268 research outputs found

    Targeted Delivery of siRNA

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    Therapeutic application of siRNA requires delivery to the correct intracellular location, to interact with the RNAi machinery within the target cell, within the target tissue responsible for the pathology. Each of these levels of targeting poses a significant barrier. To overcome these barriers several strategies have been developed, such as chemical modifications of siRNA, viral nucleic acid delivery systems, and nonviral nucleic acid delivery systems. Here, we discuss progress that has been made to improve targeted delivery of siRNA in vivo for each of these strategies

    Exosome mimetics: a novel class of drug delivery systems

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    The identification of extracellular phospholipid vesicles as conveyors of cellular information has created excitement in the field of drug delivery. Biological therapeutics, including short interfering RNA and recombinant proteins, are prone to degradation, have limited ability to cross biological membranes, and may elicit immune responses. Therefore, delivery systems for such drugs are under intensive investigation. Exploiting extracellular vesicles as carriers for biological therapeutics is a promising strategy to overcome these issues and to achieve efficient delivery to the cytosol of target cells. Exosomes are a well studied class of extracellular vesicles known to carry proteins and nucleic acids, making them especially suitable for such strategies. However, the considerable complexity and the related high chance of off-target effects of these carriers are major barriers for translation to the clinic. Given that it is well possible that not all components of exosomes are required for their proper functioning, an alternative strategy would be to mimic these vesicles synthetically. By assembly of liposomes harboring only crucial components of natural exosomes, functional exosome mimetics may be created. The low complexity and use of well characterized components strongly increase the pharmaceutical acceptability of such systems. However, exosomal components that would be required for the assembly of functional exosome mimetics remain to be identified. This review provides insights into the composition and functional properties of exosomes, and focuses on components which could be used to enhance the drug delivery properties of exosome mimetics

    Холотропное дыхание как метод реализации потенциала личности сотрудника

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    На сегодняшний день в организациях существует множество проблем, из-за которых возникают сложности как в управлении предприятием, так и в эффективной работе сотрудников. Для любого управляющего компанией важно, чтобы сотрудник был уверенным, умеющим нестандартно мыслить, инициативным, целеустремленным, но в большинстве случаев на предприятии такие сотрудники отсутствуют или их количество ограниченно. В любом сотруднике кроется творческая личность, которая не всегда может быть реализована на практике или же просто подавлена. Для того чтобы предприятие могло эффективно функционировать, важно, чтобы каждый сотрудник мог разобраться в своих проблемах и обрести внутреннюю гармонию, которая позволит ему настроиться на работу и выполнять ее эффективно. Методика холотропного дыхания может помочь личности реализовать свой скрытый потенциал. Цель работы: определить значимость методики холотропного дыхания в организации и выявить, какое влияние она оказывает как на сотрудников, так и на предприятие в целом. Методы исследования: анализ литера- туры по данной проблематике, аналитический метод. Результаты: выводы, полученные в данном исследовании, способствуют определению действенности методики холотропного дыхания и значимости ее применения в организации. Today there are many problems in organizations which lead to difficulties in the management of an enterpriseand in the effective work of the staff. For any company manager it is important that the employee wasconfident, able to think outside the box, initiative, committed, but in most cases such employees are absent ortheir number is limited. There is creative personality in any employee which can’t always be revealed or issimply suppressed. In order for a company to operate effectively, it is important that every employee couldunderstand their problems and find inner harmony, which will allow them to tune into work and perform itefficiently. The technique of holotropic breathwork can help the person to realize their hidden potential. Objective:to determine the significance of the technique of holotropic breathwork in the organization and itsimpact on the employees and the enterprise as a whole. Methods: review of the literature on this subject,data analysis. Results. The findings of this study help to identify the effective methods of holotropic breathworkand the importance of its application in the organization

    mRNA delivery systems for cancer immunotherapy: Lipid nanoparticles and beyond

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    mRNA-based vaccines are emerging as a promising alternative to standard cancer treatments and the conventional vaccines. Moreover, the FDA-approval of three nucleic acid based therapeutics (Onpattro, BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273) has further increased the interest and trust on this type of therapeutics. In order to achieve a significant therapeutic efficacy, the mRNA needs from a drug delivery system. In the last years, several delivery platforms have been explored, being the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) the most well characterized and studied. A better understanding on how mRNA-based therapeutics operate (both the mRNA itself and the drug delivery system) will help to further improve their efficacy and safety. In this review, we will provide an overview of what mRNA cancer vaccines are and their mode of action and we will highlight the advantages and challenges of the different delivery platforms that are under investigation

