85 research outputs found

    Hypothetical Model in Testing Integrated Development of Preschool Children

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    This paper provides systematic presentation of the issues related to methodology, and offers some possible solutions for analysis of different aspects of child development, especially preschool age. These issues are related to the definition, acceptance and preparation of the existing theories on development, which include analysis of the whole childā€™s self, his/her surroundings, and his/her activities. In addition, this analysis also includes some methodological problems related to sexual dimorphism, heritage-bound and surroundings-bound development, definition of the model of constructs affecting the selection of variables for evaluation of integral development, definition of the population and selection of the subject sample, determination of manifest characteristics and abilities, selection or construction of measuring instruments for their evaluation, appropriateness of the model and method of data analysis, as well as the possibility of designing the potential model of integrated development of preschool children

    Sex Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics, Motor and Cognitive Functioning in Preschool Children at the Time of School Enrolment

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    The study included a sample of 333 preschool children (162 male and 171 female) at the time of school enrolment. Study subjects were recruited from the population of children in kindergartens in the cities of Novi Sad, Sombor, Sremska Mitrovica and Ba~ka Palanka (Province of Voivodina, Serbia). Eight anthropometric variables, seven motor variables and one cognitive variable were analyzed to identify quantitative and qualitative sex differences in anthropometric characteristics, motor and cognitive functioning. Study results showed statistically significant sex differences in anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities in favor of male children, whereas no such difference was recorded in cognitive functioning. Sex differences found in morphological and motor spaces contributed to structuring proper general factors according to space and sex. Somewhat stronger structures were observed in male children. The cognitive aspect of functioning yielded better correlation with motor functioning in female than in male children. Motor functioning correlated better with morphological growth and development in male children, whereas cognitive functioning was relatively independent. These results are not fully in accordance with the current concept of general conditions in preschool children, nor they fully confirm the theory of integral development of children, hence they should be re-examined in future studies. Although these study results cannot be applied to sports practice in general, since we believe that it is too early for preschool children to take up sports and sport competitions, they are relevant for pointing to the need of developing general motor ability and motor behavior in preschool children

    Relationships between Cognitive and Motor Abilities in Female Children Aged 10ā€“14 Years

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    The aim of the study was to determine cognitive and motor status factors in female children aged 10ā€“14 years and to identify developmental and/or integration functions according to age. The study included a sample of 162 female schoolchildren aged 10ā€“14 years divided into two groups: 84 girls aged 10ā€“12 (X 11.26, SD 0.68) years and 78 girls aged 13ā€“14 (X 13.52, SD 0.63) years. Study results showed a statistically significant between-group difference in the overall system of variables (MANOVA), with the level of significance determined for each individual variable (ANOVA). The older group of subjects showed significantly superior results in comparison with the younger group in the motor tests assessing flexibility, agility, psychomotor speed, explosive strength of throwing type and repetitive strength of the trunk, as well as in the test assessing cognitive functioning. Qualitative differences between the two age groups (prepubertal and pubertal) were determined by use of the matrix of variable inter-correlations factorized by the procedure of principal components that were then transformed to promax solution. The results thus obtained indicated cognitive functioning to take significant part in the motor efficacy of girls aged 10ā€“14 years. In the younger age group (10ā€“12 years), cognitive functioning was related to the motor system that integrates muscle tone regulation and agility/coordination. In the older age group (13ā€“14 years), cognitive functioning was involved in the formation of the first and third factor isolated, i.e. in the factor regulating coordination and intensity of energy mobilization of lower extremities (general motor efficiency) and, to a lesser extent, in third factor regulation the intensity of energy mobilization of upper extremities and trunk strength

    Kanoničečkie vzaimootnoŔčenija meždu dvigatel\u27nymi sposobnostjami i prznavaniem Ŕčkol\u27nyh predmetov

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    Dobivene su dvije značajne kanoničke dimenzije na uzorku učenika i dvije na uzorku učenica. I kod jednih i kod drugih prva se kanonička dimenzija može svesti na znatni pozitivni utjecaj generalnog faktora motorike, koji je kod učenika pretežno definiran subkortikalnom, a kod učenica kortikalnom regulacijom kretanja, na znanje tjelesnog odgoja. Druga kanonička dimenzija definirana je utjecajem sposobnosti realizacije ritma i frekvencije pokreta (pretežno rukama) na znanje jezika i znatno manje na znanje matematike. Rezultati nadalje ukazuju na vjerojatnu pretežmnu uvjetovanost znanja jezika serijalnim, a znanja metamtike paralelenim procesorom, kao i važnost oba procesora u ispoljavanju znanja tjelesnog odgoja.The sample for this study consisted of 246 male and 2021 female students aged 16 to 19. The study analyzed the canonic relations between 16 motor variables and 5 variables for assessment of academic achievement in some high school subjects (mathematics, mother tongue and physical education). Significant structural relations between performance of motor tasks and academic achievement, clearly point out of the nature of unity of body and mind. With both males and females, two pairs of significant canonic dimensions were obtained. In the basis of relation of the first pair (for males) is the effect of the general motor ability defined mostly by subcortical regulation of movement (motor information) on achievement in physical education and partly mathematics. In the second pair of canonic dimensions, the relation between rythmic co-ordination as well as the psychomotor speed on performance in the motor tongue and in mathematics is essential. The obtained results suggest that achievement in physical education for both sexes depends on the function of parallel and perceptive, as well as serial processor. The reason for relatively unclear characteristics of achievement in mother tongue and mathematics, with regard to the serial or paralell process in the nervous system is probably in the fact that achievement in secondary school means memorization and not application

