8 research outputs found

    Segregação de nanopartículas de óxido de manganês e óxido de ferro a partir da matriz da hidroxiapatita dopada

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    Neste trabalho, pretende-se, através de método computacional de refinamento Rietveld, acompanhar e identificar como os elementos Mn e Fe podem induzir transformações de fases na HA, avaliando a sua segregação durante tratamentos térmicos em alta temperatura, assim como a sua acomodação na rede.São Cristóvã


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    Abstrak   Penyuluhan diadakan bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien tentang penyakit bell’s palsy terutama tentang penyebab terjadinya bell’s palsy dan cara melakukan latihan mandiri dirumah yang benar untuk mengurangi keluhan yang ditimbulkan oleh pasien. Metode yang digunakan dengan memberikan penyuluhan berupa promosi kesehatan tentang Bell’s Palsy kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien serta menggunakan leafleat sebagai media penyuluhan, pemberian pre test dan post test berupa pertanyaan kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien guna mengukur keefektifan dari penyuluhan yang diberikan memberikan edukasi latihan mandiri dirumah. Penyuluhan berjalan dengan baik serta mudah dipahami oleh peserta sehingga dalam hasil pengevaluasian terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta dari 0% hingga 100% setelah materi diberikan serta salah satu peserta juga mengalami perubahan fungsional wajah yang cukup baik saat diberikan penerapan penatalaksanaan fisioterapi di RS dengan menggunakan beberapa modalitas. Kegiatan penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai bell’s palsy dan terjadi perubahan yang cukup signifikan dimana meningkatnya nilai kekuatan otot wajah pada penderita bell’s palsy dimana pasien sudah mampu berbicara.The counseling was held aimed at providing education to patients and their families about bell's palsy, especially about the causes of bell's palsy and how to do independent exercises at home correctly to reduce complaints caused by patients. The method used is to provide counseling in the form of health promotion about Bell's Palsy to patients and their families as well as using leaflets as a media for counseling, giving pre-test and post-test in the form of questions to patients and their families to measure the effectiveness of the counseling provided to provide independent training at home. The counseling went well and was easily understood by the participants so that in the evaluation results there was an increase in participants' knowledge from 0% to 100% after the material was given and one of the participants also experienced quite good facial functional changes when given the application of physiotherapy management in the hospital using several modalities. Counseling activities can increase participants' knowledge about bell's palsy and there is a significant change where the value of facial muscle strength increases in patients with bell's palsy where the patient is able to spea

    Neck Circumference as a Simple Screening Measure for Identifying Egyptian Overweight and Obese Adults

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    Abstract Background: Neck circumference (NC) is a simple screening measure for identifying overweight and obesity

    Verminoses em crianças e prevenção na perspectiva da educação em saúde: revisão narrativa, 2001 a 2020

