296 research outputs found

    Phishing: A Continual Threat for Cyber World

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    Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire personal or sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details, banking information detail. Phishing is usually done by sending emails that seem to appear to come from credible sources. Phishing is similar to fishing in a lake, but instead of trying to capture fish, phishers attempt to steal personal information. Email is the popular medium used in the phishing attacks and such email is also called as spams; however, not all email is spam emails. It is important to understand these types of emails with which we deal every day. This paper gives brief information about phishing, its attacks, phishing techniques and steps that users can take to safeguard their confidential information

    Enteric Encephalopathy associated with reversible ECG changes: A Diagnostic Dilemma

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    Enteric fever is common in India. It presents with various clinical manifestations. Encephalopathyand ECG changes are indicators of prognosis. Persistent ECG changes indicate a poor prognosis. Thepathogenesis of encephalopathy is unclear though prostaglandins and free oxygen species may beimplicated in the prognosis and justifies the use of steroids in enteric encephalopathy withantibiotics. The case presented here presented with encephalopathy and ECG changes whichreversed following antibiotic and steroid therapy. The importance of the case lies in the fact thattyphoid should not be missed in the diagnosis of encephalopathy and ECG should be done in allcases of enteric fever to determine the prognosis

    Signature of an antiferromagnetic metallic ground state in heavily electron doped Sr2FeMoO6

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    Sr2_{2}FeMoO6_6 is a double perovskite compound, known for its high temperature behavior. Combining different magnetic and spectroscopic tools, we show that this compound can be driven to rare example of antiferromagnetic metallic state through heavy electron doping. Considering synthesis of Sr2−x_{2-x}Lax_xFeMoO6_6 (1.0 ≀x≀\le{x}\le 1.5) compounds, we find compelling evidences of antiferromagnetic metallic ground state for x≄x\ge1.4. The local structural study on these compounds reveal unusual atomic scale phase distribution in terms of La, Fe and Sr, Mo-rich regions driven by strong La-O covalency: a phenomenon hitherto undisclosed in double perovskites. The general trend of our findings are in agreement with theoretical calculations carried out on realistic structures with the above mentioned local chemical fluctuations, which reconfirms the relevance of the kinetic energy driven magnetic model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    LaSrVMoO6_6: A case study for AA-site covalency-driven local cationic order in double perovskites

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    An unusual atomic scale chemical fluctuation in LaSrVMoO6_6, in terms of narrow patches of La,V and Sr,Mo-rich phases, has been probed in detail to understand the origin of such a chemical state. Exhaustive tuning of the equilibrium synthesis parameters showed that the extent of phase separation can never be melted down below an unit cell dimension making it impossible to achieve the conventional BB-site ordered structure, which establishes that the observed `inhomogeneous' patch-like structure with minimum dimension of few angstroms is a reality in LaSrVMoO6_6. Therefore, another type of local chemical order, hitherto unknown in double perovskites, gets introduced here. X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy elemental mapping, magnetic, and various spectroscopic studies have been carried out on samples, synthesized under different conditions. These experimental results in conjunction with {\it ab-initio} electronic structure calculation revealed that it is the energy stability, gained by typical La-O covalency as in LaVO3_3, that leads to the preferential La,V and Sr,Mo ionic proximity, and the consequent patchy structure.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Parasitic Hypoproteinemia :A Diagnostic Dilemma in an Immuno competent Patient

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    Strongyloidiasis is caused by a nematode helminth which causes multisystem involvement with signs and symptoms related to gastrointestinal,pulmonary, dermatological and nervous system.The  index case discussed here presented with edema, hypoalbuminemia, malnutrition and anemia with urease positive duodenal ulcer.Duodenal biopsy suggested malabsorption and strongyloidiasis was detected in biopsy which clinched the diagnosis and treatment was given with ivermectin after which patient improved and responded to treatment.The importance lies in the fact that parasitic infections may cause malabsorption even in immunocompetent patients which is a rare entity, but must not be missed as it responds to treatment promptly which is cheap and effective

    A Rare Presentation of a Common Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma

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    Malaria affects millions of people across the globe .The classical clinical features may be absent, but the rapid diagnosis helps in early treatment and thus avoids complications .We present a case of co infection of Plasmodium  vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a female patient presenting with fever and pain abdomen and incidental detection of splenic infarct .The co infection  is uncommon and treatment should target both to avoid complications . Also,  the exact pathogenesis is un known and though splenic infarct is uncommon and missed due to lack of symptoms , it should be followed up. &nbsp
