44 research outputs found

    Population genetics and drug resistance markers: an essential for malaria surveillance in Pakistan

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    Plasmodium (P.) vivax is the prevalent malarial species accounting for 70% of malaria cases in Pakistan. However, baseline epidemiological data on P. vivax population structure and drug resistance are lacking from Pakistan. For population structure studies, molecular genetic markers, circumsporozoite protein (csp) and merozoite surface protein-1 (msp-1) are considered useful as these play an important role in P. vivax survival under immune and environmental pressure. Furthermore, these genes have also been identified as suitable candidates for vaccine development. While efforts for effective vaccine are underway, anti-malarial agents remain the mainstay for control. Evidence of resistance against commonly used anti-malarial agents, particularly Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) is threatening to make this form of control defunct. Therefore, studies on drug resistance are necessary so that anti-malarial treatment strategies can be structured and implemented accordingly by the Malaria Control Program, Pakistan. This review aims to provide information on genetic markers of P. vivax population structure and drug resistance and comment on their usefulness in molecular surveillance and control

    In silico targeting of colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor: delineating immunotherapy in cancer

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    Aim: Delineate structure-based inhibition of colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF1R) by small molecule CSF1R inhibitors in clinical development for target identification and potential lead optimization in cancer therapeutics since CSF1R is a novel predictive biomarker for immunotherapy in cancer. Methods: Compounds were in silico modelled by induced fit docking protocol in a molecular operating environment (MOE, MOE.v.2015). The 3-dimensional (3D) X-ray crystallized structure of CSF1R kinase (Protein Databank, ID 4R7H) was obtained from Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RSCB) Protein Databank. The 3D conformers of edicotinib, DCC-3014, ARRY-382, BLZ-945, chiauranib, dovitinib, and sorafenib were obtained from PubChem Database. These structures were modelled in Amber10:EHT molecular force field, and quick prep application was used to correct and optimize the structures for missing residues, H-counts, termini capping, and alternates. The binding site was defined within the vicinity of the co-crystallized ligand of CSF1R kinase. The compounds were docked by the triangular matcher placement method and ranked by the London dG scoring function. The docked poses were further refined by the induced fit method. The pose with the lowest binding score (ΔG) was used to model the ligand interaction profile in Discovery Studio Visualizer v17.2. The co-crystallized ligand was docked in its apo conformation, and root-mean-square deviation was computed to validate the docking protocol. Results: All 7 CSF1R inhibitors interact with residue Met637 exhibiting selectivity except for edicotinib. The inhibitors maintain CSF1R in an auto-inhibitory conformation by interacting with Asp797 of the Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) motif and/or hindering the conserved salt bridge formed between Glu633 and Lys616 thus stabilizing the activation loop, or interacting with tryptophan residue (Trp550) in the juxtamembrane domain. DCC-3014, ARRY-382, BLZ-945, and sorafenib bind with the lowest binding energy with CSF1R kinase. Conclusions: Pyrimidines are potent inhibitors that interact with CSF1R residues. DCC-3014 and ARRY-382 exhibit exceptional pharmaceutical potential exhibiting great structural stability and affinity

    Prevalence of drug resistance associated mutations in plasmodium vivax against sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in southern Pakistan

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    Background: In Pakistan, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum co-exist and usage of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) against P. falciparum exposes P. vivax to the drug leading to generation of resistant alleles. The main aim of this study was to investigate frequency distribution of drug resistance associated mutations in pvdhfr, pvdhps genes and provide baseline molecular epidemiological data on SP-associated resistance in P. vivax from southern Pakistan.Methods: From January 2008 to May 2009, a total of 150 samples were collected from patients tested slide-positive for P. vivax, at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, or its collection units located in Baluchistan and Sindh Province. Nested PCR using pvdhfr and pvdhps specific primers was performed for all samples.91.3% (137/150) of the samples were tested PCR positive of which 87.3% (131/137) were successfully sequenced. Sample sequencing data was analysed and compared against wild type reference sequences.Results: In dhfr, mutations were observed at codons F57L, S58R and S117N/T. Novel non-synonymous mutations were observed at codon positions N50I, G114R and E119K while a synonymous mutation was observed at codon position 69Y. In dhps, mutations were observed at codon position A383G and A553G while novel non-synonymous mutations were observed at codon positions S373T, E380K, P384L, N389T, V392D, T393P, D459A, M601I, A651D and A661V.Conclusion: This is the first report from southern Pakistan on SP resistance in clinical isolates of P. vivax. Results from this study confirm that diverse drug resistant alleles are circulating within this region

    Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax clinical isolates from southern Pakistan using pvcsp and pvmsp1 genetic markers

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    Background: Plasmodium vivax is the prevalent malarial species accounting for 70% of malaria burden in Pakistan; however, there is no baseline data on the circulating genotypes. Studies have shown that polymorphic loci of gene encoding antigens pvcsp and pvmsp1 can be used reliably for conducting molecular epidemiological studies. Therefore, this study aimed to bridge the existing knowledge gap on population structure on P. vivax from Pakistan using these two polymorphic genes. Methods: During the period January 2008 to May 2009, a total of 250 blood samples were collected from patients tested slide positive for P. vivax, at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, or its collection units located in Baluchistan and Sindh Province. Nested PCR/RFLP was performed, using pvcsp and pvmsp1 markers to detect the extent of genetic diversity in clinical isolates of P. vivax from southern Pakistan. Results: A total of 227/250 (91%) isolates were included in the analysis while the remainder were excluded due to negative PCR outcome for P.vivax. Pvcsp analysis showed that both VK 210 (85.5%, 194/227) and VK 247 type (14.5%, 33/227) were found to be circulating in P. vivax isolates from southern Pakistan. A total of sixteen and eighty-seven genotypes of pvcsp and pvmsp-1 were detected respectively. Conculsion: This is the first report from southern Pakistan on characterization of P. vivax isolates confirming that extensively diverse pvcsp and pvmsp1 variants are present within this region. Results from this study provide valuable data on genetic diversity of P. vivax that will be helpful for further epidemiological studies

    Tumor necrosis factor -α, interleukin-10, intercellular and vascular adhesion molecules are possible biomarkers of disease severity in complicated Plasmodium vivax isolates from Pakistan.

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    Background: Cytokine-mediated endothelial activation pathway is a known mechanism of pathogenesis employed by Plasmodium falciparum to induce severe disease symptoms in human host. Though considered benign, complicated cases of Plasmodium vivax are being reported worldwide and from Pakistan. It has been hypothesized that P.vivax utilizes similar mechanism of pathogenesis, as that of P.falciparum for manifestations of severe malaria. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to characterize the role of cytokines and endothelial activation markers in complicated Plasmodium vivax isolates from Pakistan. Methods and Principle Findings: A case control study using plasma samples from well-characterized groups suffering from P.vivax infection including uncomplicated cases (n=100), complicated cases (n=82) and healthy controls (n=100) were investigated. Base line levels of Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Interleukin-10 (IL-10), Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), Vascular adhesion molecule-1(VCAM-1) and Eselectin were measured by ELISA. Correlation of cytokines and endothelial activation markers was done using Spearman’s correlation analysis. Furthermore, significance of these biomarkers as indicators of disease severity was also analyzed. The results showed that TNF-α, IL-10, ICAM-1and VCAM-1 were 3-fold, 3.7 fold and 2 fold increased between uncomplicated and complicated cases. Comparison of healthy controls with uncomplicated cases showed no significant difference in TNF-α concentrations while IL-6, IL-10, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin were found to be elevated respectively. In addition, significant positive correlation was observed between TNF-α and IL-10/ ICAM-1, IL-6 and IL-10, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1.A Receiver operating curve (ROC) was generated which showed that TNF-α, IL-10, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 were the best individual predictors of complicated P.vivax malaria. Conclusion: The results suggest that though endothelial adhesion molecules are inducible by pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, however, cytokine-mediated endothelial activation pathway is not clearly demonstrated as a mechanism of pathogenesis in complicated P.vivax malaria cases from Pakistan

