5 research outputs found

    Performance Enhancement of TCP Friendly Rate Control Protocol over Wired networks

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    One of the main aims of transport layer protocol is achieving best throughput without any congestion or reduced congestion.  With rapid growing application needs and with increasing number of networks in Internet, there is a primary need to design new protocols to transport layer.  To transmit multimedia applications, one of the suitable congestion control mechanisms in transport layer is TCP Friendly Rate Control Protocol (TFRC).  It controls congestion based on its equation. However, every packet requires an acknowledgement in TFRC. It creates congestion in the network when the transmitted data is very large, which results in reduced throughput. This paper aims to increase the throughput when the transmitted data is large with minimal congestion by reducing the number of acknowledgements in the network.  We modified some fixed parameters in the TFRC equation. The results show the increased throughput with minimal congestion

    An Enhanced Queue Management Scheme for Eradicating Congestion of TFRC over Wired Environment

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    To accomplish increasing real time requirements, user applications have to send different kinds of data with different speeds over the internet.  To effectuate the aims of the computer networks, several protocols have been added to TCP/IP protocol suite.  Transport layer has to implement emerging techniques to transfer huge amount of data like multimedia streaming. To transmit multimedia applications, one of the suitable congestion control mechanisms in transport layer is TCP Friendly Rate Control Protocol (TFRC).  It controls congestion based on its equation. To get more smoothed throughput, intermediate nodes (like Routers. etc.) have to use suitable procedures in all real time situations. To eradicate the level of congestion in the network, we introduce enhanced Holt-Winters equations to RED queue management algorithm and applied to TFRC. The simulation results have shown that this strategy reduces packet loss and increases throughput

    A Mini Review on Flotation Techniques and Reagents Used in Graphite Beneficiation

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    Due to its numerous and major industrial uses, graphite is one of the significant carbon allotropes. Refractories and batteries are only a couple of the many uses for graphite. A growing market wants high-purity graphite with big flakes. Since there are fewer naturally occurring high-grade graphite ores, low-grade ores must be processed to increase their value to meet the rising demand, which is predicted to increase by >700% by 2025 due to the adoption of electric vehicles. Since graphite is inherently hydrophobic, flotation is frequently used to beneficiate low-grade ores. The pretreatment process, both conventional and unconventional; liberation/grinding methods; flotation methods like mechanical froth flotation, column flotation, ultrasound-assisted flotation, and electroflotation; and more emphasis on various flotation reagents are all covered in this review of beneficiation techniques. This review also focuses on the different types of flotation reagents that are used to separate graphite, such as conventional reagents and possible nonconventional environmentally friendly reagents

    Classic and Novel Adipocytokines at the Intersection of Obesity and Cancer: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies

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