1,569 research outputs found

    Two Greedy Consequences for Maximum Induced Matchings

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    We prove that, for every integer dd with d3d\geq 3, there is an approximation algorithm for the maximum induced matching problem restricted to {C3,C5}\{ C_3,C_5\}-free dd-regular graphs with performance ratio 0.7083ˉd+0.4250.708\bar{3}d+0.425, which answers a question posed by Dabrowski et al. (Theor. Comput. Sci. 478 (2013) 33-40). Furthermore, we show that every graph with mm edges that is kk-degenerate and of maximum degree at most dd with k<dk<d, has an induced matching with at least m/((3k1)dk(k+1)+1)m/((3k-1)d-k(k+1)+1) edges

    On some hard and some tractable cases of the maximum acyclic matching problem

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    Three well-studied types of subgraph-restricted matchings are induced matchings, uniquely restricted matchings, and acyclic matchings. While it is hard to determine the maximum size of a matching of each of these types, whether some given graph has a maximum matching that is induced or has a maximum matching that is uniquely restricted, can both be decided efficiently. In contrast to that we show that deciding whether a given bipartite graph of maximum degree at most four has a maximum matching that is acyclic is NP-complete. Furthermore, we show that maximum weight acyclic matchings can be determined efficiently for P4P_4-free graphs and 2P32P_3-free graphs, and we characterize the graphs for which every maximum matching is acyclic

    The matching number of tree and bipartite degree sequences

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    We study the possible values of the matching number among all trees with a given degree sequence as well as all bipartite graphs with a given bipartite degree sequence. For tree degree sequences, we obtain closed formulas for the possible values. For bipartite degree sequences, we show the existence of realizations with a restricted structure, which allows to derive an analogue of the Gale-Ryser Theorem characterizing bipartite degree sequences. More precisely, we show that a bipartite degree sequence has a realization with a certain matching number if and only if a cubic number of inequalities similar to those in the Gale-Ryser Theorem are satisfied. For tree degree sequences as well as for bipartite degree sequences, the possible values of the matching number form intervals

    Uniquely restricted matchings in subcubic graphs without short cycles

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    A matching MM in a graph GG is uniquely restricted if no other matching in GG covers the same set of vertices. We prove that any connected subcubic graph with nn vertices and girth at least 55 contains a uniquely restricted matching of size at least (n1)/3(n-1) / 3 except for two exceptional cubic graphs of order 1414 and 2020

    Maximal determinants of combinatorial matrices

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    We prove that detA6n6\det A\leq 6^\frac{n}{6} whenever A{0,1}n×nA\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n} contains at most 2n2n ones. We also prove an upper bound on the determinant of matrices with the kk-consecutive ones property, a generalisation of the consecutive ones property, where each row is allowed to have up to kk blocks of ones. Finally, we prove an upper bound on the determinant of a path-edge incidence matrix in a tree and use that to bound the leaf rank of a graph in terms of its order.Comment: 17 page

    Equality of Distance Packing Numbers

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    We characterize the graphs for which the independence number equals the packing number. As a consequence we obtain simple structural descriptions of the graphs for which (i) the distance-kk-packing number equals the distance-2k2k-packing number, and (ii) the distance-kk-matching number equals the distance-2k2k-matching number. This last result considerably simplifies and extends previous results of Cameron and Walker (The graphs with maximum induced matching and maximum matching the same size, Discrete Math. 299 (2005) 49-55). For positive integers k1k_1 and k2k_2 with k1<k2k_1<k_2 and (3k2+1)/22k1+1\lceil(3k_2+1)/2\rceil\leq 2k_1+1, we prove that it is NP-hard to determine for a given graph whether its distance-k1k_1-packing number equals its distance-k2k_2-packing number.Comment: 8 page

    Exponential Independence

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    For a set SS of vertices of a graph GG, a vertex uu in V(G)SV(G)\setminus S, and a vertex vv in SS, let dist(G,S)(u,v){\rm dist}_{(G,S)}(u,v) be the distance of uu and vv in the graph G(S{v})G-(S\setminus \{ v\}). Dankelmann et al. (Domination with exponential decay, Discrete Math. 309 (2009) 5877-5883) define SS to be an exponential dominating set of GG if w(G,S)(u)1w_{(G,S)}(u)\geq 1 for every vertex uu in V(G)SV(G)\setminus S, where w(G,S)(u)=vS(12)dist(G,S)(u,v)1w_{(G,S)}(u)=\sum\limits_{v\in S}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{{\rm dist}_{(G,S)}(u,v)-1}. Inspired by this notion, we define SS to be an exponential independent set of GG if w(G,S{u})(u)<1w_{(G,S\setminus \{ u\})}(u)<1 for every vertex uu in SS, and the exponential independence number αe(G)\alpha_e(G) of GG as the maximum order of an exponential independent set of GG. Similarly as for exponential domination, the non-local nature of exponential independence leads to many interesting effects and challenges. Our results comprise exact values for special graphs as well as tight bounds and the corresponding extremal graphs. Furthermore, we characterize all graphs GG for which αe(H)\alpha_e(H) equals the independence number α(H)\alpha(H) for every induced subgraph HH of GG, and we give an explicit characterization of all trees TT with αe(T)=α(T)\alpha_e(T)=\alpha(T)

