5 research outputs found

    Las alteraciones lipídicas en el infarto cerebral

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    Se realizó un estudio prospectivo tipo caso-control en pacientes y controles, para definir los principales desórdenes lipídicos en pacientes con infarto cerebral y comparar la relación de estos con factores de riesgo vascular. Se observaron valores significativamente más elevados de triglicéridos, lipoproteínas de baja densidad e índice aterogénico, en los pacientes respecto de los controles. No hubo diferencias para el colesterol total ni las lipoproteínas de muy baja densidad entre los 2 grupos. La hipertensión arterial como factor de riesgo se asoció con valores más bajos de lipoproteínas de alta densidad, y más elevados de lipoproteínas de baja densidad, triglicéridos, lipoproteínas de muy baja densidad e índice aterogénico. No se encontró relación entre la hipertensión arterial y el colesterol total. Se concluyó que era necesario controlar los lípidos en el infarto cerebral.A case-control prospective study was conducted in patients and controls to define the main lipid disorders in patients with cerebral infarction and to compare their relation with vascular risk factors. Significantly more elevated values of triglycerides, low density lipoproteins and atherogenic index were observed in patients compared with controls. There were no differences between the two groups as regards total cholesterol and low density lipoproteins. Arterial hypertension as a risk factor was associated with lower values of high density lipoproteins and with more elevated values of low density lipoproteins, triglycerides, very low density lipoproteins and atherogenic index. No relation was found between arterial hypertension and total cholesterol. It was concluded that it was necessary to control lipids in cerebral infarction

    Matrix Metalloproteinases in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

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    Fundament: The proteolitic rupture of the extracellular matrix due to metalloproteinase 2 and 9 is one of the aspects that can influence in the alteration of the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in multiple sclerosis. Objective: To determine metalloproteinase activity with gelatinous activity in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Methods: the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples taken from 31 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis and a control group formed by 21 patients without neurological disease. The metalloproteinase 2 and 9 activities in the cerebrospinal fluid were determined by zimográfica technique through polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The bands were later analysed by their molecular weight and the relative metalloproteinase 9 activity was calculated. Total protein concentrations, albumin and immunoglobulin G (IgG), the IgG rate and the Q rate were assessed to evaluate the IgG intrathecal and the functional state of the blood-brain barrier. Results: metalloproteinase 2 activity was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of all patients and control group. Metalloproteinase 9 activity was only found in the 61.3 % of the patients. The presence of relative metalloproteinase 9 activity was neither associated with the clinical variables nor the laboratory ones. An association was found between its presence and the oligoclonal bands in patients with multiple sclerosis. In those patients under immunomodular treatment it was presented with less frequency. Conclusions: There is a possible participation of Metalloproteinase 9 in the immunopathological mechanisms of the multiple sclerosis

    Adverse Reactions due to the Usage Ofadverse Effects due to the Usage of T biomodulina and corticotropin in Patients Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis

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    Background: T biomodulina is a thymic natural product with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulator action. Corticotropin is a steroid which is also used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Objetives: To compare the adverse effects of the biomodulina and corticotroprin in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Methods: Phase II clinical trial, open, randomized and controlled on 17 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis to whom the following treatment was applied: group one, 100mg IV biomodulina during 10 days, 20 mg the following 20 days; group two: 1 mg of corticotroprin during 10 days followed by 0,5 mg the very next 20 days. The adverse events were evaluated from the 10th day up to the 30th day classifying its intensity as absent, mild, moderate, severe, very severe. The duration and the type of event were also classified. Results: Safeness on 8 patients treated with biomodulina and 7 patients treated with cortcotropin were assessed. 40 adverse events took place: 24 patients in whose corticotropin was used, 16 in the treatment with biomodulina (80 and 53, 3% respectively), while the moderate adverse reactions in the usage of corticotropin were more frequent. The shorter period of time of the events was produced by biomodulina. Conclusions: The usage of biomodulina was safer in the treatment of multiple sclerosis because the adverse events as well as the period of time were less intense. </strong

    Expresión génica de interleucina 1 en la deficiencia de proteínas y vitamina A

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    Tomando como referencia los niveles de ingestión de proteínas y vitamina A informados en los estudios de la población cubana durante la epidemia de neuropatía de 1993, se ejecutó un biomodelo en ratas, con el objetivo de evaluar la incidencia de estos niveles sobre algunos indicadores del estado nutricional y de la respuesta inmune. Para ello se ensayaron 4 dietas: control, deficiente en proteínas, deficiente en vitamina A y deficiente en proteínas y vitamina A. La Interleucina 1 (IL-1) se evaluó a partir de su expresión en las placas de Peyer y los resultados obtenidos se relacionaron con indicadores del estado nutricional como peso, ingesta, recambio proteico, proteínas plasmáticas y vitamina A, con indicadores inmunológicos (conteo celular y complemento hemolítico total) y con el estudio histológico realizado en timo, bazo e hígado. La deficiencia de proteínas disminuyó la expresión génica de IL-1, la cual se asoció con lesiones degenerativas y de atrofia en los órganos estudiados. La deficiencia de proteínas y vitamina A provocó una estimulación de la expresión génica de IL-1, asociada además con indicadores sensibles del estado inflamatorio, que pudiera ser el resultado de una movilización deficiente de retinol hacia los tejidos. Los resultados obtenidos en el biomodelo abren la posibilidad de utilización de las citocinas en la detección de afectaciones subclínicas del sistema inmune provocadas por deficiencias nutricionalesGene expression of Interleukin 1 in vitamin A and protein deficiency. The influence of low levels of protein and vitamin A on indicators of the immune response was assayed in rats. The levels of protein and vitamin A intake of the Cuban population affected by epidemic neuropathy in 1993 was reproduced in 4 diets: control, protein deficiency (DP), vitamin A deficiency (DA), protein and vitamin A deficiency (DAP). The Peyer’s patches evaluated the Interleukin 1 expression gene and was related with corporal weight, food intake, serum protein, vitamin A, immunology indicators and histology evaluation (spleen, thymus and liver). Protein deficiency generated a significant decrease of the expression gene of Interleukin 1. Atrophy signs in lymphoid tissues and morphologic changes in the liver were associated with the dietary protein utilization. Protein and vitamin A deficiency generated significant stimulation of the Interleukin 1 expression gene with increase of the level of the inflammatory state indicators as serum a protein, total complement and neutrophils. This stimulation could be generated by a deficient retinol mobilization to tissues. These results support the hypothesis of the function of citokines as mediators of subclinical symthoms of the immune system during the nutritional affectation