114 research outputs found
Peningkatan Mutu dan Profil Lembaga Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Total Quality Management (Tqm)
Mutu memiliki pengertian yang bervariasi. Oleh karena itu,diperlukan sebuah pemahaman yang jelas terhadap variasi maknamutu tersebut. Sebuah pemahaman tentang variasi arti mutu sangatdiperlukan sebagai langkah awal dalam memahami tentang TotalQuality Management (TQM). Total Quality Management (TQM)merupakan perluasan dan pengembangan dari jaminan mutu dantentang USAha menciptakan kultur mutu, yang mendorong semuaanggota stafnya untuk memuaskan para pelanggan. TQM adalahsebuah pendekatan praktis, namun strategis dalam menjalankanroda organisasi yang memfokuskan diri pada kebutuhan pelanggandan kliennya. Bukan merupakan sekumpulan slogan, namunmerupakan suatu pendekatan sistematis dan hati-hati untukmencapai tingkatan kualitas yang tepat dengan cara yang konsistendalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan. Sebagaisebuah pendekatan, TQM mencari sebuah peningkatan danperubahan permanen dalam tujuan sebuah organisasi/lembaga, daritujuan kelayakan jangka pendek menuju tujuan perbaikan mutujangka panjang. Total Quality Management (TQM) adalah suatumakna dan standar mutu dalam pendidikan. maka perlu diingatbahwa dalam manajemen mutu terpadu dalam pendidikan harusmenempatkan pelanggan dan produk sebagai perhatian utama. Olehkarena itu perlunya pengembangan kurikulum secara terus menerusberdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat yang selalu berkembang.Dimana pelanggan utama pendidikan adalah peserta didik yangmenerima pelayanan pendidikan dan latihan, sedangkan produknyaadalah peluang pembelajaran yang harus tercapai keperluan yangelemennya adalah kurikulum dan sumber daya pembelajaran
Implementasi Kebijakan Sekolah dalam Menanggulangi Kenakalan Remaja di SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Rawabening Oku Timur
This study aimed at describing 1) implementation of school policy in tackling juvenile delinquency in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Rawabening; 2) supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing school policy implementation. This research is qualitative research. This research was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Rawabening with research subjects is headmaster, student, teacher, and class guardian. Data collection techniques were interview, observation and document study. Data analysis technique using Miles and Hubberman interactive model. The results showed that 1) implementation of school policy in tackling delinquency teenagers composed in curative countermeasures in the form of socialization provided from the Department of Education of South Sumatra; Police; as well as the National Narcotics Agency. Representative efforts in the form of school rules that are applied in everyday life and must be obeyed by learners. Preventive efforts include reprimands for students who violate school rules. 2) supporting factor was high commitment of all school residents and parents, relationships are woven, and active participation of all parties. Inhibiting factors were resources that are not optimal, differences in inter-educator handling, and less strict punishment
A Primary Study for Checking the Occurrence of Plant Parasitic Nematodes with the Crop Banana at Agricultural Areas of Palakkad Taluk, India
The reviews on production of banana during the recent years were not a satisfying one with respect to fourth position of Kerala in area of cultivation in India. Among so many factors for this declination, plant parasitic nematodes also found as a major negative factor. Thus the present study tried to prove this predict and conducted a survey in the unexplored rhizosphere region of an important crop banana (Nendran) in Palakkad taluk of Kerala, India during the post monsoon season of 2017. A total of twenty seven samples each were collected from banana rhizosphere soil and roots and processed for this study. The analysis revealed that the most abundant nematode population was Radopholus spp. and most frequently occurred genus was Meloidogyne spp. in the studied banana fields. The major diversity showing area were Elappully panchayath for rhizosphere soil samples and Kannadi panchayath for root samples. Different plant parasitic nematodes such as Aphelenchus spp., Criconemoides spp., Dory laimoides spp., Helicotylenchus spp., Hoplolaimus spp., Meloidogyne sp p., Pratylenchus spp., Radopholus spp., Rotylenchulus spp., Tylenchoryn chus spp. and Tylenchus spp. were observed in both soil and root samples examined
Pembentukan Karakter Disiplin Siswa melalui Guru Kelas di SD Negeri 3 Rejosari Kabupaten Oku Timur
The role of educators should be able to carry out the inspiration of learning. The existence of teachers as one component in the education system greatly affects the formation of student discipline character in SD Negeri 3 Rejosari Belitang Mulya District, OKU Timur. This research was descriptive qualitative. This research provided an overview of the character of students\u27 discipline and provide solutions in character-based learning for students in OKU Timur. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study explained that teachers as educators, teachers as teachers, teachers as mentors, teachers as trainers, and teachers as evaluators. The role of classroom teachers in SD Negeri 3 Rejosari has been good already, because each class teacher has applied the five aspects of the role of the class teacher well. Efforts of classroom teachers in the formation of student character are using habituation method, exemplary, lecture and simulation. Therefore, teachers have an important role in building the character of the nation
Kandungan Asam Sianida, Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Tepung Biji Karet Hasil Pengukusan
Biji karet merupakan salah satu bahan pakan hasil samping berkualitas dari perkebunan karet yang dapat dijadikan pakan ternak unggas maupun ruminansia. Salah satu kelemahan dari bahan pakan tersebut adalah tingginya kandungan asam sianida (HCN) yang dapat menyebabkan keracunan bila dikonsumsi oleh ternak. Salah satu cara untuk mengeliminasi bahkan menghilangkan kandungan antinutrisi tersebut yaitu dengan proses pengukusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lama waktu pengukusan terhadap penurunan asam sianida maupun Perubahan zat makanan lainnya seperti bahan kering dan bahan organik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan Analisis Ragam, sedangkan uji jarak berganda Duncan digunakan sebagai uji lanjut. Perlakuan yang terapkan adalah; P0 (tepung biji karet tanpa pengukusan sebagai kontrol), P1 (pengukusan tepung biji karet selama 10 menit), P2 (pengukusan tepung biji karet selama 20 menit) dan P3 (pengukusan tepung biji karet selama 30 menit). Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu pengukusan berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap HCN tepung biji karet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama waktu pengukusan semakin signifikan menurunkan kandungan HCN, bahan kering maupun bahan organik tepung biji karet. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengukusan tepung biji karet selama 30 menit mampu menurunkan asam sianida 13 kali lebih rendah (9.542 - 0.712%) dibandingkan kontro
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Effects of an mHealth intervention for community health workers on maternal and child nutrition and health service delivery in India: protocol for a quasi-experimental mixed-methods evaluation.
