71 research outputs found

    Transport corridors as a factor of integration in South-Eastern Europe

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    The benefits of opening the state borders with the stress on its integration function through the constitution of cross-border regions cannot be achieved without a synchronized transport development. For South Eastern European countries, the top priority project would be the formation of pan-European transport corridors defined on Crete in 1994 and amended later on in Helsinki in 1997. Six of ten corridors pass through the territory of South Eastern Europe. Due to their transport and geographical locations, the capitals of the region should represent the key nodes on the main transport directions. Corridor X with its technical, economic and functional characteristics represents the axis of the entire transport network in SE Europe. Formation of this network has as its ultimate goal the functional inter-regional integration with simplified and accelerated transport lines. This also means the open barriers but at the same time, improved and harmonized transport infrastructures and services

    Spatial behaviour of tourists in Belgrade

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    For the purpose of destination planning, management and marketing it is imperative to understand the patterns of tourist spatial activities within cities; in the sense of delineating of tourist zones and major pathways, prognosis of the time spent at particular locations and realizing factors which shape the movement of tourists. The aim of this research is to outline the areas intensively used by tourists during their stay in Belgrade and to analyse the influence of various factors on their spatial behaviour. To collect relevant data, 325 foreign individual tourists were interviewed with the aim of collecting data regarding their spatial activities, visit specifics and socio-demographic characteristics. Independent t-test and one way variance analysis (ANOVA) procedures were conducted in order to explore statistically signifi cant differences in spatial behaviour of tourists based on their socio-demographic and visit characteristics. The study confirmed the importance of Belgrade's historical area for tourism and identifi ed various factors regarding internal characteristics of their visit to the influences characterizing spatial behaviour of tourists in Belgrade. The results can be used to create long-term strategies that would promote a polycentric and balanced distribution of tourist activities across Belgrade and in turn prevent negative effects on the city life itself

    Neighborhood perception as an indicator of gentrification in central zone of Belgrade

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    Gentrification represents a complex revitalization process of the inner city core, which includes a physical improvement or dilatation of housing stock, changes in ownership structure, housing prices incensement and the displacement of poorer working class, which replaces the new middle class with higher incomes. Using data collected in survey research, this paper aims to identify the specific dimensions of gentrification in the central zone of Belgrade. The focus of the research is the improvement of living and housing conditions in the urban core. This condition improvement is the result of investments in the residential space and supporting infrastructure, but it is also largely associated with economic status of immigrant inhabitants - 'gentrifiers', their preferences to the urban lifestyle, as well as to their attitude to residential environment. This paper deals with the subjective dimension of gentrification, e.g. with the actors of that process themselves. The core of this subjective dimension is the perception of the residential area (neighborhood) as a unique component of residential (location) choice of different social groups

    Neighborhood perception as an indicator of gentrification in central zone of Belgrade

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    Gentrification represents a complex revitalization process of the inner city core, which includes a physical improvement or dilatation of housing stock, changes in ownership structure, housing prices incensement and the displacement of poorer working class, which replaces the new middle class with higher incomes. Using data collected in survey research, this paper aims to identify the specific dimensions of gentrification in the central zone of Belgrade. The focus of the research is the improvement of living and housing conditions in the urban core. This condition improvement is the result of investments in the residential space and supporting infrastructure, but it is also largely associated with economic status of immigrant inhabitants - "gentrifiers", their preferences to the urban lifestyle, as well as to their attitude to residential environment. This paper deals with the subjective dimension of gentrification, e.g. with the actors of that process themselves. The core of this subjective dimension is the perception of the residential area (neighborhood) as a unique component of residential (location) choice of different social groups

    Prostorno-socijalna diferencijacija i migracione odlike zaposlenog stanovništva Beograda

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    This article explains the genesis, effects of different factors (historical, economic, political- strategic, urban planning ones), and dynamics of spatial-social differentiation of the employed population in Belgrade. Special attention is paid to analysis of recent migration of employees during the period 1991-2002, which corresponds to the initial phase of liberalization of the housing market when financial constraints and subjective preferences of families and households started to act. This analysis represents the basis for scientific forecast of trajectories of socio-residential development of the city.Rad objašnjava genezu, delovanje različitih faktora (istorijskih, ekonomskih, političko-strateških, urbanističko-planerskih) i dinamiku prostorno-socijalne diferencijacije zaposlenog stanovništva u Beogradu. Posebna pažnja posvećena je analizi recentnih migracija zaposlenih, u periodu od 1991. do 2002. godine, što odgovara inicijalnoj fazi liberalizacije tržišta stanova u kojoj počinju da deluju finansijska ograničenja i subjektivne preferencije porodica i domaćinstava. Tom analizom je stvorena osnova za naučnu prognozu trajektorije daljeg socijalno-rezidencijalnog razvoja grada

