16 research outputs found

    Monitoring and Evaluation of the Foresters’ Forest HLF Landscape Partnership Programme in the Forest of Dean Delivery Stage Residents and Visitors Survey - Outline Report

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    This outline report presents the key results and analysis of a survey of residents and visitors to contribute to the ongoing understanding of the impact of the Delivery Stage of the Foresters’ Forest Heritage Lottery Fund Landscape Partnership Programme operating in the Forest of Dean at the end of March 2018. The residents and visitors survey was developed to explore perceptions and understanding about the Forest of Dean from the general population. Data were collected from an on-line survey during the period 1 February – 31 March 2018. A total of 780 questionnaires were completed. Aims and objectives of the evaluation The aims of the evaluation element of the Foresters’ Forest programme are to establish a monitoring and evaluation methodology for the Foresters’ Forest programme and its constituent projects (including stakeholder engagement), and to create a baseline assessment that meets HLF requirements. There are four main objectives: • To create a toolkit of qualitative and quantitative monitoring and evaluation methods that is appropriate for the programme overall and the projects individually, tailored to the different audiences involved. • To establish a comprehensive baseline using those qualitative and quantitative methods, such that subsequent measures at successive intervals collect the evidence to prove that the programme and its constituent projects have made a difference over time. • To collate and analyse the baseline data (both qualitative and quantitative) to create a report for Foresters’ Forest early in the Delivery Stage

    Monitoring and Evaluation of the Foresters’ Forest National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) Landscape Partnership Programme in the Forest of Dean - Mid-term Evaluation Report

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    This report presents the key results and analysis of a survey of residents, visitors and volunteers, along with interviews of key stakeholders, to contribute to the ongoing understanding of the impact of the Delivery Stage of the Foresters’ Forest National Lottery Heritage Fund Landscape Partnership Programme operating in the Forest of Dean at the end of December 2019. The resident and visitor on-line survey was developed to explore awareness of the Foresters’ Forest programme in the Forest of Dean, and incorporated questions relating to volunteering and other forms of participation in the natural, built, and cultural heritage projects delivered through the Programme. Data were collected from an on-line survey during the period 26 September – 17 November 2019. A total of 402 questionnaires were completed. Interviews with key stakeholders, including lead representatives from the projects supported by the Partnership, and the management and governance of the Partnership were carried out from October 2019 to February 2020