    A polymeric colchicinoid prodrug with reduced toxicity and improved efficacy for vascular disruption in cancer therapy

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    Colchicinoids are very potent tubulin-binding compounds, which interfere with microtubule formation, giving them strong cytotoxic properties, such as cell mitosis inhibition and induction of microcytoskeleton depolymerization. While this makes them promising vascular disrupting agents (VDAs) in cancer therapy, their dose-limiting toxicity has prevented any clinical application for this purpose. Therefore, colchicinoids are considered attractive lead molecules for the development of novel vascular disrupting nanomedicine. In a previous study, a polymeric colchicinoid prodrug that showed favorable hydrolysis characteristics at physiological conditions was developed. In the current study, this polymeric colchicinoid prodrug was evaluated in vitro and in vivo for its toxicity and vascular disrupting potential. Cell viability studies with human umbilical vein endothelial cells, as an in vitro measure for colchicine activity, reflected the degradation kinetics of the prodrug accordingly. Upon intravenous treatment, in vivo, of B16F10 melanoma-bearing mice with colchicine or with the polymeric colchicinoid prodrug, apparent vascular disruption and consequent tumor necrosis was observed for the prodrug but not for free colchicine at an equivalent dose. Moreover, a five-times-higher dose of the prodrug was well tolerated, indicating reduced toxicity. These findings demonstrate that the polymeric colchicinoid prodrug has a substantially improved efficacy/toxicity ratio compared with that of colchicine, making it a promising VDA for cancer therapy

    Modular nanotransporters: a multipurpose in vivo working platform for targeted drug delivery

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    Tatiana A Slastnikova1,2, Andrey A Rosenkranz1,2, Pavel V Gulak1, Raymond M Schiffelers3, Tatiana N Lupanova1,4, Yuri V Khramtsov1, Michael R Zalutsky5, Alexander S Sobolev1,21Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Intracellular Transport, Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia; 2Department of Biophysics, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Vorobyevy Gory, Moscow, Russia; 3Laboratory for Clinical Chemistry and Haematology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands; 4Department of Bioengineering, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Vorobyevy Gory, Moscow, Russia; 5Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USABackground: Modular nanotransporters (MNT) are recombinant multifunctional polypeptides created to exploit a cascade of cellular processes, initiated with membrane receptor recognition to deliver selective short-range and highly cytotoxic therapeutics to the cell nucleus. This research was designed for in vivo concept testing for this drug delivery platform using two modular nanotransporters, one targeted to the α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (αMSH) receptor overexpressed on melanoma cells and the other to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor overexpressed on several cancers, including glioblastoma, and head-and-neck and breast carcinoma cells.Methods: In vivo targeting of the modular nanotransporter was determined by immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy and by accumulation of 125I-labeled modular nanotransporters. The in vivo therapeutic effects of the modular nanotransporters were assessed by photodynamic therapy studies, given that the cytotoxicity of photosensitizers is critically dependent on their delivery to the cell nucleus.Results: Immunohistochemical analyses of tumor and neighboring normal tissues of mice injected with multifunctional nanotransporters demonstrated preferential uptake in tumor tissue, particularly in cell nuclei. With 125I-labeled MNT{αMSH}, optimal tumor:muscle and tumor:skin ratios of 8:1 and 9.8:1, respectively, were observed 3 hours after injection in B16-F1 melanoma-bearing mice. Treatment with bacteriochlorin p-MNT{αMSH} yielded 89%–98% tumor growth inhibition and a two-fold increase in survival for mice with B16-F1 and Cloudman S91 melanomas. Likewise, treatment of A431 human epidermoid carcinoma-bearing mice with chlorin e6- MNT{EGF} resulted in 94% tumor growth inhibition compared with free chlorin e6, with 75% of animals surviving at 3 months compared with 0% and 20% for untreated and free chlorin e6-treated groups, respectively.Conclusion: The multifunctional nanotransporter approach provides a new in vivo functional platform for drug development that could, in principle, be applicable to any combination of cell surface receptor and agent (photosensitizers, oligonucleotides, radionuclides) requiring nuclear delivery to achieve maximum effectiveness.Keywords: drug delivery, nanobiotechnology, nanomedicine, cancer therapy, photosensitizers, multifunctional nanotransporte

