73 research outputs found

    Characterization of celiac disease related oat proteins: bases for the development of high quality oat varieties suitable for celiac patients

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    Some studies have suggested that the immunogenicity of oats depends on the cultivar. RP-HPLC has been proposed as a useful technique to select varieties of oats with reduced immunogenicity. The aim of this study was to identify both the avenin protein patterns associated with low gluten content and the available variability for the development of new non-toxic oat cultivars. The peaks of alcohol-soluble avenins of a collection of landraces and cultivars of oats have been characterized based on the RP-HPLC elution times. The immunotoxicity of oat varieties for patients with celiac disease (CD) has been tested using a competitive ELISA based on G12 monoclonal antibody. The oat lines show, on average, seven avenin peaks giving profiles with certain similarities. Based on this similarity, most of the accessions have been grouped into avenin patterns. The variability of RP-HPLC profiles of the collection is great, but not sufficient to uniquely identify the different varieties of the set. Overall, the immunogenicity of the collection is less than 20 ppm. However, there is a different distribution of toxicity ranges between the different peak patterns. We conclude that the RP-HPLC technique is useful to establish groups of varieties differing in degree of toxicity for CD patients.España Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad Project IPT-2011-1321-010000España, Junta de AndalucĂ­a Project P12-AGR-176

    An algorithm for computing cocyclic matrices developed over some semidirect products

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    An algorithm for calculating a set ofgenerators ofrepresentative 2-cocycles on semidirect product offinite abelian groups is constructed, in light ofthe theory over cocyclic matrices developed by Horadam and de Launey in [7],[8]. The method involves some homological perturbation techniques [3],[1], in the homological correspondent to the work which Grabmeier and Lambe described in [12] from the viewpoint ofcohomology . Examples ofexplicit computations over all dihedral groups D 4t are given, with aid of Mathematica

    Homological models for semidirect products of finitely generated Abelian groups

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    Let G be a semidirect product of finitely generated Abelian groups. We provide a method for constructing an explicit contraction (special homotopy equivalence) from the reduced bar construction of the group ring of G, B¯¯¯¯(ZZ[G]) , to a much smaller DGA-module hG. Such a contraction is called a homological model for G and is used as the input datum in the methods described in Álvarez et al. (J Symb Comput 44:558–570, 2009; 2012) for calculating a generating set for representative 2-cocycles and n-cocycles over G, respectively. These computations have led to the finding of new cocyclic Hadamard matrices (Álvarez et al. in 2006)

    The homological reduction method for computing cocyclic Hadamard matrices

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    An alternate method for constructing (Hadamard) cocyclic matrices over a finite group GG is described. Provided that a homological model View the MathML sourceB̄(Z[G])ϕ:⇌HFhG for GG is known, the homological reduction method automatically generates a full basis for 2-cocycles over GG (including 2-coboundaries). From these data, either an exhaustive or a heuristic search for Hadamard cocyclic matrices is then developed. The knowledge of an explicit basis for 2-cocycles which includes 2-coboundaries is a key point for the designing of the heuristic search. It is worth noting that some Hadamard cocyclic matrices have been obtained over groups GG for which the exhaustive searching techniques are not feasible. From the computational-cost point of view, even in the case that the calculation of such a homological model is also included, comparison with other methods in the literature shows that the homological reduction method drastically reduces the required computing time of the operations involved, so that even exhaustive searches succeeded at orders for which previous calculations could not be completed. With aid of an implementation of the method in Mathematica, some examples are discussed, including the case of very well-known groups (finite abelian groups, dihedral groups) for clarity

    Computing “Small” 1–Homological Models for Commutative Differential Graded Algebras

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    We use homological perturbation machinery specific for the algebra category [13] to give an algorithm for computing the differential structure of a small 1– homological model for commutative differential graded algebras (briefly, CDGAs). The complexity of the procedure is studied and a computer package in Mathematica is described for determining such models.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia PB98–1621–C02–02Junta de Andalucía FQM–014

    Algebra Structures on the Comparison of the Reduced Bar Construction and the Reduced W-Construction

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    For a simplicial augmented algebra K, Eilenberg–Mac Lane constructed a chain map . They proved that g is a reduction (homology isomorphism) and conjectured that it is also the injection of a contraction (special homotopy equivalence). The contraction is followed at once by using homological perturbation techniques. If K is commutative, Eilenberg–Mac Lane proved that g is a morphism of DGA-algebras. The present article is devoted to proving that f and φ satisfy certain multiplicative properties (weaker than g) and showing how they can be used for computing in an economical way the homology of twisted cartesian products of two Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces.Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM–29

    On higher dimensional cocyclic Hadamard matrices

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    Provided that a cohomological model for G is known, we describe a method for constructing a basis for n-cocycles over G, from which the whole set of n-dimensional n-cocyclic matrices over G may be straightforwardly calculated. Focusing in the case n=2 (which is of special interest, e.g. for looking for cocyclic Hadamard matrices), this method provides a basis for 2-cocycles in such a way that representative 2-cocycles are calculated all at once, so that there is no need to distinguish between inflation and transgression 2-cocycles (as it has traditionally been the case until now). When n>2, this method provides an uniform way of looking for higher dimensional n-cocyclic Hadamard matrices for the first time. We illustrate the method with some examples, for n=2,3. In particular, we give some examples of improper 3-dimensional 3-cocyclic Hadamard matrices

    Calculating cocyclic hadamard matrices in Mathematica: exhaustive and heuristic searches

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    We describe a notebook in Mathematica which, taking as input data a homological model for a finite group G of order |G| = 4t, performs an exhaustive search for constructing the whole set of cocyclic Hadamard matrices over G. Since such an exhaustive search is not practical for orders 4t ≄28, the program also provides an alternate method, in which an heuristic search (in terms of a genetic algorithm) is performed. We include some executions and example

    Expression of miR159 is altered in tomato plants undergoing drought stress

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    In a scenario of global climate change,water scarcity is amajor threat for agriculture, severely limiting crop yields. Therefore, alternatives are urgently needed for improving plant adaptation to drought stress. Among them, gene expression reprogramming by microRNAs (miRNAs) might offer a biotechnologically sound strategy. Drought-responsive miRNAs have been reported in manyplant species, and some of them are known to participate in complex regulatory networks via their regulation of transcription factors involved in water stress signaling. We explored the role of miR159 in the response of Solanum lycopersicum Mill. plants to drought stress by analyzing the expression of sly-miR159 and its target SlMYB transcription factor genes in tomato plants of cv. Ailsa Craig grown in deprived water conditions or in response to mechanical damage caused by the Colorado potato beetle, a devastating insect pest of Solanaceae plants. Results showed that sly-miR159 regulatory function in the tomato plants response to distinct stresses might be mediated by differential stress-speciïŹc MYB transcription factor targeting. sly-miR159 targeting of SlMYB33 transcription factor transcript correlated with accumulation of the osmoprotective compounds proline and putrescine, which promote drought tolerance. This highlights the potential role of sly-miR159 in tomato plants' adaptation to water deïŹcit conditions