    Diagnostic Value of Gauze Filtration Technique: A Comparison with Conventional Methods in a Diagnostic Laboratory in Pakistan

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    Background: Intestinal parasites cause significant morbidity and impact human development with an enormous global burden. Diagnosis of intestinal parasites by conventional methods has several limitations. The gauze filtration technique is a relatively simple method that has been shown to identify intestinal parasites with a high sensitivity and specificity. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of this technique as compared to more conventional methods in a large acclaimed laboratory within Pakistan. Methods: A total of 50 stool samples collected for routine diagnostic workup from patients age between 2-70 years were collected from the parasitology section of the Aga Khan University Hospital Clinical Laboratory. A direct wet mount, sedimentation technique, and gauze filtration technique were performed on all of the stool samples, and the sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value were analyzed. Results: It was observed that the number of organisms observed by gauze filtration as compared to direct wet mount and sedimentation technique was higher for B. hominis, G. lamblia cysts and trophozoites, and I. bütschlii. Also, the detection rate was significantly higher for B. hominis and G. lamblia cysts using the gauze filtration technique. The sensitivity and specificity of the gauze filtration technique were found to be 95.8% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: There is a significantly better stool sample parasite detection rate using the gauze filtration technique as compared to the conventional sedimentation techniques. The utility of the gauze filtration technique seems economically and technically feasible for diagnostic laboratories in resource-limited settings

    Vivax malaria and chloroquine resistance: a neglected disease as an emerging threat

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    In Pakistan, Plasmodium vivax contributes to major malaria burden. In this case, a pregnant woman presented with P. vivax infection and which was not cleared by chloroquine, despite adequate treatment. This is probably the first confirmed case of chloroquine-resistant vivax from Pakistan, where severe malaria due to P. vivax is already an emerging problem

    Particulate Matter Associated Lung Function Decline in Brick Kiln Workers of

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    Abstract.-Among air pollutants, particulate matter (PM) is one of the most common causes of respiratory diseases in humans all over the world and has become a major problem in developing countries of South Asia such as Pakistan, India and Nepal. A survey based research was conducted to find out respiratory health effects of PM on brick kiln workers in Jalalpur-Jattan, Gujrat, Pakistan. Lung functions of brick kilns workers (n=156) were examined by using spirometery, and by recording forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and FEV1/FVC (FEV1%) during working hours. FVC and FEV1 were found to be significantly lower than predicted for brick workers thereby suggesting restrictive or obstructive pattern of disease. Average concentrations of particulate matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10 ) in ambient air of each section of brick kilns were found to be above the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) values which can cause pulmonary diseases. These findings of lung function decline in brick workers may suggest prevalence of occupational lung diseases

    Extracellular vesicles-mediated intercellular communication: roles in the tumor microenvironment and anti-cancer drug resistance.

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    The tumor microenvironment represents a complex network, in which tumor cells not only communicate with each other but also with stromal and immune cells. Current research has demonstrated the vital role of the tumor microenvironment in supporting tumor phenotype via a sophisticated system of intercellular communication through direct cell-to-cell contact or by classical paracrine signaling loops of cytokines or growth factors. Recently, extracellular vesicles have emerged as an important mechanism of cellular interchange of bioactive molecules. Extracellular vesicles isolated from tumor and stromal cells have been implicated in various steps of tumor progression, such as proliferation, angiogenesis, metastasis, and drug resistance. Inhibition of extracellular vesicles secretion, and thus of the transfer of oncogenic molecules, holds promise for preventing tumor growth and drug resistance. This review focuses on the role of extracellular vesicles in modulating the tumor microenvironment by addressing different aspects of the bidirectional interactions among tumor and tumor-associated cells. The contribution of extracellular vesicles to drug resistance will also be discussed as well as therapeutic strategies targeting extracellular vesicles production for the treatment of cancer