2,946 research outputs found
The Spectral Evolution of Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810--197
(Abridged) We present a multi-epoch spectral study of the Transient Anomalous
X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197 obtained with the XMM X-ray telescope. Four
observations taken over the course of a year reveal strong spectral evolution
as the source fades from outburst. The origin of this is traced to the
individual decay rates of the pulsar's spectral components. A 2-T fit at each
epoch requires nearly constant temperatures of kT=0.25 & 0.67 keV while the
component luminosities decrease exponentially with tau=900 & 300d,
respectively. One possible interpretation is that the slowly decaying cooler
component is the radiation from a deep heating event that affected a large
fraction of the crust, while the hotter component is powered by external
surface heating at the foot-points of twisted magnetic field lines, by
magnetospheric currents that are decaying more rapidly. The energy-dependent
pulse profile of XTE J1810-197 is well modeled at all epochs by the sum of a
sine and triangle function. These profiles peak at the same phase, suggesting a
concentric surface emission geometry. The spectral and pulse evolution together
argue against the presence of a significant ``power-law'' contribution to the
X-ray spectrum below 8 keV. The extrapolated flux is projected to return to the
historic quiescent level, characterized by an even cooler blackbody spectrum,
by the year 2007.Comment: 12 pages, 6 Figures, Latex, emulateapj. To appear in the
Astrophysical Journa
VLT observations of the magnetar CXO J164710.2-455216 and the detection of a candidate infrared counterpart
We present deep observations of the field of the magnetar CXOJ164710.2-455216
in the star cluster Westerlund 1, obtained in the near-infrared with the
adaptive optics camera NACO@VLT. We detected a possible candidate counterpart
at the {\em Chandra} position of the magnetar, of magnitudes , , and . The K-band measurements available for two epochs (2006 and
2013) do not show significant signs of variability but only a marginal
indication that the flux varied (at the 2 level), consistent with the
fact that the observations were taken when CXOJ164710.2-455216 was in
quiescence. At the same time, we also present colour--magnitude and
colour--colour diagrams in the J, H, and K bands from the 2006 epoch
only, the only one with observations in all three bands, showing that the
candidate counterpart lies in the main bulk of objects describing a relatively
well--defined sequence. Therefore, based on its colours and lack of
variability, we cannot yet associate the candidate counterpart to
CXOJ164710.2-455216. Future near-infrared observations of the field,
following-up a source outburst, would be crucial to confirm the association
from the detection of near-infrared variability and colour evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Long term hard X-ray variability of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1RXS J170849.0-400910 discovered with INTEGRAL
We report on a multi-band high-energy observing campaign aimed at studying
the long term spectral variability of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) 1RXS
J170849.0-400910, one of the magnetar candidates. We observed 1RXS
J170849.0-400910 in Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 simultaneously with Swift/XRT, in
the 0.1-10 keV energy range, and with INTEGRAL/IBIS, in the 20-200 keV energy
range. Furthermore, we also reanalyzed, using the latest calibration and
software, all the publicly available INTEGRAL data since 2002, and the soft
X-ray data starting from 1999 taken using BeppoSAX, Chandra, XMM, and
Swift/XRT, in order to study the soft and hard X-ray spectral variability of
1RXS J170849.0-400910. We find a long-term variability of the hard X-ray flux,
extending the hardness-intensity correlation proposed for this source over 2
orders of magnitude in energy.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Astrophysics main journa
Observations of one young and three middle-aged -ray pulsars with the Gran Telescopio Canarias
We used the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias to search for the optical
counterparts to four isolated -ray pulsars, all detected in the X-rays
by either \xmm\ or \chan\ but not yet in the optical. Three of them are
middle-aged pulsars -- PSR\, J1846+0919 (0.36 Myr), PSR\, J2055+2539 (1.2 Myr),
PSR\, J2043+2740 (1.2 Myr) -- and one, PSR\, J1907+0602, is a young pulsar
(19.5 kyr). For both PSR\, J1907+0602 and PSR\, J2055+2539 we found one object
close to the pulsar position. However, in both cases such an object cannot be a
viable candidate counterpart to the pulsar. For PSR\, J1907+0602, because it
would imply an anomalously red spectrum for the pulsar and for PSR\, J2055+2539
because the pulsar would be unrealistically bright () for the
assumed distance and interstellar extinction. For PSR\, J1846+0919, we found no
object sufficiently close to the expected position to claim a possible
