35 research outputs found

    Laser Ignition and Flame Speed Measurements in Oxy-Methane Mixtures Diluted With CO2

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    Ignition and flame propagation in methane/O2 mixtures diluted with CO2 are studied. A laser ignition system and dynamic pressure transducer are utilized to ignite the mixture and to record the combustion pressure, respectively. The laminar burning velocities (LBVs) are obtained at room temperature and atmospheric pressure in a spherical combustion chamber. Flame initiation and propagation are recorded by using a high-speed camera in select experiments to visualize the effect of CO2 proportionality on the combustion behavior. The LBV is studied for a range of equivalence ratios (φ = 0.8-1.3, in steps of 0.1) and oxygen ratios, D = O2/(O2 + CO2) (26-38% by volume). It was found that the LBV decreases by increasing the CO2 proportionality. It was observed that the flame propagates toward the laser at a faster rate as the CO2 proportionality increases, where it was not possible to obtain LBV due to the deviation from spherical flame shape. Current LBV data are in very good agreement with existing literature data. The premixed flame model from chemkin pro (Reaction Design, 2011, CHEMKIN-PRO 15112, Reaction Design, San Diego, CA) software and two mechanisms (GRI-Mech 3.0 (Smith et al., 1999, The GRI 3.0 Chemical Kinetic Mechanism, http://www.me.Berkeley.edu/gri-mech/) and ARAMCO Mech 1.3 (Metcalfe et al., 2013, A Hierarchical and Comparative Kinetic Modeling Study of C1-C2 Hydrocarbon and Oxygenated Fuels, Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 45(10), pp. 638-675)) are used to simulate the current data. In general, simulations are in reasonable agreement with current data. Additionally, sensitivity analysis is carried out to understand the important reactions that influence the predicted flame speeds. Improvements to the GRI predictions are suggested after incorporating latest reaction rates from literature for key reactions

    Datasets for high hydrogen content syngas fuel variability effect on combustion physicochemical properties.

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    The dataset presented in this article is related to the uncertainty quantification of fuel variability effect on high hydrogen content syngas combustion physicochemical properties. The 1D flame data included in this dataset are collected using PREMIX module available in Chemkin-Pro. Inputs to and outputs collected from the PREMIX module are generated and post-processed using UQTk-3.0.4, an open-access uncertainty quantification (UQ) toolkit developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The 1D flame data here refers to the calculation of flame speed, flame temperature, NO emission, etc. using three detailed chemical mechanisms: the GRI-Mech 3.0, the San Diego, and the NUI Galway Mechanism. The main analysis performed using UQTk-3.0.4 focuses on obtaining main and joint sensitivity effects (Sobol Indices) of uniformly distributed fuel uncertainty on 1D premixed physicochemical property. Other parameters such as the resulted probability density function or fluctuation of these properties are also explored. This new and original dataset is suitable for further analyzing fuel variability effect on other significant flame controlling parameters such as Karlovitz number, flame thickness, etc. in the discipline of turbulent combustion simulation