29 research outputs found

    Preliminary design and evaluation of a multi-axis ankle-foot prosthesis

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    The human gait shows significant differences in the ankle movements during turning and sidestep cutting compared to straight walking, especially in frontal plane. This suggests that the next advancement in lower extremity assistive devices is to extend their design and control to the frontal plane. In this paper, the concept of a multi-axis powered anklefoot prosthesis is introduced and its feasibility is shown by a proof of concept prototype of a cable-driven, multi-axis anklefoot prosthesis. The design kinematics and its ankle joint\u27s mechanical impedance in non-load bearing conditions are evaluated and discussed. It is shown that the developed prototype is capable of closely mimicking the ankle movements in both sagittal and frontal planes during turning and walking on straight path with passive mechanical impedance in sagittal and frontal planes comparable to the ones of the human ankle

    A Review on Eigenstructure Assignment Methods and Orthogonal Eigenstructure Control of Structural Vibrations

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    This paper provides a state-of-the-art review of eigenstructure assignment methods for vibration cancellation. Eigenstructure assignment techniques have been widely used during the past three decades for vibration suppression in structures, especially in large space structures. These methods work similar to mode localization in which global vibrations are managed such that they remain localized within the structure. Such localization would help reducing vibrations more effectively than other methods of vibration cancellation, by virtue of confining the vibrations close to the source of disturbance. The common objective of different methods of eigenstructure assignment is to provide controller design freedom beyond pole placement, and define appropriate shapes for the eigenvectors of the systems. These methods; however, offer a large and complex design space of options that can often overwhelm the control designer. Recent developments in orthogonal eigenstructure control offers a significant simplification of the design task while allowing some experience-based design freedom. The majority of the papers from the past three decades in structural vibration cancellation using eigenstructure assignment methods are reviewed, along with recent studies that introduce new developments in eigenstructure assignment techniques

    Impedance and admittance controller for a multi-axis powered ankle-foot prosthesis

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    © 2014 by ASME. This paper introduces a finite state machine to select between impedance and admittance control for a powered anklefoot prosthesis controllable in both Dorsiflexion-Plantarflexion (DP) and Inversion-Eversion (IE). Strain gauges are installed on the prosthesis\u27 foot to measure the strain caused by ground reaction forces, which are correlated to the external torques in DP and IE. The external torques are used for the admittance and impedance controllers. Additionally, the finite state machine uses the strain gauges feedback to detect the heel-strike and switch to admittance control. The admittance control accepts torque feedback to generate motion, this way larger feedback torques effectively reduces the stiffness of the ankle. During push off, the finite state machine switches to impedance control, accepting motion feedback to generate the appropriated torques. The quasi-static stiffness of the prosthesis with impedance control was tested, showing a near linear relationship between the torque feedback gain and the stiffness of the ankle. The finite state machine and controllers were also evaluated using a custom-made circular treadmill and the results were compared to the results of position and passive controllers; showing that the impedance/admittance controller was capable of tracking the desired input trajectory while decreasing the required torque at the ankle joint

    Stochastic estimation of human ankle mechanical impedance in lateral/medial rotation

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    Copyright © 2014 by ASME. This article compares stochastic estimates of human ankle mechanical impedance when ankle muscles were fully relaxed and co-contracting antagonistically. We employed Anklebot, a rehabilitation robot for the ankle to provide torque perturbations. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to monitor muscle activation levels and these EMG signals were displayed to subjects who attempted to maintain them constant. Time histories of ankle torques and angles in the lateral/medial (LM) directions were recorded. The results also compared with the ankle impedance in inversion-eversion (IE) and dorsiflexionplantarflexion (DP). Linear time-invariant transfer functions between the measured torques and angles were estimated for the Anklebot alone and when a human subject wore it; the difference between these functions provided an estimate of ankle mechanical impedance. High coherence was observed over a frequency range up to 30 Hz. The main effect of muscle activation was to increase the magnitude of ankle mechanical impedance in all degrees of freedom of ankle

    Ankle kinematics describing gait agility: Considerations in the design of an agile ankle-foot prosthesis

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    The designs of available lower extremity powered prostheses are focused on a single degree of freedom (DOF) in sagittal plane, allowing the control of their ankle joints in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. The human gait however, shows that the ankle movements in both sagittal and frontal planes are significant even during walking on a straight path. Additionally, there is a significant change in the ankle movements during straight walking compared to turning and cutting, especially in frontal plane. A better understanding of the ankle characteristics in both sagittal and frontal planes may result in the design of significantly more effective lower extremity prostheses that mimic the ankle function and improve the agility of gait. In this paper, the ankle rotations are estimated during step turn and cutting to provide evidence for necessity of a multi-axis design while providing the preliminary design parameters for a prototype multi-axis powered ankle-foot prosthesis. It is shown that the proposed cable-driven prototype is capable of closely mimicking the ankle movements in both sagittal and frontal planes during turning and walking on a straight path

    Dynamic modeling of a 2-DOF cable driven powered ankle-foot prosthesis

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    Copyright © 2016 by ASME. The first step to study and develop a two Degrees of Freedom (DOF) prosthesis is to derive a dynamic model for simulation and control design. In this paper, the ankle-foot prosthesis has controllable Dorsi-Plantarflexion (DP) and Inversion-Eversion (IE) DOF. We derive a compliant dynamic model for a recently developed ankle-foot prosthesis followed by identification of the actuators, transmission, and prosthetic foot parameters. The resulting model is then verified experimentally and in simulation. Dynamic decoupling of the actuators to the ankle\u27s DP and IE DOF is also investigated using Bode plots. The code used for simulating the prosthesis is provided on GitHub for the community

    Active vibration cancellation of tonal disturbance using orthogonal eigenstructure control

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    Orthogonal Eigenstructure Control (OEC) is a novel control method that can be used for active vibration cancellation. OEC is an output feedback control method applicable to multiple-input, multiple-output linear systems. In this paper, application of OEC for active vibration cancellation in a plate is presented. A steel plate clamped at four edges is used as a test plate and piezoelectric actuators are used as control actuators. Accelerometers are used for measuring the acceleration and displacement at ten locations on the plate. A tonal disturbance with a frequency of 150 Hz is applied to the plate by an electromagnetic actuator. After identification of the state-space model of the plate, orthogonal eigenstructure control is used to find the control gains that decouple the modes of vibrations and reduce transferring of vibrational energy between them. The results show significant vibration suppression throughout the plate