INTRODUCTION:Millions of children in India still suffer from poor health and under-nutrition, despite substantial improvement over decades of public health programmes. The Anganwadi centres under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) provide a range of health and nutrition services to pregnant women, children <6 years and their mothers. However, major gaps exist in ICDS service delivery. The government is currently strengthening ICDS through an mHealth intervention called Common Application Software (ICDS-CAS) installed on smart phones, with accompanying multilevel data dashboards. This system is intended to be a job aid for frontline workers, supervisors and managers, aims to ensure better service delivery and supervision, and enable real-time monitoring and data-based decision-making. However, there is little to no evidence on the effectiveness of such large-scale mHealth interventions integrated with public health programmes in resource-constrained settings on the service delivery and subsequent health and nutrition outcomes. METHODS AND ANALYSIS:This study uses a village-matched controlled design with repeated cross-sectional surveys to evaluate whether ICDS-CAS can enable more timely and appropriate services to pregnant women, children <12 months and their mothers, compared with the standard ICDS programme. The study will recruit approximately 1500 Anganwadi workers and 6000+ mother-child dyads from 400+ matched-pair villages in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. The primary outcomes are the proportion of beneficiaries receiving (a) adequate number of home visits and (b) appropriate level of counselling by the Anganwadi workers. Secondary outcomes are related to improvements in other ICDS services, and knowledge and practices of the Anganwadi workers and beneficiaries. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION:Ethical oversight is provided by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects at the University of California at Berkeley, and the Suraksha Independent Ethics Committee in India. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and analysis data will be made public. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:ISRCTN83902145
Buletin Pa'biritta LPMP Sulawesi Selatan nomor 19 tahun X 2017
Buletin Pa'birita nomor 19 ini terbit setelah beberapa lama berhenti selama beberapa waktu. Penerbitanya merupakan permintaan dari widyaiswara, guru dan tenaga kependidikan yang ingin karyanya di publikasikan.
Buletin ini menyajikan tulisan yang membahasa penjaminan mutu pendidikan, program induksi, efek samping haemodialisis, teknologi pembelajaran, Praktikum pembelajaran IPA, Fungsi dan ragam bahasa, Penyelesaian perkalian, dan pappaseng toriolota
Multivariate analysis of FcR-mediated NK cell functions identifies unique clustering among humans and rhesus macaques
Rhesus macaques (RMs) are a common pre-clinical model used to test HIV vaccine efficacy and passive immunization strategies. Yet, it remains unclear to what extent the Fc-Fc receptor (FcR) interactions impacting antiviral activities of antibodies in RMs recapitulate those in humans. Here, we evaluated the FcR-related functionality of natural killer cells (NKs) from peripheral blood of uninfected humans and RMs to identify intra- and inter-species variation. NKs were screened for FcγRIIIa (human) and FcγRIII (RM) genotypes (FcγRIII(a)), receptor signaling, and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), the latter mediated by a cocktail of monoclonal IgG1 antibodies with human or RM Fc. FcγRIII(a) genetic polymorphisms alone did not explain differences in NK effector functionality in either species cohort. Using the same parameters, hierarchical clustering separated each species into two clusters. Importantly, in principal components analyses, ADCC magnitude, NK contribution to ADCC, FcγRIII(a) cell-surface expression, and frequency of phosphorylated CD3ζ NK cells all contributed similarly to the first principal component within each species, demonstrating the importance of measuring multiple facets of NK cell function. Although ADCC potency was similar between species, we detected significant differences in frequencies of NK cells and pCD3ζ+ cells, level of cell-surface FcγRIII(a) expression, and NK-mediated ADCC (P<0.001), indicating that a combination of Fc-FcR parameters contribute to overall inter-species functional differences. These data strongly support the importance of multi-parameter analyses of Fc-FcR NK-mediated functions when evaluating efficacy of passive and active immunizations in pre- and clinical trials and identifying correlates of protection. The results also suggest that pre-screening animals for multiple FcR-mediated NK function would ensure even distribution of animals among treatment groups in future preclinical trials
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