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    Introdução: As doenças causadas por verminoses são um grande problema de saúde pública no Brasil, apesar de afetarem também adultos, as crianças são as mais afetadas e desenvolvem sintomatologias mais graves, reforçando a importância de ações de educação em saúde nas escolas para a prevenção contra essa parasitose. Objetivo: Mapear publicações brasileiras sobre parasitoses na infância correlacionando com as medidas de prevenção e promoção propostas na perspectiva da educação em saúde no período de 2001 a 2020. Método: Estudo de revisão narrativa tendo como finalidade mapear os estudos feitos com crianças com idade de 1 a 15 anos que incluíam as verminoses mais comum no Brasil, onde as referências de estudo se fundamentaram na plataforma virtual do Ministério da Saúde, em livros, artigos da plataforma SCIELO, periódicos de medicina e monografias publicadas referentes ao tema com publicações feitas dentre os anos 2000 a 2020. Resultados: Foram analisados 06 pesquisas feitas por autores diferentes em diferentes municípios, onde tivemos 02 pesquisas realizadas no estado de RO (Rondônia); em Brasil (2017) analisando os dados em geral estima-se a prevalência de 2 a 36% de contaminação de crianças por verminoses, tendo como maior prevalência por Ascaridíase o estado do Amazonas. O estado do Maranhão teve o maior índice em infecção por ancilostomíase e sobre infecção por Tricuríase o estado do Amazonas teve números elevados. Tendo como base a pesquisa relacionada ao município de Paracatu-MG foram encontradas verminoses como a Entamoeba e Ancilostomídeo, já em 2013 foram encontrados verminoses como a Escherichia coli e Giardia lamblia. Em RO foram encontrados pesquisas feitas em escolas de Ji Paraná-RO, onde foram analisadas 124 alunos demonstrando prevalência de parasitas como a Endolimax nana e Entamoeba coli com altos índices, já em 2015 no município de Porto Velho-RO destaco os principais parasitas Endolimax nana, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba hystolytica, e Ascaris lumbricoides, com isso podemos definir que a Ascaris lumbricoides, Entamoeba hystolytica, a Tricuríase são as verminoses mais prevalente frente a esse estudo. CONCLUSÃO: As verminoses são prevalentes nas regiões com falta de saneamento básico, déficits de alimentação ou local de moradia inapropriados, ou seja, há precariedade nos determinantes básicos de saúde

    Kegiatan Fisioterapi Komunitas pada Pasien Bell's Palsy di Rehab Medik RSUD Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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      Penyuluhan diadakan bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien tentang penyakit bell's palsy terutama tentang penyebab terjadinya bell's palsy dan cara melakukan latihan mandiri dirumah yang benar untuk mengurangi keluhan yang ditimbulkan oleh pasien. Metode yang digunakan dengan memberikan penyuluhan berupa promosi kesehatan tentang Bell's Palsy kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien serta menggunakan leafleat sebagai media penyuluhan, pemberian pre test dan post test berupa pertanyaan kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien guna mengukur keefektifan dari penyuluhan yang diberikan memberikan edukasi latihan mandiri dirumah. Penyuluhan berjalan dengan baik serta mudah dipahami oleh peserta sehingga dalam hasil pengevaluasian terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta dari 0% hingga 100% setelah materi diberikan serta salah satu peserta juga mengalami Perubahan fungsional wajah yang cukup baik saat diberikan penerapan penatalaksanaan fisioterapi di RS dengan menggunakan beberapa modalitas. Kegiatan penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai bell's palsy dan terjadi Perubahan yang cukup signifikan dimana meningkatnya nilai kekuatan otot wajah pada penderita bell's palsy dimana pasien sudah mampu berbicara

    Zonulin and copeptin relation to some metabolic markers in school-aged obese children

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    Abstract Background Using Zonulin and Copeptin as potential obesity markers in children, hasn’t yet been focused. Aim To evaluate the association between serum levels of both Zonulin and Copeptin with the obesity markers, and to assess their role as metabolic disturbance predictors in obese children. Methods A case-control study comprised 111 Egyptian children (45 males and 66 females); aged 6–10 years to avoid the effect of puberty (prepubertal). They were classified according to their body mass index (BMI) percentiles into: 72 obese (BMI ≥ 95th ), and 39 control ones (BMI > 15th - <85th ), based on the Egyptian Growth Charts for children and adolescents. Anthropometric parameters and blood pressure were measured, and body composition analysis, lipid profile, Zonulin, and Copeptin levels were assessed. Results The obese group showed a significantly higher value of Copeptin and a lower value of Zonulin than the control one Also, the obese group showed significant negative correlations between Zonulin and both anthropometric obesity markers and body composition, whereas Copeptin showed significant positive ones. Moreover, significant positive correlations were found between Copeptin and both body weight and fat distribution. Insignificant correlations were observed between both serum Zonulin and Copeptin levels and blood pressure and lipid profile. Conclusion Zonulin and Copeptin cannot be used as metabolic disturbance predictors, among Egyptian children, as they were insignificantly correlated with lipid profile or blood pressure