10 research outputs found

    Suivi GPS de Pteropus Lylei Ă  l’interface chauves-souris humains : intĂ©rĂȘt pour la conservation et l’étude du risque d’émergence du virus Nipah au Cambodge

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    Trois espĂšces de roussettes ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es au Cambodge mais peu de donnĂ©es sont disponibles concernant leur Ă©cologie et leur dĂ©placement. Les roussettes sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme le principal rĂ©servoir du virus Nipah (NiV). DĂ©tectĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois en Malaisie en 1998 chez les porcs, ce virus Ă©mergent a provoquĂ© l’abattage massif de millions de porcs afin de stopper la diffusion du virus. Par la suite, le NiV a Ă©tĂ© transmis des porcs aux humains, entrainant l’apparition de 265 cas humain en Malaisie causant la mort de 105 personnes. Depuis 2001, des rĂ©-Ă©mergences ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es au Bangladesh et en Inde provoquant l’apparition de 200 cas humains, fatal dans plus de 70% des cas. L’évidence de la circulation du NiV chez les Pteropodidae a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e en Asie du Sud-est et une distribution saisonniĂšre a Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ©e en ThaĂŻlande. Au Cambodge, l’évidence de la circulation du virus NiV chez les roussettes a prĂ©alablement Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e mais peu de donnĂ©es existent concernant l’épidĂ©miologie du virus. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude sera de dĂ©crire la distribution et les mouvements des Pteropus lylei capturĂ©es au site dortoir de la province de Kandal Ă  une Ă©chelle locale via l’utilisation de 14 Ă©metteurs. Ces Ă©metteurs fourniront la localisation des chauves- souris permettant ainsi de caractĂ©riser l’habitat des P.lylei et par consĂ©quent l’interface entre les chauves- souris et les activitĂ©s humaines, fournissant ainsi d’importantes informations pour la conservation de ces espĂšces et pour l’estimation du risque de transmission d’agents pathogĂšnes Ă  l’interface Homme chauves-souris

    Patterns of foraging activity and fidelity in a Southeast Asian flying fox

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    Background: Improved understanding of the foraging ecology of bats in the face of ongoing habitat loss and modification worldwide is essential to their conservation and maintaining the substantial ecosystem services they provide. It is also fundamental to assessing potential transmission risks of zoonotic pathogens in human-wildlife interfaces. We evaluated the influence of environmental and behavioral variables on the foraging patterns of Pteropus lylei (a reservoir of Nipah virus) in a heterogeneous landscape in Cambodia. Methods: We employed an approach based on animal-movement modeling, which comprised a path-segmentation method (hidden Markov model) to identify individual foraging-behavior sequences in GPS data generated by eight P. lylei. We characterized foraging localities, foraging activity, and probability of returning to a given foraging locality over consecutive nights. Generalized linear mixed models were also applied to assess the influence of several variables including proxies for energetic costs and quality of foraging areas. Results: Bats performed few foraging bouts (area-restricted searches) during a given night, mainly in residential areas, and the duration of these decreased during the night. The probability of a bat revisiting a given foraging area within 48 h varied according to the duration previously spent there, its distance to the roost site, and the corresponding habitat type. We interpret these fine-scale patterns in relation to global habitat quality (including food-resource quality and predictability), habitat-familiarity and experience of each individual. Conclusions: Our study provides evidence that heterogeneous human-made environments may promote complex patterns of foraging-behavior and short-term re-visitation in fruit bat species that occur in such landscapes. This highlights the need for similarly detailed studies to understand the processes that maintain biodiversity in these environments and assess the potential for pathogen transmission in human-wildlife interfaces

    Automatic branch detection of the arterial system from abdominal aortic segmentation

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    International audienceWe present a new method to automatically identify the different arteries present in an abdominal aortic segmentation. In this approach, the arterial system is first represented by a vascular tree, extracted from the segmentation and containing the topologic and geometric features (branch position, branch direction, branch length, branch diameter) of the arterial system. Then, the branches of the vascular tree are matched with the main arteries origi- nating from the aorta: celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery, renal arteries and common iliac arteries. This match is determined by maximizing a similarity measure between the dif- ferent branches and corresponding arteries. We evaluate this method on 239 segmentations obtained from 102 different patients. The results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method, capable of delivering an error of less than 2.5% for the identification of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries, 8.4% for the renal arteries, and 2.1% for the common iliac arteries

