7 research outputs found

    Comparing the psychological well-being and job performance between male and female employees in Universiti Malaysia Sabah: covid-19 post pandemic study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on individual’s psychological well-being and job performance. This study aimed to examine the relationship between psychological well-being and job performance among male and female employees at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in the post-pandemic period. A total of 152 employees participated in an online survey that assessed psychological well-being (using Psychological Well-being Survey) and job performance (using the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire- IWPQ). Results of a t-test revealed that female employees had significantly higher levels of most psychological well-being dimensions (autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, relations with others and self-acceptance). However, no significant difference was found between male and female employees in term of purpose in life dimension in psychological well-being. Meanwhile findings showed that female employees had significantly higher levels of two dimensions in job performance (task performance and conceptual performance) but not significant in counterproductive work behavior dimension in job performance. These findings suggest that male and female employees do differ in psychological well-being and job performance in the post-pandemic period. To determine strategies for promoting the psychological well-being and job performance of all employees in the post-pandemic period, further research is required to investigate potential explanations for these findings

    Penilaian psikologi profiling di antara penglibatan belia lelaki dan wanita dalam sukan taekwondo di Kota Kinabalu

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji penilaian psikologi profiling dari segi perkembangan kemahiran-kemahiran mental (kemahiran asas, kemahiran psiko-somatik dan kemahiran kognitif) ke atas para atlet belia lelaki dan wanita yang menyertai sukan taekwondo. Seramai 43 atlet belia yang menyertai sukan taekwondo dalam 3rd Asian University Malaysia Championship dijadikan sebagai responden. Alat kajian yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemahiran-kemahiran mental adalah Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool-3 (OMSAT-3). Alat kajian ini mengukur kemahiran-kemahiran mental dalam tiga kategori iaitu kemahiran asas, kemahiran psiko-somatik dan kemahiran kognitif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peserta wanita cenderung mempunyai kemahiran psikosomatik dari segi kawalan ketakutan, manakala atlet lelaki cenderung dalam kemahiran asas. Ini bermakna, sukan taekwondo membantu dalam meningkatkan kemahiran-kemahiran mental terutama belia wanita dalam pembentukan kemahiran psiko-somatik iaitu pengawalan dari segi ketakutan dan tekanan. Penglibatan dalam sukan taekwondo juga membantu dalam pembentukan kemahiran kognitif para belia wanita dalam membuat perancangan dan lebih fokus dalam menghadapi situasi yang mencaba

    The relationship between ethnocultural empathy and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) among public servants in Sabah

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    Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) throughout literatures provides evidence that benefits for both employees and the organizations in terms of increasing the level of employees’ well-being, work satisfaction, customers’ satisfaction as well as the quality of work performance. Hence, it is important to understand the possible reasons behind the occurence of OCB in order to increase the likelihood of employees to engage in OCB. Based on the prosocial motivational concept, empathy is the main motivator to helping behaviours thus open up the possibility of linkage between empathy and extra-role behaviours such as OCB. Moreover, this linkage is important for public employees especially those who are working in the organizations that have multi-ethnic employees as well as providing services to meet vast of societal needs and demands. The present article set out to examine the relationship between ethnocultural empathy and OCB among public employees in Sabah. A cross-sectional survey was used to gather a response of 213 public employees who are working in the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Negeri Sabah (JPN) based on the selected districts in Sabah. Results showed positive relationships between organizational citizenship behaviour-individual (OCBI) with empathic feeling and expressions (EFE), empathic perspective taking (EPT), and empathic awareness (EA) dimensions. Results also showed positive relationships between organizational citizenship behaviour-organization (OCBO) with only EFE and EPT dimensions. By focusing the aspect of culture in empathy such as ethnocultural empathy can help researchers to understand how culture influence the cognition and emotions of individuals to understand other people’s experiences especially those who have different cultural and ethnic background. Apart from that, the concept itself strengthen the ability to understand the thinking and feeling of others in their cultural context thus increases the likelihood to perform extra-role behaviour such as OCB

    The relationship between ethnocultural empathy and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among public servants in Sabah

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    Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) throughout literature provides evidence that benefits both employees and the organizations in terms of increasing the level of employees' well-being, work satisfaction, customers' satisfaction as well as the quality of work performance. Hence, it is important to understand the possible reasons behind the occurrence of OCB to increase the likelihood of employees engaging in OCB. Based on the prosocial motivational concept, empathy is the main motivator to helping behaviors thus open up the possibility of linkage between empathy and extra-role behaviors such as OCB. Moreover, this linkage is important for public employees especially those who are working in organizations that have multi-ethnic employees as well as providing services to meet vast societal needs and demands. The present article set out to examine the relationship between ethnocultural empathy and OCB among public employees in Sabah. A cross-sectional survey was used to gather a response of 213 public employees who are working in the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Negeri Sabah (JPN) based on the selected districts in Sabah. Results showed positive relationships between organizational citizenship behavior-individual (OCBI) with empathic awareness (EA) dimensions. Results also showed positive relationships between organizational citizenship behavior-organization (OCBO) with empathic feeling and emotion (EFE). By focusing on the aspect of culture in empathy such as ethnocultural empathy can help researchers to understand how culture influences the cognition and emotions of individuals to understand other people's experiences especially those who have a different cultural and ethnic background. Apart from that, the concept itself strengthens the ability to understand the thinking and feeling of others in their cultural context thus increases the likelihood to perform extra-role behavior such as OCB