    Pojam saobraćajne dostupnosti u geografiji

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    Međuzavisnost saobraćajne pokretljivosti, dostupnosti i prostorne strukture grada

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    The main issue in many transportation-geographical studies is to find a solution for reducing the negative effects of intensive development of transportation in urban areas, such are environmental impact of transportation, increased areas covered with transportation infrastructure congestions etc, without reducing the positive effects of this development. One of the possible solutions is to limit transportation mobility in the way that would not have the negative influence on accessibility. In this context especially nowadays, the concept of 'sustainable accessibility' has been stressed, beside the concept of 'sustainable city'.Brojne saobraćajno-geografske studije se bave iznalaženjem rešenja koja bi mogla ublažiti negativne efekte intenzivnog razvoja saobraćaja u urbanim sredinama, kao što su ugrožavanje životne sredine, povećanje površina pod saobraćajnim infrastrukturama, zakrčivanje postojećih saobraćajnica sve većim brojem prevoznih sredstava itd., istovremeno ne umanjujući pozitivne efekte tog razvoja. Jedno od mogućih rešenja se vidi u smanjivanju saobraćajne pokretljivosti u smislu pređenih kilometara, koje ne bi imalo negativnih posledica po dostupnost. U tom kontekstu se sve češće, pored koncepta "održivih gradova", naglašava značaj i takozvane "održive dostupnosti"

    Prostorna diferencijacija Beograda prema stepenu urbanosti

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    Papers dealing with cities often use terms such as urban, suburban and peri-urban, as well as central business district, inner city and others. However, there is no clear, widely accepted theoretical and methodological basis for their conceptual and spatial definition and delimitation. Terminology used varies greatly between states, and sometimes depends on subjective spatial perception of the author. Additional problems caused by the high degree of spatial and administrative aggregation (settlements and municipalities) make it almost impossible to observe the internal differences of the city. In this paper, an attempt was made to emphasize the importance of the application of precise and relevant indicators in the differentiation of urban units of the area covered by the Master Plan of Belgrade, such as the size of residential buildings, the presence of urban physical infrastructure, and the structure of employed population by the sector of activity. This type of delimitation could represent a starting point in applicative geographic and other research, as well as in further theoretical and methodological discussions on the issue of internal urban spatial division.U radovima koji se bave gradovima, često se koriste termini poput urbanog, suburbanog i periurbanog, kao i centralne poslovne zone, unutrašnjeg grada i drugih. Međutim, do danas ne postoji jasna, šire prihvaćena, teorijsko - metodološka osnova za njihovo pojmovno i prostorno definisanje i delimitaciju. Upotrebljavana terminologija u velikoj meri varira između pojedinih država, a ponekad zavisi i od subjektivne prostorne percepcije samog autora. Dodatne probleme uzrokuje i visok stepen prostorno-administrativne agregacije (naselja i opštine), čime postaje gotovo nemoguće sagledati unutargradske različitosti. U ovom radu, učinjen je pokušaj da se ukaže na značaj primene egzaktnih i relevantnih indikatora u diferencijaciji urbanih celina prostora Generalnog plana Beograda, kao što su veličina stambenih objekata, zastupljenost urbane fizičke infrastrukture i strukture zaposlenog stanovništva prema sektorima delatnosti. Ovakva delimitacija bi mogla predstavljati polaznu osnovu u aplikativnim geografskim i drugim istraživanjima, ali i daljim teorijskim i metodološkim diskusijama po pitanju unutargradske prostorne podele

    Pojam saobraćajne dostupnosti u geografiji

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    Localization factors and development strategies for producer services: a case study of Belgrade, Serbia

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    This article highlights the patterns of Advanced Producer Services (APS) in Belgrade and relates them to contemporary spatial and economic intrametropolitan transformations. The locational strategies of APS have influenced the creation of another center called New Belgrade next to the traditional central business district (CBD). Over the last ten years, government planning documents and the location preferences of foreign firms have made New Belgrade the most attractive business location in Serbia. In a sample of the leading APS firms in Belgrade, 129 firms are analyzed in terms of firm sector, ownership, and location. The results confirm the multipolar-monocentric pattern, which appears to be a common feature in many European cities