3 research outputs found

    Inserting Migrants into the Global Social Protection Floor

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    The social protection floor (SPF) is a global initiative led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to provide social security to vulnerable groups. The SPF neglects the rapidly growing population of international migrants and focusses principally on citizens from lower-income countries. The SPF requires a method to evaluate the social protection gap that exists between citizens and non-citizens in countries that receive migrants in order to improve protections for all. The SPF Advisory Group must collaborate more closely with transit and receiving countries, middle- and high-income countries, and regional organizations to reduce the gaps in social protection between citizens and non-citizens

    Inserting Migrants into the Global Social Protection Floor

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    The social protection floor (SPF) is a global initiative led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to provide social security to vulnerable groups. The SPF neglects the rapidly growing population of international migrants and focusses principally on citizens from lower-income countries. The SPF requires a method to evaluate the social protection gap that exists between citizens and non-citizens in countries that receive migrants in order to improve protections for all. The SPF Advisory Group must collaborate more closely with transit and receiving countries, middle- and high-income countries, and regional organizations to reduce the gaps in social protection between citizens and non-citizens

    Une histoire de la mémoire judiciaire

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    Si dans la mythologie grecque Clio est bien fille de Mémoire, une histoire de la mémoire judiciaire procède, à l’inverse, de la mémoire à son histoire, de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Associant archivistes, historiens, historiens du droit et juristes, ce volume met l’accent sur les questions d’enregistrement et de mémoire directement induites par l’activité des juges et des tribunaux. De l’écriture aux hommes qui tiennent la plume, de la production des actes aux lieux et aux aléas de leur conservation, de la mémoire judiciaire à ses usages ou à son utilité, trois points de vue convergents sont ainsi privilégiés pour explorer une question aux fortes implications contemporaines : la mise par écrit des actes de la vie judiciaire, la conservation pour « mémoire » des actes, enfin l’exploitation de cette mémoire institutionnelle pour l’écriture de l’histoire et l’apparition éventuelle d’autres formes, parallèles ou concurrentes, de mémoire de la vie judiciaire