1 research outputs found

    Stability and sensitivity of water T2 obtained with IDEAL-CPMG in healthy and fat-infiltrated skeletal muscle

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    Quantifying muscle water T2 (T2 -water) independently of intramuscular fat content is essential in establishing T2 -water as an outcome measure for imminent new therapy trials in neuromuscular diseases. IDEAL-CPMG combines chemical shift fat-water separation with T2 relaxometry to obtain such a measure. Here we evaluate the reproducibility and B1 sensitivity of IDEAL-CPMG T2 -water and fat fraction (f.f.) values in healthy subjects, and demonstrate the potential of the method to quantify T2 -water variation in diseased muscle displaying varying degrees of fatty infiltration. The calf muscles of 11 healthy individuals (40.5 ± 10.2 years) were scanned twice at 3 T with an inter-scan interval of 4 weeks using IDEAL-CPMG, and 12 patients with hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HypoPP) (42.3 ± 11.5 years) were also imaged. An exponential was fitted to the signal decay of the separated water and fat components to determine T2 -water and the fat signal amplitude muscle regions manually segmented. Overall mean calf-level muscle T2 -water in healthy subjects was 31.2 ± 2.0 ms, without significant inter-muscle differences (p = 0.37). Inter-subject and inter-scan coefficients of variation were 5.7% and 3.2% respectively for T2 -water and 41.1% and 15.4% for f.f. Bland-Altman mean bias and ±95% coefficients of repeatability were for T2 -water (0.15, -2.65, 2.95) ms and f.f. (-0.02, -1.99, 2.03)%. There was no relationship between T2 -water (ρ = 0.16, p = 0.07) or f.f. (ρ = 0.03, p = 0.7761) and B1 error or any correlation between T2 -water and f.f. in the healthy subjects (ρ = 0.07, p = 0.40). In HypoPP there was a measurable relationship between T2 -water and f.f. (ρ = 0.59, p < 0.001). IDEAL-CPMG provides a feasible way to quantify T2 -water in muscle that is reproducible and sensitive to meaningful physiological changes without post hoc modeling of the fat contribution. In patients, IDEAL-CPMG measured elevations in T2 -water and f.f. while showing a weak relationship between these parameters, thus showing promise as a practical means of quantifying muscle water in patient populations