11 research outputs found

    Closing the gap between screening and depression prevention:a qualitative study on barriers and facilitators from the perspective of public health professionals in a school-based prevention approach

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    Background: The prevalence of depression has increased among adolescents in western countries. Prevention is needed to reduce the number of adolescents who experience depression and to avoid negative consequences, including suicide. Several preventive interventions are found to be promising, especially multi-modal approaches, for example combining screening and preventive intervention. However, an important bottleneck arises during the implementation of preventive intervention. Only a small percentage of adolescents who are eligible for participation actually participate in the intervention. To ensure that more adolescents can benefit from prevention, we need to close the gap between detection and preventive intervention. We investigated the barriers and facilitators from the perspective of public health professionals in screening for depressive and suicidal symptoms and depression prevention referral in a school-based setting. Methods: We conducted 13 semi-structured interviews with public health professionals, who execute screening and depression prevention referral within the Strong Teens and Resilient Minds (STORM) approach. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and coded in several cycles using ATLAS.ti Web. Results: Three main themes of barriers and facilitators emerged from the interviews, namely “professional capabilities,” “organization and collaboration,” and “beliefs about depressive and suicidal symptoms and participation in prevention”. The interviews revealed that professionals do not always feel sufficiently equipped in terms of knowledge, skills and supporting networks. Consequently, they do not always feel well able to execute the process of screening and prevention referral. In addition, a lack of knowledge and support in schools and other cooperating organizationorganizations was seen to hinder the process. Last, the beliefs of public health professionals, school staff, adolescents, and parents —especially stigma and taboo—were found to make the screening and prevention referral process more challenging. Conclusions: To further improve the process of screening and prevention referral in a school-based setting, enhancing professional competence and a holding work environment for professionals, a strong collaboration and a joint approach with schools and other cooperating organizations and society wide education about depressive and suicidal symptoms and preventive intervention are suggested. Future research should determine whether these recommendations actually lead to closing the gap between detection and prevention.</p

    Evaluation of a multimodal school-based depression and suicide prevention program among Dutch adolescents: Design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Since 2010, suicide has been the most important cause of mortality in youth aged 15 to 29 years in the Netherlands. Depression is an important risk factor for suicidal behaviors (i.e., suicide ideation, deliberate self-harm, planning, and suicide attempts) in adolescents. Adolescents who develop depressive symptoms, are also at risk for adult depression. This developmental continuity is especially noticeable in adolescents compared to other age groups; therefore, it is necessary to develop preventive strategies for teens. This study will test a multimodal school-based approach to suicide and depression prevention, which integrates universal and targeted approaches and includes various stakeholders (schools, adolescents, parents, and mental health professionals) simultaneously. Methods: We will perform a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) with an intervention and control condition to test the effectiveness of a school-based multimodal stepped-prevention program for depression and suicidal behaviors in adolescents. Adolescents in their second year of secondary education will participate in the study. The participants in the intervention condition will receive the entire multimodal stepped-preventive program comprising early screening and detection of suicidal behaviors and depressive symptoms, a safety net consisting of gatekeepers at school, followed by universal and indicated prevention. The participants in the control condition will undergo only the screening and the safety net of gatekeepers at schools. They will complete assessments at baseline, post-intervention, and 6, 12, and 24-month follow-up. Primary outcome will be suicidal behaviors measured at 12-months follow-up. Additionally, the present study will identify mechanisms that mediate and moderate the program effects and test the effect of the program on various secondary outcomes. Discussion: If the school-based multimodal stepped-prevention program proves to be effective, it could be implemented in schools on a large scale

    Pragmatic Quasi-Experimental Controlled Trial Evaluating the Outcomes of Blended CBT Compared to Face-to-Face CBT and Treatment as Usual for Adolescents with Depressive Disorders

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    Depression is a major problem in youth mental health. Current treatment is on average effective, but adolescents are hesitant to seek help. Blended treatment could lower the barriers to seeking treatment. Evidence on effectiveness is, however, scarce. The present pragmatic quasi-experimental controlled trial aimed to compare the outcomes of blended cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to face-to-face CBT and treatment as usual. A total of 129 adolescents with clinical depression (82.2% female), aged 13–22 (M = 16.60, SD = 2.03) received blended CBT, face-to-face CBT or treatment as usual. Clinical diagnosis, depressive symptoms, and secondary outcomes were assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and six-months follow-up. Participants receiving blended CBT were, compared to participants receiving face-to-face CBT and treatment as usual, evenly likely to be in remission from their depressive disorder at post-intervention and at six-month follow-up. Depressive symptoms decreased significantly over time in all three conditions, and changes were not significantly different between conditions. Other secondary outcomes (suicide risk, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, severity of depression, and global functioning) did not differ between treatment conditions at post-intervention and six-month follow-up. Since there was no evidence for favorable outcomes for face-to-face therapies above blended CBT, blended CBT may also be an effective treatment format in clinical practice

