4 research outputs found

    Complexity in decision making: Determining university library opening hours

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    Making decisions on academic library opening hours is complex with many pressures on managers. This research surveys senior academic library managers from the UK, using a questionnaire to reveal views on library opening hours, the decision making process, and the pressures which influenced their decisions. A variety of factors were found, in particular satisfying undergraduate demands. The research also revealed the sources of information important in making decisions on opening hours and the influence of ‘political’ issues in the decision making process. Some institutions remove complexity by utilising 24/7 opening, though this is not an option for many

    Genetic variation for frost tolerance in a breeding population of Eucalyptus nitens

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    Patterns of genetic variation for frost tolerance were studied in a first-generation breeding population of Eucalyptus nitens (DEANE and MAIDEN) MAIDEN. Winter hardened seeds were found to differ significantly in their frost tolerance at all three tested temperatures (-5.0C, - 6.5C and -8.0C). Provenance effects accounted for between 11% (at -5.0C) and 29% (at -8.0C) of the total variation. The most frost tolerant provenance was Northern NSW, with Toorongo being the least tolerant. Significant differences were also found between families within provenances and between seedlings within families. Family effects accounted for 14% to 22% of total variation and seedling effects accounted for 22% and 26% of the total variation. All five provenances were represented in the top seven ranked families. When each provenance was analysed separately, there were significant differences between families but no strong relationship was found with altitude of origin

    List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2018

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