido de 7% v/v se aproxima a otros reportados en el mismo campo de estudio. Finalmente, el an谩lisis de los costos variables del pretratamiento, aplicado a la c谩scara de banano en la producci贸n de etanol obtenido, permite estimar que el m茅todo planteado en este art铆culo es menos costoso comparado con los dem谩s procedimientos, demuestra un mayor rendimiento de bioetanol y se obtiene en menor tiempo.This research addresses the application of compound polyethylene glycol (PEG) of molecular weight 1500, whose objective is to degrade the inhibiting compounds present during the enzymatic hydrolysis of Cavendish variety ripe banana peels. Likewise, three experiments were conducted on 60% ground banana peel, to which PEG was added at different concentrations: 0.01; 0.02; and 0.03 g/g biomass. The enzymatic hydrolysis was performed with conidia of the Trichoderma viride fungus and its subsequent alcoholic fermentation with commercial active dry yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which was previously activated. The best result corresponds to the PEG3 experiment (0.03 g/g biomass), with which a greater increase of reducing sugars was obtained. In addition, significant differences were found (p<0.5) in the glucose obtained among the three hydrolytic treatments. The results show that bioethanol can be obtained from the lignocellulosic residues of ripe banana peel, whose 7% v/v yield obtained is close to others reported in the same field of study. Finally, the analysis of the variable costs of the pretreatment, applied to the banana peel for the production of the ethanol obtained, makes it possible to estimate that the method proposed in this article is less expensive compared to other procedures, demonstrating a higher bioethanol yield obtained in less time

    Anti-corrosive effect of polyurethane paints applied on galvanized steel without surface treatment

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    El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue demostrar la efectividad de las pinturas de poliuretano para la protecci贸n contra la corrosi贸n del acero galvanizado. La metodolog铆a consisti贸 en realizar an谩lisis electroqu铆mico mediante curvas de polarizaci贸n y pruebas de corrosi贸n acelerada (c谩mara de niebla salina) del comportamiento de los sistemas de protecci贸n d煤plex y galvanizado en NaCl al 3,5%. Adem谩s, el an谩lisis MEB (microscop铆a electr贸nica de barrido) se llev贸 a cabo con un an谩lisis EDAX (espectroscopia de rayos X de energ铆a dispersiva) observando la morfolog铆a y la composici贸n de los productos de corrosi贸n. Seg煤n las curvas de polarizaci贸n, hay diferencias en cada sistema galvanizado y d煤plex en el medio estudiado. Los sistemas d煤plex tienen un potencial de corrosi贸n m谩s positivo que los potenciales de las muestras de acero galvanizado en c谩mara de niebla salina (-950mv; -1070mv de acero d煤plex y -1065mv; 1080mv de acero d煤plex original). Las velocidades de corrosi贸n para el acero galvanizado y d煤plex encontradas fueron de 4.8528 x 10-4 1,8045 x 10-5 cm/a帽o respectivamente en la c谩mara de niebla salina. Estas condiciones de exposici贸n dejan claro que el sistema d煤plex, se comporta m谩s protector que el sistema galvanizado. A partir del an谩lisis EDAX se encontr贸 que, los productos de corrosi贸n que se esperar铆a encontrar para el caso del 贸xido formado en acero galvanizado despu茅s de la experimentaci贸n en la c谩mara de niebla salina ser铆a una mezcla de sales de zinc y hierro como por ejemplo zincita, hidrocincita, simonkoleita, y hematita para el caso del hierro, como tambi茅n sales solubles (cloruros) de estos metales, as铆 como, 贸xidos de hierro y zinc, adem谩s de zinc y hierro en su estado met谩lico.The objective of this research was to demonstrate the effectiveness of polyurethane paints for the protection against corrosion of galvanized steel. The methodology consisted of performing electrochemical analysis by means of polarization curves and accelerated corrosion tests (salt spray chamber) of the behavior of the duplex and galvanized protection systems in 3.5% NaCl. In addition, the SEM analysis (scanning electron microscopy) was carried out with an EDAX analysis (X-ray spectroscopy of dispersive energy) observing the morphology and the composition of the corrosion products. According to the polarization curves, there are differences in each galvanized and duplex system in the studied medium. The duplex systems have a more positive corrosion potential than the potentials of the galvanized steel samples in the salt fog chamber (-950mv, -1070mv of duplex steel and -1065mv, 1080mv of original duplex steel). The corrosion rates for the galvanized and duplex steel found were 4.8528 x 10-4 1.8045 x 10-5 cm / year respectively in the salt spray chamber. These exposure conditions make it clear that the duplex system behaves more protective than the galvanized system. From the EDAX analysis it was found that the corrosion products that would be expected to be found in the case of the oxide formed in galvanized steel after experimentation in the salt fog chamber would be a mixture of zinc and iron salts such as zincite, hydrocincite, simonkoleite, and hematite for iron, as well as soluble salts (chlorides) of these metals, as well as iron and zinc oxides, as well as zinc and iron in their metallic state