    The Association between Perceived Maternal and Paternal Psychopathology and Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescent Girls

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    Exposure to parental depression and anxiety is known to heighten the risk of internalizing symptoms and disorders in children and adolescents. Ample research has focused on the influence of maternal depression and anxiety, but the contribution of psychopathology in fathers remains unclear. We studied the relationships of perceived maternal and paternal psychopathology with adolescents’ depression and anxiety symptoms in a general population sample of 862 adolescent girls (age M = 12.39, SD = .79). Assessments included adolescents’ self-reports of their own depression and anxiety as well as their reports of maternal and paternal psychopathology. We found that perceived maternal and paternal psychopathology were both related to depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescent girls. A combination of higher maternal and paternal psychopathology was related to even higher levels of depression and anxiety in adolescent girls. Our findings showed that adolescents’ perceptions of their parents’ psychopathology are significantly related to their own emotional problems

    Effectiveness of school-based preventive programs in suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A meta-analysis

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    Background: Suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs) among adolescents have hardly decreased despite preventative efforts. School-based prevention programs could have a great reach, yet suicide prevention is not an easy topic to address. To increase acceptability of school-based suicide prevention, it is important to evaluate whether programs that target known risk factors of STBs, such as depression, could be equally effective. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature search in major electronic databases. Outcomes were suicidal ideation and behaviors. Multivariate random effects meta-regression-analyses were conducted. Results: Eleven primary studies met the inclusion criteria, totalling 23,230 participants. The post-test effect size was small for both suicidal ideation (g = 0.15) and suicidal behaviors (g = 0.30). Meta-regression indicated that targeting known risk factors of STBs was not a significant modifier of effect size for ideation, indicating equal effectiveness. However, it was significant modifier of effect for behaviors, but only one intervention targeted know risk factors. Effects at follow-up (3–12 months) were also significant but small for both outcomes. Limitations: Substantial heterogeneity between studies was noted. Only few and small sample size studies could be included that targeted known risk factors of STBs. Therefore, these results should be interpreted with caution. Conclusions: School-based prevention of STBs shows some promise within three months post-test assessments, and potentially also have effects that are sustained over time. More studies are needed to make conclusions regarding school-based interventions that target risk factors of STBs

    Suicide ideation as a symptom of adolescent depression. a network analysis

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    Introduction: According to the network perspective, psychopathology is the result of interactions between symptoms. A previous study used network analysis to identify central symptoms of adolescent depression. The aim of the current study was replicate and extend this study by including suicide ideation as a symptom of depression and evaluating which depression symptoms are contributing factors to suicide ideation in adolescents. Method: A large community sample (N = 5,888) of adolescents aged 11–16 years completed the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI-2). Network analysis was used to identify the network structure of the CDI-2 and which symptoms were directly related to suicide ideation in the network. Additionally, the network structure of adolescents who did and did not experience suicide ideation were compared. Results: Results pertaining the depression network were highly similar to the study we aimed to replicate. The most central symptoms in the depression network were loneliness, sadness, self-hatred, fatigue, self-deprecation and crying. Loneliness explained most variance of suicide ideation. Adolescents who experience suicide ideation had a similar network structure as those who do not. Adolescents with suicide ideation scored higher on all depression symptoms. Limitations: The use of cross-sectional data indicates that only undirected networks and results based on between-subject data could be estimated. Conclusions: Loneliness was a central factor for depression networks and also the most contributing factor of suicide ideation. Preventative efforts should consider taking experiences of loneliness into account as these are especially prevalent in adolescents. Suicide ideation seems more representative of depression symptom severity in adolescents