    Reconfiguring dominating sets in minor-closed graph classes

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    For a graph GG, two dominating sets DD and DD' in GG, and a non-negative integer kk, the set DD is said to kk-transform to DD' if there is a sequence D0,,DD_0,\ldots,D_\ell of dominating sets in GG such that D=D0D=D_0, D=DD'=D_\ell, Dik|D_i|\leq k for every i{0,1,,}i\in \{ 0,1,\ldots,\ell\}, and DiD_i arises from Di1D_{i-1} by adding or removing one vertex for every i{1,,}i\in \{ 1,\ldots,\ell\}. We prove that there is some positive constant cc and there are toroidal graphs GG of arbitrarily large order nn, and two minimum dominating sets DD and DD' in GG such that DD kk-transforms to DD' only if kmax{D,D}+cnk\geq \max\{ |D|,|D'|\}+c\sqrt{n}. Conversely, for every hereditary class G{\cal G} that has balanced separators of order nnαn\mapsto n^\alpha for some α<1\alpha<1, we prove that there is some positive constant CC such that, if GG is a graph in G{\cal G} of order nn, and DD and DD' are two dominating sets in GG, then DD kk-transforms to DD' for k=max{D,D}+Cnαk=\max\{ |D|,|D'|\}+\lfloor Cn^\alpha\rfloor

    Dynamic Monopolies for Degree Proportional Thresholds in Connected Graphs of Girth at least Five and Trees

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    Let GG be a graph, and let ρ(0,1)\rho\in (0,1). For a set DD of vertices of GG, let the set Hρ(D)H_{\rho}(D) arise by starting with the set DD, and iteratively adding further vertices uu to the current set if they have at least ρdG(u)\lceil \rho d_G(u)\rceil neighbors in it. If Hρ(D)H_{\rho}(D) contains all vertices of GG, then DD is known as an irreversible dynamic monopoly or a perfect target set associated with the threshold function uρdG(u)u\mapsto \lceil \rho d_G(u)\rceil. Let hρ(G)h_{\rho}(G) be the minimum cardinality of such an irreversible dynamic monopoly. For a connected graph GG of maximum degree at least 1ρ\frac{1}{\rho}, Chang (Triggering cascades on undirected connected graphs, Information Processing Letters 111 (2011) 973-978) showed hρ(G)5.83ρn(G)h_{\rho}(G)\leq 5.83\rho n(G), which was improved by Chang and Lyuu (Triggering cascades on strongly connected directed graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 593 (2015) 62-69) to hρ(G)4.92ρn(G)h_{\rho}(G)\leq 4.92\rho n(G). We show that for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there is some ρ(ϵ)>0\rho(\epsilon)>0 such that hρ(G)(2+ϵ)ρn(G)h_{\rho}(G) \leq(2+\epsilon)\rho n(G) for every ρ\rho in (0,ρ(ϵ))(0,\rho(\epsilon)), and every connected graph GG that has maximum degree at least 1ρ\frac{1}{\rho} and girth at least 55. Furthermore, we show that hρ(T)ρn(T)h_{\rho}(T) \leq \rho n(T) for every ρ\rho in (0,1](0,1], and every tree TT that has order at least 1ρ\frac{1}{\rho}

    Relating broadcast independence and independence

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    An independent broadcast on a connected graph GG is a function f:V(G)N0f:V(G)\to \mathbb{N}_0 such that, for every vertex xx of GG, the value f(x)f(x) is at most the eccentricity of xx in GG, and f(x)>0f(x)>0 implies that f(y)=0f(y)=0 for every vertex yy of GG within distance at most f(x)f(x) from xx. The broadcast independence number αb(G)\alpha_b(G) of GG is the largest weight xV(G)f(x)\sum\limits_{x\in V(G)}f(x) of an independent broadcast ff on GG. Clearly, αb(G)\alpha_b(G) is at least the independence number α(G)\alpha(G) for every connected graph GG. Our main result implies αb(G)4α(G)\alpha_b(G)\leq 4\alpha(G). We prove a tight inequality and characterize all extremal graphs