149 research outputs found


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    African economies are facing the critical challenge of raising the rate of GDP growth and sustaining high growth rates and thus meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The performance of agriculture is more paradoxical and African exports of industrial goods are dominated by mining and crude oil. The financial systems remain largely underdeveloped both in terms of the size and range of financial instruments and services offered. This article explores the recent growth performance both at the continental and subregional level. It discusses disparities in growth performance and the factors behind the observed disparities across countries and subregions. It also discusses developments at the sectoral level and progress and challenges in human development, closing with a brief exposition of the prospects for 2007. The paper further analyses the HIV/AIDS in the continent and its impact on the economy.African Economy, MDGS, Financial System, Crude Oil, Human Development


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    Education is important in any country since it promotes the knowledge, skills, habits, and values. The learning does not solely come from the teacher. Hence the educator for the child is both the teacher and his peer group. The societal values have been diminishing over the past few decades. Therefore, it is necessary develop the holistic citizenship education. The problem of value education of the young African nation Eritrea is gaining prominence in educational discussions during the recent times. Hence, Eritrea emphasises on values in education and attempted to incorporate its National Curriculum Framework for School Education-2003. An attempt is made in this paper to discuss the Eritrean societal values in fighting for their freedom and it provides some conclusions and implications to develop the value education in Eritrea.Value Education, Human Development, Eritrea, Teachers and students, Good citizen


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    All over the world, distance mode of education is gaining a momentum and becoming more popular than conventional education. It is a system in which schools, universities and other educational agencies offer instruction wholly or partly by mail. Eritrea is a newly independent country in Africa is been facing many challenges particularly in its education sector. It did not have more educational institutions at tertiary level. Thus the distance learning is the best option for this country. An attempt is made in this paper to discuss various problems related to the establishment and development of distance education. It also provides the distance education programmes so far undertaken in the country with concluding remarks.Distance Education, Eritrea, Ministry of Education, Asmara University


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    The main economic activity of the people of Eritrea is agriculture: crop production and livestock herding. Agriculture mainly comprises mixed farming and some commercial concessions. Most agriculture is rain-fed. The main rain-fed crops are sorghum, millet and sesame, and the main irrigated crops are all horticultural crops like bananas, onions and tomatoes and cotton. The major livestock production constraints are disease, water and feed shortages and agricultural expansion especially in the river frontages. The agricultural sector employs eighty percent of the working population, but its production has not managed to cover internal food demand and is forced to cover nearly 50 per cent of its annual cereal requirements through imports-commercial and food assistance. Like most African countries, Eritrea is also a victim of the problem of food insecurity. In good years the country produces only about 60 per cent of its total food needs and in poor years, it produces no more than 25 per cent. On average, once in 10 years, the country is threatened with famines. Annual crop production depends on rainfall that is variable and unevenly distributed from year to year. Therefore, the primary goal of Eritrea is to guarantee food security by introducing modern technology, irrigation, terracing, soil and water conservation, with less dependence on rainwater. Thus the Government has articulated its food policy, which stresses national ownership of grant food assistance and to achieve food security in the coming five years. The policy indeed encompasses all sectoral policies and represents the Government’s engagements with regard to food security. Despite the general trends of improvement in the economy of Eritrea, it has not yet fully recovered, and thus will still continue to require variable degrees of food assistance for the coming few more years. Based on this historical and recurrent food insecurity in Eritrea, an attempt is made in this paper to assess the agriculture development and food policy in the country. Furthermore, the paper captures the available food security policy proposals of Eritrea and eventually draws conclusions.Agriculture, Food Security, Food Policy, Eritrea, Agriculture Technology

    Challenges for higher education in eritrea in the post-independent period to the present – a case of asmara university

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    Eritrean higher education faced numerous challenges over many years. It was particularly suffered during the colonial periods. Eritrea exerted its efforts to develop its dilapidated educational system with the advent of its independence. Eritrea celebrated its sixteenth birthday recently. However, the educational challenges in higher education still remain high. The government of Eritrea established different colleges in different administrative regions. The University of Asmara is the only university in the country that had to be revitalized after its devastation by the 30-year war of independence. Since independence, the University has been able to contribute to the nation’s skill manpower considerably. This paper examines higher education of Eritrea for about 60 years period. It delves the University of Asmara and its birth, development and apogee. The paper also gives some insights on recent educational development in Eritrea.Higher education, Eritrea, Asmara University, Colonial period, Educational development


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    There is an imperative need to change the education pattern to achieve universal primary education in India. Even after 60 years of Independence, India faces obstacles in providing Education For All. This study was conducted in a primary school of Errabelly village of Karimnager district of Andhra Pradesh, India. The study revealed that children dropped out of school so as to assist in household and agricultural activities. It also reveals that the dropout rate of girls is more than that of boys. The study recommended that budgetary allocations should be increased so as to encourage the primary school participation and provide some form of financial assistance to the students.Primary Education, Enrolment, Retention, India, Errabelly, Andhra Pradesh


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    Research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge and it is a powerful tool for knowledge generation. A newly born nation Eritrea has been facing number of challenges in research and development particularly the challenge of applying knowledge to work in the economy. Whatever solutions the government or the related institutions propose, there is a need to understand the research which plays a central role and can generate new ideas and innovative techniques. The guiding purpose of the research on which this article is based, is to explore the challenges for research and development in Eritrea.Research Techniques, Eritrea, Research Development, Challenges, Knowledge, Agriculture Research, etc

    Eritrean Trade with Italy in Post-Independence Period – An Analytical Study

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    The trade ties between Italy and Eritrea is important for both countries. This paper analyzes the extents and characteristics of regional trade relationship between Eritrea and Italy. Attention is given to the regions and products where there is high potential for export and import. Other socioeconomic opportunities, which may give rise to the trade link between the two countries, are also mentioned briefly. The main aim is Eritrea a former Italian colony can be a springboard for Italy to expand its commercial activities to other Italian colony in the horn of Africa. It can be an opener of the market in Italy with all Italian and non-Italian colonies in the horn of Africa.Bilateral trade, economic integration, colonial trade, import substitution, Agro-Industry


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    Education has long been recognized as a central element in economics development. In Eritrea, Church education played a significant role in transmitting church literature from generation to generation. Quranic schools also played a similar role in the Muslim communities of the Eritrean Society. Since Independence, education is well organized in the country. Eritrea has invested heavily in education and has embarked on a wide-ranging program. The World Bank, Eritrea has also made substantial investment in a plan intended to quickly raise the country's skill levels. The guiding purpose of the research on which this article is based, is to explore the educational history of Eritrea at different periods. It covers the Eritrean education system during the Italian Rule, British Rule, and Ethiopian Rule. It also provides educational development of Eritrea after independence. The methodology used in this paper is essentially a descriptive analysis of data obtained from the secondary sources.Eritrea, Education, Development, Colonial Rule, Investment


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    The industrial revolution led to the birth of different types of insurance systems. Insurance business emerged and developed in Eritrea during the Italian period. The insurance industry in Eritrea has been huge profits from its inception in 1992. In spite of the consistent profits by the insurance, the Government privatised it recently due the policy and revenue requirements. An attempt is made in this paper to discuss the background of the insurance and it evolution and development. This paper focuses on achievements and challenges of Eritrean insurance industry after independence. The paper attempts to synthesise diverse viewpoints, protect confidentiality and offer insights into the ever-changing insurance environment in Eritrea.Eritrea, Insurance Industry, challenges and achievements
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