19 research outputs found

    Stinging spines protect slug caterpillars (Limacodidae) from multiple generalist predators

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    Predators have played a significant role in the evolution of herbivorous insects, and we can observe a wide variety of larval defense mechanisms in nature, especially among members of the Lepidoptera. Slug caterpillars (Limacodidae) are known for their unusual morphologies, including various types of protuberances and stinging spines on their dorsal surfaces, which suggest that their evolution has been strongly shaped by their interactions with predators. We tested the hypothesis that limacodid larvae with stinging spines would suffer less predation from generalist predators than larvae that either did not possess stinging spines or were more lightly spined. In a series of behavioral bioassays, we tested the preferences of 2 different invertebrate predators (assassin bugs and paper wasps) for "spined" or "unspined" larvae. We found that all of the predators preferred the unspined or lightly spined prey species over the heavily spined limacodid species Acharia (=Sibine) stimulea. Our results also indicate that at least one of the predators that we tested, the paper wasps, showed a form of aversion learning as indicated by a decreased number of inspections of A. stimulea after previous experience. We conclude that limacodid larvae that are heavily armored with stinging spines are well defended against attacks from invertebrate predators and are significantly more likely to survive predator encounters than are unspined or lightly spined larvae. Copyright 2009, Oxford University Press.

    Within-group spatial position in ring-tailed coatis: balancing predation, feeding competition, and social competition

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    A variety of factors can influence an individual's choice of within-group spatial position. For terrestrial social animals, predation, feeding success, and social competition are thought to be three of the most important variables. The relative importance of these three factors was investigated in groups of ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) in Iguazú, Argentina. Different age/sex classes responded differently to these three variables. Coatis were found in close proximity to their own age/sex class more often than random, and three out of four age/sex classes were found to exhibit within-group spatial position preferences which differed from random. Juveniles were located more often at the front edge and were rarely found at the back of the group. Juveniles appeared to choose spatial locations based on feeding success and not predation avoidance. Since juveniles are the most susceptible to predation and presumably have less prior knowledge of food source location, these results have important implications in relation to predator-sensitive foraging and models of democratic group leadership. Subadults were subordinate to adult females, and their relationships were characterized by high levels of aggression. This aggression was especially common during the first half of the coati year (Nov–April), and subadults were more peripheralized during this time period. Subadults likely chose spatial positions to avoid aggression and were actively excluded from the center of the group by adult females. In the Iguazú coati groups, it appeared that food acquisition and social agonism were the major determinants driving spatial choice, while predation played little or no role. This paper demonstrates that within-group spatial structure can be a complex process shaped by differences in body size and nutritional requirements, food patch size and depletion rate, and social dominance status. How and why these factors interact is important to understanding the costs and benefits of sociality and emergent properties of animal group formation