23 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Kekuatan Pukulan Atlet Beladiri Menggunakan Sensor Fsr (Force Sensitive Resistor) Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega328

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat alat ukur kekuatan pukulan atlet beladiri sebagai alat bantu untuk pelatih dalam proses peningkatan latihan pukulan dan penyeleksian atlet yang dirasa mampu diturunkan dilaga pertandingan. Alat ini digunakan untuk mengukur kekuatan pukulan atlet beladiri.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah, yakni: studi literatur, perancangan, pembuatan prototype, pengujian alat, hasil, analisis dan pembahasan, dan kesimpulan. Alat ukur kekuatan pukulan atlet beladiri terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji kelayakan prototype oleh ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli fisik serta dilakukan uji performa prototype oleh 5 orang atlet beladiri dengan 5 kali pukulan menggunakan pukulan depan atau lurus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pelatih dan atlet cabang olahraga beladiri pencak silat. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah berupa angket dan tabel.Hasil dari penelitian ā€œRancang Bangun Alat Ukur Kekuatan Pukulan Atlet Beladiri Menggunakan Sensor FSR (Force Sensitive Resistor) Berbasis Mikrokontroller ATmega328ā€ memperoleh hasil uji kelayakan prototype oleh ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli fisik bahwa alat ini sudah layak untuk digunakan. Sedangkan hasil uji performa prototype oleh 5 atet beladiri dengan 5 kali pukulan menggunakan pukulan depan atau lurus memperoleh hasil bahwa sensor FSR pada alat ini dapat bekerja dengan baik.Cara kerja alat ukur kekuatan pukulan atlet beladiri ini yaitu sensor FSR menerima tekanan yang masuk berupa pukulan, lalu data dikirimkan ke mikrokotroller ATmega328 untuk diproses, kemudian data dikirimkan ke seven segment untuk memunculkan nilai tekanan yang masuk berupa angka, jika nilai sudah muncul tekan tombol reset agar nilainya menjadi no


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    George Simon Ohm (1789-1854) merumuskan hubungan antara kuat aruslistrik (I), hambatan (R) dan beda potensial (V) yang kemudian dikenal dengan hukum Ohm. Hubungan antara tegangan, arus dan hambatan dalam rangkaian dinyataan oleh V = I.R persamaan disamping adalah hokum ohm. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen sebagian percobaan pengujian teori hokum ohm. Pada bagian hasil penelitian yang diperoleh melalui hasil uji simulasi menggunakan software proteus. Dari hasil percobaan dan perhitungan diatas bahwa hasil yang di dapat keduanya sama. Dari pengukuran dapat dianalisa  sesuai dengan hokum ohm yaitu  besarnya arus listrik berbanding terbalik dengan resistansi. Diketahui ketika variable tegangan naik dengan resistansi konstan maka arus juga naik, sebaliknya jika tegangan konstan dan variable resistansi naik maka arus semakin turun.  &nbsp

    Rancang Bangun Function Generator Berbasis Digital to Analog Converter

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    Abstract - Facts in the field show that many function generator instruments are composed of analog components. Based on the size of its dimensions, this type of function generator has a large size so that it cannot be implemented on small-scale devices. To optimize electronic devices, it is necessary to implement a digital system. Based on this, this research intends to produce a digital to analog converter-based digital function generator using AT-Mega16, LCD2x16 and DAC0808 to determine the frequency and waveform that can be measured directly using an oscilloscope. The use of the C programming language by utilizing the VSM Studio and ProgISP software as commands for AT-Mega16. This research produces a function generator with a frequency range of 30.53 Hz - 20 Khz. The resulting waveforms include sine, checkerboard and ramp/ sawtooth. The function generator is 100% accurate at a frequency of 33 Hz ā€“ 200 Hz and the measurement difference appears at a frequency of more than 200 Hz and tends to increase up to a frequency of 20 Khz. In addition to the difference in frequency, there are also waveform defects at frequencies above 2 Khz. Placement of DAC-based function generator oscillation programming commands in sub programs can cause waveform defects. The waveform defect is assumed to be the lag time of the microcontroller when it will perform looping of approximately 12.9 Ī¼s. This can add to the difference in the resulting period. The use of commands and variable readings in microcontroller programming requires a time lag so that the difference between the input period and the resulting period is 140 Ī¼s, this can be seen in the experimental measurement period from 50 Ī¼s to 500 Ī¼s. Keywords ā€” Function Generator, Digital to Analog Converter, Microcontroller Abstrakā€” Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa instrumen function generator banyak yang tersusun atas komponen analog. Berdasarkan ukuran dimensinya function generator tipe tersebut memiliki ukuran besar sehingga tidak dapat diimplementasikan pada perangkat skala kecil. Untuk mengoptimalkan divice elektronik dibutuhkan implementasi sistem digital. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bermaksud menghasilkan function generator digital berbasis digital to analog converter dengan memanfaatkan AT-Mega16, LCD2x16 dan DAC0808 untuk mengetahui frekuensi dan bentuk gelombang yang dapat diukur  secara langsung dengan menggunakan oscilloscope. Penggunan bahasa pemrogaman C dengan memanfaatkan software VSM Studio dan ProgISP sebagai perintah untuk AT-Mega16. Penelitian ini menghasilkan function generator dengan range frekuensi 30,53 Hz - 20 KHz. Bentuk gelombang yang dihasilkan antara lain sinus, kotak-kotak dan ramp/ gigi gergaji. Function generator akurat 100% pada frekuensi 33 Hz ā€“ 200 Hz dan muncul selisih pengukuran pada frekuensi lebih dari 200Hz dan cenderung naik sampai pada frekuensi 20 KHz. Selain selisih frekuensi juga terdapat cacat bentuk gelombang pada frekuensi diatas 2 KHz. Penempatan perintah pemrograman osilasi function generator berbasis DAC pada sub progam dapat menyebabkan cacat bentuk gelombang. Cacat bentuk gelombang tersebut diasumsikan sebagai jeda waktu microcontroller ketika akan melakukan looping sebesar kurang lebih 12,9 Ī¼s. Hal tersebut dapat menambah selisih periode yang dihasilkan. Penggunaan perintah-perintah dan pembacaan variabel pada pemrograman microcontroller membutuhkan jeda waktu sehingga didapatkan selisih antara periode yang diinput dengan periode yang dihasilkan sebesar 140 Ī¼s hal tersebut terlihat pada percobaan pengukuran periode 50 Ī¼s sampai dengan periode 500 Ī¼s

