5 research outputs found

    The SARS-CoV-2 first wave impact in the acute inflammatory surgical pathologies

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    Anecdotal evidence suggests that community infection control measures during the COVID-19 outbreak have modified the number and natural history of acute surgical inflammatory processes (ASIP—appendicitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis and perianal abscesses) admissions. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the presentation and treatment ASIP and quantify the effect of COVID-19 infection on the outcomes of ASIP patients. This was a multicentre, comparative study, whereby ASIP cases from 2019, 2020 and 2021 (March 14th to May 2nd) were analyzed. Data regarding patient and disease characteristics as well as outcomes, were collected from sixteen centres in Madrid, and one in Seville (Spain). The number of patients treated for ASIP in 2019 was 822 compared to 521 in 2020 and 835 in 2021. This 1/3rd reduction occurs mainly in patients with mild cases, while the number of severe cases was similar. Surgical standards suffered a step back during the first wave: Lower laparoscopic approach and longer length of stay. We also found a more conservative approach to the patients this year, non-justified by clinical circumstances. Luckily these standards improved again in 2021. The positive COVID-19 status itself did not have a direct impact on mortality. Strikingly, none of the 33 surgically treated COVID positive patients during both years died postoperatively. This is an interesting finding which, if confirmed through future research with a larger sample size of COVID-19 positive patients, can expedite the recovery phase of acute surgical services

    Domestic topographies in the female imagination : A comparative , transnational and hemispheric vision

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    Memoria final de investigaciónUn imaginario colectivo se compone de costumbres, valores, prácticas y razonamientos que existen en una sociedad. La imagen está directamente relacionada con la imagen o apariencia; convirtiéndose en una representación mental de lo que se percibe. Podemos definir un imaginario como el efecto de una compleja red de relaciones entre discursos y prácticas sociales, que interactúa con las individualidades, y que genera tendencias que se manifiestan a través del lenguaje y de la interacción. También podemos intuir que los modelos de los imaginarios colectivos son temporales, pero que cuesta mucho cambiarlos. El concepto “imaginario femenino”, en concreto, alude a las representaciones simbólicas, inconscientes y colectivas de figuras femeninas compartidas por una sociedad. Este imaginario articula estereotipos femeninos que se plasman en la literatura y las artes a través de personajes arquetípicos, pero también a través de los espacios que le son asignados a esos personajes. Pero el feminismo ha demostrado que esta percepción, al ubicarse en un contexto y tiempo determinado, no siempre concuerda con la realidad. Este es nuestro punto de partida al hablar de “imaginario femenino”.A collective imagination consists of customs, values, practices and arguments that exist in a society. The image is directly related to the image or appearance; becoming a mental representation of what is perceived. We can define an imaginary as the effect of a complex network of relations between discourses and social practices, which interacts with individuals, and generates trends manifested through language and interaction. We can also guess that the models of collective imaginary is temporary, but it costs a lot to change. The term "female imagination", specifically refers to the symbolic and collective unconscious shared by a society representations female figures. This imaginary articulated female stereotypes that are reflected in literature and the arts through archetypal characters, but also through the spaces that are assigned to these characters you. But feminism has shown that this perception, to be located in a certain time and context, does not always match reality. This is our starting point when talking about "female imagination"Depto. de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y LiteraturaFac. de FilologíaTRUEMinisterio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Instituto de la Mujer y para la Igualdad Oportunidadespu