    Mise au point et validation d'un systÚme embarqué pour mesurer l'activité posturale des truies allaitantes

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    The objective was to develop a tool to measure sow postural activity during lactation that is kept between fences in the farrowing crate. Several sensors, placed in a single metal box, were attached to the upper part of the back of sows with a custom-built belt that passes underneath the belly, just behind the front legs. For validation of the positions predicted from sensor data, sow behavior was recorded with use of a digital camera and video records were analyzed by a single observer. Prediction ability was tested with machine learning applied to random forests for the three-axis data provided by the sensors in the X, Y and Z dimensions. When comparing information provided by three sensors, i.e. two accelerometers (sensors A and B) and an application developed for a smartphone (sensor C), one sensor detected five positions more accurately than the other two. The error rate of prediction from 30% of the data was 2.1% with sensor A, 3.1% with sensor B, and 4.8% with sensor C. Additional trials focused on the ability of sensor A to distinguish among the five positions, using five sows. Statistical sensitivity was 0.94 and 0.95 for the right and left lateral positions, respectively; 0.79 for the ventral position; 0.75 for the standing position; but only 0.33 for the sitting position (because it represented only 4% of sows’ time budget). One single axis was sufficient to detect the two lateral positions. More work is necessary to better consider factors of variations among sows and optimize the sampling rate to detect the five positions accurately

    ThermorĂ©gulation des porcelets issus de deux lignĂ©es divergentes pour l’efficacitĂ© alimentaire

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    Hypothermia is a factor of piglet neonatal mortality. This study used Infra-Red Thermography (IRT) to assess thermoregulation abilities of piglets from two lines divergent for residual feed intake (RFI). Birth phenotypes (e.g. body weight, rectal temperature, physical measures, vitality test) were recorded from piglets selected for low RFI (more efficient; LRFI; n=34) or high RFI (less efficient; HRFI; n=28). The IRT images were taken at 8, 15, 30 and 60 min post-partum. Temperatures of the ear base and tip, and minimum, maximum and average temperatures of the back (i.e. shoulders to rumps) were extracted with Thermacam Researcher Pro 2.0 and analysed with linear mixed models. No difference in phenotypic data was detected between the two lines. All temperatures increased over time. Rectal temperature of piglets at birth was correlated with the initial temperature of the ear base and the maximum back temperature (0.36 and 0.35, respectively, P < 0.05). Overall, LRFI piglets, compared to HRFI piglets, had higher minimum (28.0 ± 0.2 °C vs 26.8 ± 0.2 °C, respectively, P < 0.001) and average (35.5 ± 0.2 °C vs 34.5 ± 0.1 °C, respectively, P < 0.001) back temperatures. Ear tip temperature decreased in HRFI piglets from 8 to 15 min post-partum, while it increased in LRFI piglets (-1.1 ± 0.4 °C vs 0.5 ± 0.5 °C, respectively, P < 0.05). In conclusion, IRT allowed non-invasive assessment of piglets’ thermoregulation abilities. Piglets selected for low RFI seemed to have better thermoregulation abilities at birth

