40 research outputs found

    Bypassing Roadblocks to Technical Information: Locating Freely Available Technical Information for Entrepreneurs

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    If you have ever had to seek technical information, you have probably run into an information access roadblock or a pay-wall. This is a major issue for our students as they leave our universities and our subscription resources and move on to become practitioners of their field. This session will outline the different types of freely available technical information - including patents, government funded technical reports, and open access journal literature - and demonstrate how to access them. The session will also give examples of how to integrate these resources into the classroom through design projects and information seeking assignments. Don’t let information access be the roadblock to innovation

    Altmetrics in the Library

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    Research libraries assist scholars in demonstrating the value of their scholarly output through citation metrics and other measures. As the forms of scholarly communication change, so do the metrics used for assessing them. The services libraries offer must evolve in concert with these changes. This talk will provide a general overview of the ways in which altmetrics complement traditional citation metrics and will explore how libraries can benefit from engaging with a broader set of metrics to reach a wide range of users. The talk will cover the roles librarians can play in helping researchers and institutions understand the benefits and limitations of these metrics and will discuss how altmetrics are being used in library discovery services, how they are represented in institutional repositories, and they can drive collection development and other library decisions

    Open Access: An Introduction

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    Anne Rauh, Syracuse University, will provide an overview of Open Access (OA). What is it? Why is it important to libraries

    Altmetrics: STEM Librarians Leading the Way

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    Libraries assist researchers in demonstrating the value of their scholarly output through citation metrics and other measures. As the forms of scholarly communication change, so do the metrics used for assessing them. This talk will provide a general overview of the ways in which altmetrics complement traditional citation metrics and will explore how libraries can benefit from engaging with a broader set of metrics to reach a wide range of users. The talk will cover the roles librarians can play in helping researchers and institutions understand the benefits and limitations of these metrics and will discuss why STEM librarians are posed to lead these efforts

    Google Scholar Citations

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    Citation Manager Comparison

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    Research Reputation and Open Access

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    Discussion of the intersection of research reputation management and Open Access, including an introduction to scholarly profiles, scholarly impact, altmetrics, and more

    Foursquare: What and Why?

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    Creating a Culture of Research Reputation through Research Information Management Systems

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    Research institutions have increasingly strong needs to manage the reputations of their research portfolios. From primary investigators, to awarded grants, scholarly output and related media mention, universities need to be able to retrieve and integrate information about their research endeavors in order to successfully showcase impact at an institutional level. However, all too often this information is siloed and not easily discoverable, retrievable, or reusable. Syracuse University Libraries traditionally provide research reputation services to individual researchers, but recently collaborated with the Office of Research to expand this work in a systematic, scalable manner throughout the university via a pilot implementation of a Research Information Management System (RIMS). This partnership helped the Libraries demonstrate value in a new way to different stakeholders as an important member of the university research enterprise. The presenters will give an overview of RIMS, discuss the implementation of such a system at Syracuse University, outline challenges that implementing such systems present, and articulate why libraries should be involved in their operation. The speakers will also address impacts of the use of these systems, and their complex data needs, on the broader information community

    Citation Metrics

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