    Pengaruh Variasi Frekuensi Terhadap Tegangan dan Kecepatan yang Dihasilkan Pada Mesin Pengupas Kelapa Muda Berbasis PLC

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    Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasannya variasi frekuensi juga berpengaruh pada tegangan dan kecepatan. Dipengaruhi oleh frekuensi, semakin tinggi nilai frekuensi maka semakin besar nilai kecepatan putaran poros. Hal ini juga berpengaruh pada nilai tegangan, karena pada proses pengupasan kelapa muda semakin besar variasi frekuensi maka semakin besar nilai tegangan. Berdasarkan faktor yang terjadi pada variasi frekuensi didapatkan hasil pengupasan kelapa muda dengan hasil kupasan yang bervariatif, dari variasi frekuensi mulai 23-58 Hz didapatkan analisa variasi yang memiliki hasil kinerja yang optimum dapat ditunjukkan pada variasi 58 hz dengan waktu pengupasan 9,43 detik

    Sosialisasi Handsanytizer Otomatis Guna Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 bagi siswa-siswi TPQ Darussalam di Banyuwangi

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    The purpose of this Community Partnership Program (PKM) activity is to provide knowledge about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which is increasingly widespread among children. Partners in the activities of TPQ Darussalam students. Stages of activity 1) Planning at this stage the activities carried out are, observation, writing proposals, preparation of socialization materials, preparation of making automatic hand sanitizer tools, debriefing materials, 2) Implementation and socialization. The results of this activity are 1) socialization of automatic hand sanitizers can prevent the transmission of Covid -19 and increase public understanding and knowledge, especially students of TPQ Darussalam, Purwoharjo. 2) the availability of automatic hand sanitizer products in the students of TPQ Darussalam, Purwoharjo. Socialization activities for the use of automatic hand sanitizers and socialization to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 need to be carried out regularly

    Pengaruh Ukuran Font Running text Terhadap Arus Dan Hambatan

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    Abstract - The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of running text font size on current and resistance. 1. The running text device, changing the information is often done using a PC (Personal Computer) so that it is not effective in implementing it. The role of the use of color from the display running text invites the eyes of the people around it to look at it. In addition to the color output, the selection of the font size and the use of letters or numbers is the main attraction of the running text display. At the trial stage of data collection, it can be seen that the font size of the running text affects the current and the resulting resistance.

    Aplikasi Teknologi QR Code Pada Identifikasi Tumbuhan Di Wisata De-Djawatan

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    De-Djawatan Tourism Destinations are known by various tourists both local and non-local with their natural beauty in the form of large and lush trees that are still beautiful or natural. De-Djawatan tourism does not yet have detailed information either manually or digitally related to the biological and general classification of plants in that location. As smartphone technology develops, the information needed to be very easy to obtain. QR Code is one method to obtain complete information. QR Code is a type of two-dimensional image that displays data in the form of text. This community partnership program aims to provide appropriate technology in the form of the QR code method in determining the identification of plants found in De-Djawatan tourist destinations. This aims to make it easier for tourists to find information on various plants both biologically and in general. The stages of program implementation start from the observation stage, media creation, and implementation. The results of this program using the QR Code can include the identity of the identification results of plants, such as division, order, family, genus and species of plants in the De-Djawatan location. In this QR Code method there are features such as Home, Collection, and Admin. Before the QR Code is created, the document data is encrypted and then used as a QR Code. The result of scanning the QR Code is in the form of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that points to the document data. When the URL is executed on the web browser, the system performs a description of the URL, then it is matched with the database, and then displayed to the web browser. The final result is a Document Validation application in the form of a QR Code which is used to convey plant identification information, such as division, order, family, genus and species of plants