    Levodopa-loaded nanoparticles for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) resulting in dopamine (DA) deficiency, which manifests itself in motor symptoms including tremors, rigidity and bradykinesia. Current PD treatments aim at symptom reduction through oral delivery of levodopa (L-DOPA), a precursor of DA. However, L-DOPA delivery to the brain is inefficient and increased dosages are required as the disease progresses, resulting in serious side effects like dyskinesias. To improve PD treatment efficacy and to reduce side effects, recent research focuses on the encapsulation of L-DOPA into polymeric- and lipid-based nanoparticles (NPs). These formulations can protect L-DOPA from systemic decarboxylation into DA and improve L-DOPA delivery to the central nervous system. Additionally, NPs can be modified with proteins, peptides and antibodies specifically targeting the blood-brain barrier (BBB), thereby reducing required dosages and free systemic DA. Alternative delivery approaches for NP-encapsulated L-DOPA include intravenous (IV) administration, transdermal delivery using adhesive patches and direct intranasal administration, facilitating increased therapeutic DA concentrations in the brain. This review provides an overview of the recent advances for NP-mediated L-DOPA delivery to the brain, and debates challenges and future perspectives on the field

    Identification of Peptide Ligands for Targeting to the Blood-Brain Barrier

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    PurposeTransport of drugs to the brain is limited by the blood-brain barrier. New, specific brain endothelium ligands can facilitate brain-specific delivery of drugs. MethodsWe used phage display in an in situ brain perfusion model to screen for new brain endothelium peptide ligands. ResultsTwo phage clones, displaying 15 amino acid-peptides (GLA and GYR) that were selected for brain binding in the mouse model, showed significant binding to human brain endothelium (hCMEC/D3), compared to a random control phage. This binding was not seen for other human endothelial cells (HUVEC). Binding to hCMEC/D3 cells was dose dependent. When phage GLA and GYR were individually perfused through the murine brain, their ability to bind to the brain was 6-fold (GLA) and 5-fold (GYR) higher than the control phage. When compared to lung perfusion, phage showed an 8.5-fold (GYR) and 48-fold (GLA) preference for brain over lung compared to the control. ConclusionsThese results indicate that two new peptide ligands have been identified that may be used for specific targeting of drugs to the blood-brain barrier

    Levodopa-loaded nanoparticles for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) resulting in dopamine (DA) deficiency, which manifests itself in motor symptoms including tremors, rigidity and bradykinesia. Current PD treatments aim at symptom reduction through oral delivery of levodopa (L-DOPA), a precursor of DA. However, L-DOPA delivery to the brain is inefficient and increased dosages are required as the disease progresses, resulting in serious side effects like dyskinesias. To improve PD treatment efficacy and to reduce side effects, recent research focuses on the encapsulation of L-DOPA into polymeric- and lipid-based nanoparticles (NPs). These formulations can protect L-DOPA from systemic decarboxylation into DA and improve L-DOPA delivery to the central nervous system. Additionally, NPs can be modified with proteins, peptides and antibodies specifically targeting the blood-brain barrier (BBB), thereby reducing required dosages and free systemic DA. Alternative delivery approaches for NP-encapsulated L-DOPA include intravenous (IV) administration, transdermal delivery using adhesive patches and direct intranasal administration, facilitating increased therapeutic DA concentrations in the brain. This review provides an overview of the recent advances for NP-mediated L-DOPA delivery to the brain, and debates challenges and future perspectives on the field