4 research outputs found

    Caracter铆stica de la preparaci贸n del personal para la gesti贸n de conflictos en la organizaci贸n

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    The analysis of the personnel competence, reflected in the professional standards, allows us to identify the main areas of training that have a positive impact on the challenges of the external environment. At the same time, employees of the organization, as a rule, have different professional training and practical experience. From this perspective, the phenomenon of in-house training of the personnel is updated, under which the training is carried out on the basis of the organization and aimed at achieving the objectives to develop it. Communication, as a mechanism of using communicative skills that can have both positive and negative effects, occupies a leading position in the professional activities of the personnel. Thus, it is connected, in most cases, with conflicts, in particular, the lack of personnel preparedness and readiness to manage them. Researchers are actively engaged in finding the ways to prevent and resolve conflicts, using various forms of post-graduate training, including in-house training of adult audience.El an谩lisis de la competencia del personal, reflejado en los est谩ndares profesionales, nos permite identificar las principales 谩reas de capacitaci贸n que tienen un impacto positivo en los desaf铆os del entorno externo. Al mismo tiempo, los empleados de la organizaci贸n, por regla general, tienen diferente formaci贸n profesional y experiencia pr谩ctica. Desde esta perspectiva, se actualiza el fen贸meno de la capacitaci贸n interna del personal, en virtud del cual la capacitaci贸n se lleva a cabo sobre la base de la organizaci贸n y dirigida a lograr los objetivos para desarrollarla. La comunicaci贸n, como mecanismo para utilizar habilidades comunicativas que pueden tener efectos tanto positivos como negativos, ocupa una posici贸n de liderazgo en las actividades profesionales del personal. Por lo tanto, est谩 relacionado, en la mayor铆a de los casos, con conflictos, en particular, la falta de preparaci贸n y preparaci贸n del personal para manejarlos. Los investigadores participan activamente en la b煤squeda de formas de prevenir y resolver conflictos, utilizando diversas formas de capacitaci贸n de posgrado, incluida la capacitaci贸n interna de la audiencia adulta

    Characteristic of Personnel Readiness for Conflict Management in the Organization

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    The analysis of the personnel competence, reflected in the professional standards, allows us to identify the main areas of training that have a positive impact on the challenges of the external environment. At the same time, employees of the organization, as a rule, have different professional training and practical experience. From this perspective, the phenomenon of in-house training of the personnel is updated, under which the training is carried out on the basis of the organization and aimed at achieving the objectives to develop it. Communication, as a mechanism of using communicative skills that can have both positive and negative effects, occupies a leading position in the professional activities of the personnel. Thus, it is connected, in most cases, with conflicts, in particular, the lack of personnel preparedness and readiness to manage them. Researchers are actively engaged in finding the ways to prevent and resolve conflicts, using various forms of post-graduate training, including in-house training of adult audience