    Analysis of Resistor Color Differences Against Resistance Values

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    A resistor is an electronic component that functions as an electric current inhibitor which has units of ohms and has different values based on the difference in the position of the color of the bracelet on the resistor in the experiment, the value of 330 from orange, orange, brown, gold, 1000 from brown, black, red, gold and 130Ī© of brown, red, brown, gold, and 100Ī© of brown, black, brown, gold. The resistor value also has a difference when it is determined using a calculation based on a formula with a calculation using a multimeter measuring instrument, it is influenced by the tolerance value on the resistor where the color is orange, orange, brown, gold with a gold color with a tolerance value of 5%, the value is 330Ī© with calculations based on the formula and obtained 313 by calculation using a multimeter measuring instrument, brown, red, brown, gold, with a gold color with a tolerance value of 5% obtained a value of 1000 by calculations based on the formula and obtained 942 by calculations using a multimeter measuring instrument, brown, black, red, gold , with a gold color with a tolerance value of 5% obtained a value of 130 by calculation based on the formula and obtained 122 by calculations using a multimeter, brown, black, brown, gold, gold color with a tolerance value of 5% obtained a value of 100 with calculations based on the formula and obtained 94Ī© by calculation using the tool measure multimeter

    Potentials of Grinting Grass (Cynodon dactylon l.) For Biopesticides On Sitophylus Zeamais Motsch Mortality

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    Corn is one of the cereals that has strategic and economic value and has the opportunity to be developed. The attack of the Sitophilus Zeamais Motsch species becomes one of the obstacles in the process of storing corn. This study aims to develop the potential of plant biopesticides from grinting grass to control the warehouse pests of Sitophilus Zeamais Motsch. This research is a laboratory based experimental study. The independent variables in this study were the gram weight of grinting grass extract and the number of Sitophilus Zeamais Motsch pests. The dependent variable in this study was the mortality of Sitophilus Zeamais Motsch. Grinting grass extract is obtained using maceration method. Qualitative and quantitative tests were carried out to test the active compound content of grinting grass. Vegetable biopesticide toxicity tests were carried out using a completely randomized design. The results showed that variations in the weight of grinting grass affect the content of chemical compounds present in the grass. Based on UV-Vis and FTIR spectra, the content of polyphenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, and saponins contains 20 gr / 100 mL, there are flavonoids as much, 2.38 mg / mL, saponins as 2.04 mg / mL, alkaloids as much as 1.79 mg / mL, polyphenols 3.15 mg / mL, steroids as much as 2.24 mg / mL and terpenoids as much as 3.15 mg / mL. Based on qualitative tests the active compound is evidenced by changes in color and deposition. While based on pest mortality tests, it was found that almost 50 percent of grinting grass extract can kill corn pests within a period of 7 days of observation with an extract concentration of 800 ppm. Key words: Biopesticides, Grinting Grass, Uv-Vi

    Identifikasi Awal Senyawa Aktif dari Ekstrak RUMPUT GRINTING (CYNODON DACTYLON L.) sebagai Biopestisida

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    Rumput Grinting merupakan salah satu serealia yang strategis dan bernilai ekonomi serta mempunyai peluang untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi biopestisida nabati dari rumput grinting untuk mengendalikan hama.Penelitian ini merupakan studi berbasis eksperimental laboratorik. Ekstrak rumput grinting diperoleh menggunakan metode maserasi. Uji kualitatif dan kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis untuk menguji kandungan senyawa aktif rumput grinting.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi berat rumput grinting yang digunakan dalam proses maserasi mempengaruhi kandungan senyawa kimia yang berada dalam rumput tersebut. Berdasarkan uji Spektro UV-Vis kandungan senyawa kimia polifenol, alkaloid,flavonoid, terpenoid, steroid, dan saponin nilai kandungannya sebesar dalam 20 gr/100 mL terdapat flavonoid sebanyak, 2,38 mg/mL, saponin sebanyak 2,04 mg/mL, alkaloid sebanyak 1,79 mg/mL , polifenol 3,15 mg/mL, steroid sebanyak 2,24 mg/mL dan terpenoid sebanyak 3,15 mg/mL. Berdasarkan uji kualitatif senyawa aktif tersebut dibuktikan dengan perubahan warna dan timbul endapan, pada alkaloid terbukti positif ditandai dengan warna jingga, pada saponin terbukti dengan timbulnya busa, untuk flavonoid timbul warna merah, terpenoid dan steroid timbul warna hijau tua, sedangkan untuk plolifenol timbul warna hijau kehitaman