    Identification of Biomotor Structures as a Precondition for Programming Kinesiologic Education in Children Aged Seven to Nine Years

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    A sample consisting of 487 children (249 male and 236 female) aged 7ā€“9 years ( 2 months) underwent programmed kinesiologic transformation procedures for 18 months. The morphological and motor development was followed up by use of 14 morphological and 12 motor variables at 9-month intervals. Three taxonomic analyses for each measurement time point were calculated for either sex in order to determine the initial and transitive position for each individual study subject, and to identify most homogeneous groups within the sample as a whole. Three taxonomic variables were isolated on each measurement for either sex. Study results revealed female children to undergo faster development with earlier formation of the three morphological-motor structures ranked according to their predominance: mass, i.e. ectomesomorphy, motor, and endomorphy. Entity projections upon taxonomic variables at particular measurement points clearly identified the morphological-motor variables to be addressed by general and differentiated programs of kinesiologic education in order to achieve optimal effects during the development of the childā€™s body as a whole

    Kanoničeskie vzaimootnoŔčenija meždu morfologičeskimi harakteristikami i poznanem v nekotoryh Ŕčkol\u27nyh predmetah v srednej Ŕkole

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    Kod učenika, prva kanonička dimenzija se objaÅ”njava pozitivnim utjecajem mezomorfne građe tijela na uspjeh u tjelesnom odgoju, a druga pozitivna utjecajem leptomorfne konstitucije na znanje hrvatskog jezika i neÅ”to manje utjecajem piknomorfije na znanje matematikee. Kod učenica, prva kanonička dimenzija se objaÅ”njava pozitivnim utjecajem leptomezomorfne građe tijela na znanje hrvatskog jezika i donekle utjecajem piknomorfije na znanje matematike, a uspjeh u tjelesnom odgoju.The sample of 246 male subject and the sample of 201 female students, aged between 16 and 19, were anlyzed for canonic relations between 13 anthropometric measures and achievement in some secondary subjects (Croatian language, mathematics and physical education). In case of male students, the first canonic dimension is explained by a positive effect of mesomorphic body build on achievement in physical education, and the second by a positive effect of lectomorphic body build on the achievement in Croatian language and somewhat less is the effect of pycnomorphy on the achievement in mathematics, In the case of female students, the first canonic dimensions is explained by a positive effect of the leptomesomorphic body build on the achievement in Croatian language any by the effect of pyctomorphy on the achievement in mathematics, and the second by a negative effect of adipose voluminosity on achievement in physical education

    Biomotor Structures in Elite Female Handball Players

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    In order to identify biomotor structures in elite female handball players, factor structures of morphological characteristics and basic motor abilities of elite female handball players (N=53) were determined first, followed by determination of relations between the morphological-motor space factors obtained and the set of criterion variables evaluating situation motor abilities in handball. Factor analysis of 14 morphological measures produced three morphological factors, i.e. factor of absolute voluminosity (mesoendomorph), factor of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and factor of transverse hand dimensionality. Factor analysis of 15 motor variables yielded five basic motor dimensions, i.e. factor of agility, factor of jumping explosive strength, factor of throwing explosive strength, factor of movement frequency rate, and factor of running explosive strength (sprint). Four significant canonic correlations, i.e. linear combinations, explained the correlation between the set of eight latent variables of the morphological and basic motor space and five variables of situation motoricity. First canonic linear combination is based on the positive effect of the factors of agility/coordination on the ability of fast movement without ball. Second linear combination is based on the effect of jumping explosive strength and transverse hand dimensionality on ball manipulation, throw precision, and speed of movement with ball. Third linear combination is based on the running explosive strength determination by the speed of movement with ball, whereas fourth combination is determined by throwing and jumping explosive strength, and agility on ball pass. The results obtained were consistent with the model of selection in female handball proposed (Srhoj et al., 2006), showing the speed of movement without ball and the ability of ball manipulation to be the predominant specific abilities, as indicated by the first and second linear combination

    Effects of Kindergarten Period on School Readiness and Motor Abilities

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    A battery of 4 school-readiness tests and 16 motor tests were administered in a sample of 660 preschool children (333 male and 327 female) just about to enroll in the first grade, in order to analyze the effects of kindergarten period on school readiness and motor abilities. The sample of children was divided into six groups according to sex and duration kindergarten attendance (kindergarten period of 5 years, 3 years and 8ā€“9 months). Study results showed the entire education and motor activities in kindergarten to contribute significantly to school-readiness and motor abilities of children. The highest school readiness was found in the children that attended kindergarten for the longest period, whereas lowest school readiness was recorded in children that attended kindergarten for only one academic year or less before enrolling in the first grade

    Relations between Handedness and Motor Abilities in Preschool Children

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    Relations between laterality and motor abilities were assessed in preschool children. Study sample included 202 children aged 5ā€“7.5 decimal years. Upper extremity usage and gesture laterality was assessed by a battery of tests and used on children evaluation according to harmonious or inharmonious laterality. The performance of motor tasks that require whole body coordination, the speed of alternating hand motion frequency and the precision of hand aiming were assessed according to the type of laterality. There were no statistically significant sex differences in laterality distribution, and no differences according to laterality harmonization. There was no statistically significant difference in motor test performance between the children with harmonious and inharmonious laterality
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