6 research outputs found

    Elektroliza kroz homogene i nehomogene spojeve izolatora

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    The basic measurement of the primary state of ionization related to the formation of a non-rectifying contact by the electrolysis of insulating solids under homogeneous and heterogeneous contacts has been carried out. The activation energy involved in the first stage has been found to correlate with the band scheme of energy of contact which is necessary for creating the defect centres towards space charge limited injection.Načinili smo osnovna mjerenja početnog stanja ionizacije pri uspostavljanju neispravljačkog spoja nastalog elektrolizom na dodiru istorodnih ili neistorodnih izolatora. Našli smo da je prvotna aktivacijska energija vezana sa shemom pojaseva energijskih vrpci spoja koji su potrebni za stvaranje defektnih središta blizu ograničene injekcije prostornog naboja

    Kinetička svojstva F-centara pod utjecajem topline

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    The migration of colour clouds after the electron injection in pure and doped KCl and KBr alkali halides under thermal and field stresses is studied with an anode contact of spherical geometry. The diffusion coefficient of the colour clouds has been obtained using a derived analytical expression and the experimental data, and the activation energy of the colour centre was estimated. The dissociation energy values under thermal and field stresses for doped crystals are deduced through the mobility transport equation. The results indicate the effect of doping in an otherwise pure counterpart of the same crystals.Proučavamo premještanje oblaka boje nakon ubacivanja elektrona u čiste i punjene kristale alkalnih halida KCl i KBr, pod djelovanjem topline i električnog polja, uz primjenu kuglaste elektrode. Pomoću izvedene analitičke relacije i mjernih podataka odredili smo koeficijent difuzije oblaka boje i ocijenili aktivacijsku energiju centara boje. Primjenom jednadžbe pokretljivosti izveli smo vrijednosti disocijacijske energije pod toplinskim i električnim naprezanjem za punjene kristale. Podaci pokazuju učinak punjenja u odnosu na čiste kristale

    Abstracts of National Conference on Research and Developments in Material Processing, Modelling and Characterization 2020

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    This book presents the abstracts of the papers presented to the Online National Conference on Research and Developments in Material Processing, Modelling and Characterization 2020 (RDMPMC-2020) held on 26th and 27th August 2020 organized by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Science in Association with the Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. Conference Title: National Conference on Research and Developments in Material Processing, Modelling and Characterization 2020Conference Acronym: RDMPMC-2020Conference Date: 26–27 August 2020Conference Location: Online (Virtual Mode)Conference Organizer: Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology JamshedpurCo-organizer: Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, IndiaConference Sponsor: TEQIP-