32 research outputs found
Аctivity of stomach secretory glands and the nitrergic mechanisms of their regulatiоn under the condition of the adrenalin ulcer simulation
Досліджено участь нітрергічної ланки у регуляції секреторної активності шлунка щурів у інтактному стані та за умов моделювання виразкових ушкоджень гастродуоденальної зони. Встановлено, що в інтактному стані NO здійснює гальмівний вплив на кислу шлункову секрецію. На ранніх етапах розвитку ерозивно-виразкових ушкоджень нітрергічні механізми регуляції виконують захисну адаптаційно-компенсаторну функцію слизової оболонки шлунка, а у віддаленіші строки ці механізми втрачають таку властивість.Исследовано участие нитрергичнои звена в регуляции секреторной активности желудка крыс в интактном состоянии и в условиях моделирования язвенных повреждений гастродуоденальной зоны. Установлено, что в интактном состоянии NO осуществляет тормозящее влияние на кислую желудочную секрецию. На ранних этапах развития эрозивно-язвенных повреждений нитрергични механизмы регуляции выполняют защитную адаптационно-компенсаторную функцию слизистой оболочки желудка, а в отдаленные сроки эти механиз¬мы теряют такое свойство.Participating of nitrergic link in the regulation of secretory activity in the stomach was investigated in the intact rats under the condition of ulcerous damage in the gastro-duodenal area. It was found that in the intact rats NO decreases the acid gastric secretion. On the early stages of the ulcer development the nitrergic mechanisms of regulation execute the protective adaptation-compensative function of the mucous coat of stomach, but in remote terms these mechanisms lose such ability
It was determined that liquid extract of herbal remedy «Noophyt» had. a sedative effect in unpunishable behaviour conditions. The remedy reliably increases number of exits and duration of stay in open branches of uplifted. X-shaped labyrinth number of transitions and. duration of stay in a light part of dark/light chamber
Wound-healing effect of polyguanidine-based hydrogel
This article present the evaluation of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel influence on the course of wound healing processes. Synthesis of hydrogel is based on the interaction of amino-end groups of the polymer with carbonyl compounds. The presence of significant biocidal properties of the gel-forming polymer is allowed to consider the hydrogel as a wound healing agent. Since most wound healing agents for external use are made in the form of gels, ointments, polymer-based, it was decided to use the wound healing agent "Levomekol", a gel which consists of poly (ethylene oxide) as a comparison drug. So, in terms of linear skin-muscle wound we established the pronounced wound-healing effect of a polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel. The results of pathomorphological studies revealed that in animals of the experimental "hydrogel" group on the eighth day of the experiment, the wound was undergoing a process of rejection of the scab, the presence of mature granulation tissue and no exudate was also observed. In the comparison group, the healing process was more slow, on the eighth day of the experiment in the animal group we observed the presence of fluid under the eschar, and lower amount of mature granulation tissue. Tensiometry of the scar has shown that the strength of scar rupture in the "hydrogel" group requires 65 % more force compared to the control group, while in the group of comparison this parameter made only 48 %
First Measurement of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering on Argon
We report the first measurement of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus
scattering (\cevns) on argon using a liquid argon detector at the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source. Two independent analyses prefer
\cevns over the background-only null hypothesis with greater than
significance. The measured cross section, averaged over the incident neutrino
flux, is (2.2 0.7) 10 cm -- consistent with the
standard model prediction. The neutron-number dependence of this result,
together with that from our previous measurement on CsI, confirms the existence
of the \cevns process and provides improved constraints on non-standard
neutrino interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures with 2 pages, 6 figures supplementary material V3:
fixes to figs 3,4 V4: fix typo in table 1, V5: replaced missing appendix, V6:
fix Eq 1, new fig 3, V7 final version, updated with final revision
Accessing new physics with an undoped, cryogenic CsI CEvNS detector for COHERENT at the SNS
We consider the potential for a 10-kg undoped cryogenic CsI detector
operating at the Spallation Neutron Source to measure coherent elastic
neutrino-nucleus scattering and its sensitivity to discover new physics beyond
the standard model. Through a combination of increased event rate, lower
threshold, and good timing resolution, such a detector would significantly
improve on past measurements. We considered tests of several
beyond-the-standard-model scenarios such as neutrino non-standard interactions
and accelerator-produced dark matter. This detector's performance was also
studied for relevant questions in nuclear physics and neutrino astronomy,
namely the weak charge distribution of CsI nuclei and detection of neutrinos
from a core-collapse supernova
Development of a Kr source for the calibration of the CENNS-10 Liquid Argon Detector
We report on the preparation of and calibration measurements with a
Kr source for the CENNS-10 liquid argon detector.
Kr atoms generated in the decay of a Rb source were
introduced into the detector via injection into the Ar circulation loop.
Scintillation light arising from the 9.4 keV and 32.1 keV conversion electrons
in the decay of Kr in the detector volume were then observed.
This calibration source allows the characterization of the low-energy response
of the CENNS-10 detector and is applicable to other low-energy-threshold
detectors. The energy resolution of the detector was measured to be 9 at
the total Kr decay energy of 41.5 keV. We performed an
analysis to separately calibrate the detector using the two conversion
electrons at 9.4 keV and 32.1 keVComment: v2: As accepted to JINS
Measurement of scintillation response of CsI[Na] to low-energy nuclear recoils by COHERENT
We present results of several measurements of CsI[Na] scintillation response
to 3-60 keV energy nuclear recoils performed by the COHERENT collaboration
using tagged neutron elastic scattering experiments and an endpoint technique.
Earlier results, used to estimate the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus
scattering (CEvNS) event rate for the first observation of this process
achieved by COHERENT at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), have been
reassessed. We discuss corrections for the identified systematic effects and
update the respective uncertainty values. The impact of updated results on
future precision tests of CEvNS is estimated. We scrutinize potential
systematic effects that could affect each measurement. In particular we confirm
the response of the H11934-200 Hamamatsu photomultiplier tube (PMT) used for
the measurements presented in this study to be linear in the relevant signal
scale region.Comment: The version accepted by JINST. The changes made as a result of the
peer review process: 1. Section 8 "Global CsI[Na] QF data fit" is expanded.
The main fit result and its uncertainty is NOT CHANGED. An alternative fit is
now shown in Figure 14, Figure 15 is added to further validate the
assumptions in the main fit. 2. The Appendix B is restructured for clarit
Measurement of Pb(,X) production with a stopped-pion neutrino source
Using neutrinos produced at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL), the COHERENT collaboration has studied the
Pb(,X) process with a lead neutrino-induced-neutron (NIN) detector.
Data from this detector are fit jointly with previously collected COHERENT data
on this process. A combined analysis of the two datasets yields a cross section
that is times that predicted by the MARLEY event
generator using experimentally-measured Gamow-Teller strength distributions,
consistent with no NIN events at 1.8. This is the first inelastic
neutrino-nucleus process COHERENT has studied, among several planned exploiting
the high flux of low-energy neutrinos produced at the SNS.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, version accepted by Phys. Rev.