    Pteropus lylei primarily forages in residential areas in Kandal, Cambodia

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    International audienceBats are the second most species-rich Mammalian order and provide a wide range of ecologically important and economically significant ecosystem services. Nipah virus is a zoonotic emerging infectious disease for which pteropodid bats have been identified as a natural reservoir. In Cambodia, Nipah virus circulation has been reported in Pteropus lylei, but little is known about the spatial distribution of the species and the associated implications for conservation and public health. We deployed Global Positioning System (GPS) collars on 14 P. lylei to study their movements and foraging behavior in Cambodia in 2016. All of the flying foxes were captured from the same roost, and GPS locations were collected for 1 month. The habitats used by each bat were characterized through ground-truthing, and a spatial distribution model was developed of foraging sites. A total of 13,643 valid locations were collected during the study. Our study bats flew approximately 20 km from the roost each night to forage. The maximum distance traveled per night ranged from 6.88-105 km and averaged 28.3 km. Six of the 14 bats visited another roost for at least one night during the study, including one roost located 105 km away. Most foraging locations were in residential areas (53.7%) followed by plantations (26.6%). Our spatial distribution model confirmed that residential areas were the preferred foraging habitat for P. lylei, although our results should be interpreted with caution due to the limited number of individuals studied. Synthesis and applications: Our findings suggest that the use of residential and agricultural habitats by P. lylei may create opportunities for bats to interact with humans and livestock. They also suggest the importance of anthropogenic habitats for conservation of this vulnerable and ecologically important group in Cambodia. Our mapping of the probability of occurrence of foraging sites will help identification of areas where public awareness should be promoted regarding the ecosystem services provided by flying foxes and potential for disease transmission through indirect contact

    Reconfigurations de l'État social en pratique

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    Comment les acteurs publics, professionnels et citoyens contribuent-ils Ă  reconfigurer l'Ă©tat social en France ? À partir de nombreuses Ă©tudes de cas, cet ouvrage a pour ambition de mettre Ă  jour les tendances Ă  l'Ɠuvre dans le champ de l'intervention sociale mais aussi les contradictions qui traversent l'action publique, ainsi que les fenĂȘtres dĂ©mocratiques qui s'ouvrent au cƓur de ces contradictions. On constate ainsi que le contrĂŽle social prend aujourd'hui des formes renouvelĂ©es, mais qu'il suscite aussi des modalitĂ©s inĂ©dites de rĂ©sistance de la part des professionnels. Le triomphe de l'Ă©thique se fait au dĂ©triment d'un projet politique de grande envergure, tandis que la rationalisation gestionnaire qui caractĂ©rise l'Ă©volution du management dans le champ du social, hypothĂšque la construction de politiques sociales audacieuses et attentives Ă  la subjectivitĂ© des personnes. Pourtant, les citoyens disposent aussi, en particulier par le biais des mobilisations associatives et de la publicisation sur Internet, de nouveaux moyens pour se faire entendre, tenter de rĂ©Ă©quilibrer les rapports de domination qu'ils subissent et contribuer Ă  faire Ă©voluer les institutions

    Journées archéologiques de Haute-Normandie. Rouen, 11-13 mai 2012

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    Comme chaque annĂ©e, les JournĂ©es archĂ©ologiques de Haute-Normandie permettent la restitution au public des travaux et des opĂ©rations de terrain rĂ©cents. Cinq thĂšmes ont Ă©tĂ© retenus en 2012 : la Seine, axe de circulation et pĂŽle d'attraction pour les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines depuis la prĂ©histoire ; voir et percevoir, sujet qui a l'avantage de mettre en perspective l'histoire de la discipline ; le quotidien, abordĂ© par l'habitat et par les productions spĂ©cifiques comme la faĂŻence ; le monumental, dont le grand sanctuaire et le thĂ©Ăątre antiques du Vieil-Évreux, ainsi que le thĂ©Ăątre de Lillebonne sont emblĂ©matiques ; le spirituel, reprĂ©sentĂ© notamment par les abbayes de Mortemer et Saint-Taurin d'Évreux, qui viennent rappeler que l'archĂ©ologie ne se limite pas aux traces enfouies mais concerne aussi les vestiges en Ă©lĂ©vation par l'Ă©tude du bĂąti.JournĂ©es archĂ©ologiques rĂ©gionales organisĂ©es par : - Centre de recherches archĂ©ologiques de Haute-Normandie (CRAHN), SociĂ©tĂ© normande d'Ă©tudes prĂ©historiques et historiques (SNEPH) HĂŽtel des sociĂ©tĂ©s savantes – 190 rue Beauvoisine 76000 Rouen - La Direction rĂ©gionale des affaires culturelles de Haute-Normandie, Service rĂ©gional de l'archĂ©ologie 7 place de la Madeleine 76000 Roue