    Keyakinan memuat naik gambar selfie dan krisis identiti diri

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    Salah satu kes di Rusia iaitu seorang remaja berusia 17 tahun meninggal dunia setelah terjatuh dari tingkat sembilan semasa merakam selfie. Di Malaysia juga tidak terkecuali seperti kes sekumpulan remaja merakam selfie di suspender jambatan tanpa sebarang tali keselamatan di Jambatan Putrajaya. Harian Metro mengeluarkan kenyataan iaitu selfie dikaitkan dengan tahap keyakinan yang tinggi dalam sosial media. Namun begitu, kajian lepas tidak menyokong kenyataan tersebut kerana sebilangan besar hasil dapatan kajian mendapati individu yang mempunyai tahap penghargaan kendiri yang rendah lebih cenderung menggunakan sosial media. Tambahan pula golongan yang kerap kali dikaitkan dengan aktiviti selfie adalah peringkat remaja iaitu dalam perkembangan psikologi golongan berkenaan masih dalam fasa pembentukan identiti. Oleh itu, objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenalpasti perkaitan di antara memuat naik selfie terhadap penghargaan kendiri dan krisis identiti diri. Responden yang terlibat adalah remaja merangkumi yang masih melanjutkan pengajian dan yang telah bekerja termasuk penganggur serta pengguna aktif aplikasi Instagram. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kolerasi. Jangkaan kajian adalah kekerapan memuat naik selfie mempunyai perkaitan yang signifikan dengan penghargaan kendiri serta tinggi skor krisis identiti diri menunjukkan bahawa selfie patut dikurangkan agar tidak menjejaskan perkembangan psikologi remaja serta berlakunya kecurian identiti digital pada masa hadapan

    Kebolehan Beradaptasi Individu Dan Kebahagiaan: Satu Kajian Dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa Malaysia Dan Indonesia

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    Kebolehan beradaptasi dalam kalangan mahasiswa kurang mendapat perhatian sedangkan ianya penting bukan sahaja ketika menuntut ilmu bahkan dalam menempuh alam pekerjaan juga. Ianya juga penting untuk memahami keadaan sebenar yang dihadapi mahasiswa ketika ini berikutan perubahan drastik sistem pendidikan yang tertumpu kepada interaksi atas talian. Turut menjadi perhatian tentang isu kesihatan mental yang dilihat meningkat dalam kalangan pelajar universiti bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi di Indonesia sehingga menjadi tanda tanya tentang tahap kebahagiaan mahasiswa pada ketika ini. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji tentang kebolehan beradaptasi dan kebahagiaan dalam kalangan mahasiswa di negara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan seramai 120 responden dari Malaysia dan Indonesia telah terlibat dengan kajian ini. Soal selidik yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah I-Adapt Measure dan positive and negative affective schedule (PANAS). Keputusan kajian mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan antara adaptasi dan subskala krisis, budaya, interpersonal,pembelajaran, fizikal, kreativiti dan ketidakpastian antara pelajar Malaysia dan Indonesia. Namun begitu terdapat perbezaan dari segi subskala tekanan antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Keputusan juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan kebahagian dari segi subskala emosi negatif antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Keputusan juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan kebahagian dari segi subskala emosi positif antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Namun dilihat bahawa mahasiswa Indonesia mempunyai tingkat kebahagiaan yang lebih tinggi kerana kurang memiliki emosi negatif. Dilihat bahawa kebolehan beradaptasi juga mempunyai hubungan signifikan terhadap kebahagiaan. Kajian seperti ini perlu dilakukan dengan memperluaskan lagi lokasi kajian iaitu melibatkan mahasiswa darinegara-negara Asia yang lain. Implikasi dan cadangan kajian turut dibincangkan

    The Relationship of Grit Traits on Stress Level and Academic Achievement Among University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Students

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    Traditionally, academic achievement and success is often measured by cognitive abilities such as aptitude and intelligence. However, the grit concept has received attention from researchers as the predictor for academic achievement. Dimensions of grit which are Perseverance of Effort (PE) and Consistency of Interest (CI) plays a different role in an individual. Hence, this quantitative study is conducted to examine the relationship of grit traits on academic achievement and stress level among University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students. In addition, it also examines the differences of dimensions of grit between gender and differences of grit on students’ academic achievement. The study sample consisted of 220 UMS students and was conducted using two instruments, 12- item Grit Scale (Grit-O) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21). Result findings showed no significant relationship of dimensions of grit on academic achievement. Whereas, there is a variety of finding for the relationship of dimensions of grit on stress level. However, only CI is influenced by stress level, while PE does not have any influence. The differences towards dimensions of grit and gender and grit on students’ academic achievement also showed no significant difference which explains that students based on gender and academic achievement categories have the same level of grit. Hence, the overall findings of this study contribute to the increased understanding of the complexities related to the relationship of grit on academic achievement and stress level. Additional limitations and implications are presented along with offerings for further research recommendations