association, whereas for PSR\, J2043+2740 we confirm our previous findings that
the object nearest to the pulsar position is an unrelated field star. We used
our brightness limits (), the first obtained with a
large-aperture telescope for both PSR\, J1846+0919 and PSR\, J2055+2539, to
constrain the optical emission properties of these pulsars and investigate the
presence of spectral turnovers at low energies in their multi-wavelength
spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accpted for publication in MNRA
Magnetars' Giant Flares: the case of SGR 1806-20
We first review on the peculiar characteristics of the bursting and flaring
activity of the Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars. We then
report on the properties of the SGR 1806-20's Giant Flare occurred on 2004
December 27th, with particular interest on the pre and post flare
intensity/hardness correlated variability. We show that these findings are
consistent with the picture of a twisted internal magnetic field which stresses
the star solid crust that finally cracks causing the giant flare (and the
observed torsional oscillations). This crustal fracturing is accompanied by a
simplification of the external magnetic field with a (partial) untwisting of
the magnetosphere.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in the Chinese Journal
for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vulcano conference - 2005
Large Binocular Telescope observations of PSR J2043+2740
We present the results of deep optical imaging of the radio/-ray
pulsar PSR J2043+2740, obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). With
a characteristic age of 1.2 Myr, PSR J2043+2740 is one of the oldest (non
recycled) pulsars detected in -rays, although with still a quite high
rotational energy reservoir ( erg
s). The presumably close distance (a few hundred pc), suggested by the
hydrogen column density ( cm),
would make it a viable target for deep optical observations, never attempted
until now. We observed the pulsar with the Large Binocular Camera of the LBT.
The only object (V=25.440.05) detected within ~3" from the pulsar radio
coordinates is unrelated to it. PSR J2043+2740 is, thus, undetected down to
V~26.6 (3-), the deepest limit on its optical emission. We discuss the
implications of this result on the pulsar emission properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA
Deep-water sedimentation processes on a glaciated margin: The Foula Wedge trough mouth fan, West of Shetland
Trough Mouth Fans (TMF) are sedimentary depocenters located at glaciated continental margins and consist predominantly of glacigenic debris flow deposits. The Foula wedge is a Pleistocene TMF accumulated offshore West of Shetland over the Northeast Atlantic margin. This study presents an analysis of a 3D seismic reflection dataset imaging the distal Foula wedge basin fan deposits between 1010 and 1100 m water depth, directly downslope from a gully system which was active untill the end of the last deglaciation. Results reveal, in unprecedented detail, the basal surface of this fan system and its internal complex architecture. Features typical of both debris flow deposits and turbidites are identified, including a basin channel network with linear and diverging erosional features forming distinctive terminal lobes, stacked and backstepping. The study links the seafloor morphology of the basin fan with its subsurface geomorphology, showing connection with the downslope gully system to the east. It presents evidence for a complex distal depositional system on glaciated margins, characterised by heterogeneous sediment delivery processes and deposits. A conceptual evolution model is proposed, with a glacigenic debris flow-dominated TMF at the LGM, subsequently influenced by meltwater discharges, with deposition occurring as a function of the shelf margin and slope paleo-morphology, slope substrate composition, interaction of downslope and along slope processes and ice-margin dynamics
Building Names at Eastern Washington University
This document provides information about the history of the buildings located on Eastern Washington University\u27s Cheney campus and the buildings\u27 namesakes. The document was created by University Archivist Charles Mutschler and updated by Jay Rea and Steven Bingo in 2019
Chronology of the History of Eastern Washington University
This chronology of the history of Eastern Washington University has been compiled by many persons, under the direction of the University Archivist. Intended for use by persons at the university, the chronology was originally created for use by the EWU Centennial Committee in 1981. The university was then planning activities to commemorate the centennial of the opening of the institutionsâ predecessor, the Benjamin P. Cheney Academy.--from the Foreword
Cytochrome P450 BM3 as versatile biocatalytic tool in drug development
Vermeulen, N.P.E. [Promotor]Commandeur, J.N.M. [Copromotor
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