    Evaluation of a school-based depression prevention program among adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Adolescents are at risk of developing depressive symptoms. Given the prevalence, recurrence and negative consequences of adolescent depression, it is crucial to implement prevention programs for high-risk adolescents. Prevention programs at an indicated level have shown to be successful in reducing depressive symptoms in adolescents. This study will evaluate the (cost)effectiveness of the prevention program 'Op Volle Kracht (OVK 2.0)' for adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms. Methods: We will perform a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with an intervention and control condition to test the effectiveness of an indicated prevention program aimed at depression in adolescents. Adolescents in their second year of secondary education (11-15 year) will be screened for depressive symptoms. Those with heightened levels of depressive symptoms (CDI-2 ≥ 14) will be randomly assigned to the intervention (N = 80) or control group (N = 80). The participants in the intervention condition will receive a prevention program comprising eight meetings of 60 min each. The participants in the control condition will receive psycho-educational information. All participants and their parents will complete assessment at baseline, post-intervention, and 6-, 12- and 24- month follow-up. Primary outcome will be depressive symptoms. Additionally, the present study will identify mechanisms that mediate and moderate the program effects and test the effect of OVK 2.0 on secondary outcomes. Discussion: This paper describes a study designed to screen adolescents for depressive symptoms and offer them a prevention program to prevent the onset of depressive symptomatology. Adolescents in the intervention condition are expected to show lower levels of depressive symptoms at 12 month follow-up compared to adolescents in the control condition. If OVK 2.0 proves to be effective, the screening and intervention program could be implemented in schools on a large scale. Trial registration: Dutch Trial Register NTR5725. Date registered: 11th of March 2016

    Randomized control trial testing the effectiveness of implemented depression prevention in high-risk adolescents

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    Background: Adolescent depression is a global mental health concern. Identification and effective prevention in an early stage are necessary. The present randomized, controlled trial aimed to examine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)-based depression prevention in adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms. This prevention approach is implemented in school communities, which allows to examine effects under real-life circumstances. Methods: A total of 5222 adolescents were screened for elevated depressive symptoms in the second grade of secondary schools; 130 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 13.59; SD = 0.68; 63.8% girls) were randomly assigned to the experimental (OVK 2.0) or control condition (psycho-education). Self- and parent-reported depressive symptoms were assessed at pretest and post intervention, as well as 6- and 12-months follow-up. Clinical assessment of depression was assessed at pretest and 6-months follow-up. Results: Intent-to-treat analyses revealed that the decrease in adolescent-rated depressive symptoms was significantly larger in the intervention condition than in the control condition. There was no significant difference in decrease of parent-rated depressive symptoms between both conditions. Conclusions: Based on the findings, we recommend the implementation of screening and prevention in schools, according the basics of this study design. Since this is a new step forward, we discuss the clinical impact and challenges, as well possibilities for future research. Trial registration: The study is registered in the Dutch Trial Register for RCT's (NTR5725). Date registered: 11 March 2016

    Evaluation of a school-based depression prevention program among adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms : Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Adolescents are at risk of developing depressive symptoms. Given the prevalence, recurrence and negative consequences of adolescent depression, it is crucial to implement prevention programs for high-risk adolescents. Prevention programs at an indicated level have shown to be successful in reducing depressive symptoms in adolescents. This study will evaluate the (cost)effectiveness of the prevention program 'Op Volle Kracht (OVK 2.0)' for adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms. Methods: We will perform a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with an intervention and control condition to test the effectiveness of an indicated prevention program aimed at depression in adolescents. Adolescents in their second year of secondary education (11-15 year) will be screened for depressive symptoms. Those with heightened levels of depressive symptoms (CDI-2 ≥ 14) will be randomly assigned to the intervention (N = 80) or control group (N = 80). The participants in the intervention condition will receive a prevention program comprising eight meetings of 60 min each. The participants in the control condition will receive psycho-educational information. All participants and their parents will complete assessment at baseline, post-intervention, and 6-, 12- and 24- month follow-up. Primary outcome will be depressive symptoms. Additionally, the present study will identify mechanisms that mediate and moderate the program effects and test the effect of OVK 2.0 on secondary outcomes. Discussion: This paper describes a study designed to screen adolescents for depressive symptoms and offer them a prevention program to prevent the onset of depressive symptomatology. Adolescents in the intervention condition are expected to show lower levels of depressive symptoms at 12 month follow-up compared to adolescents in the control condition. If OVK 2.0 proves to be effective, the screening and intervention program could be implemented in schools on a large scale. Trial registration: Dutch Trial Register NTR5725. Date registered: 11th of March 2016

    Secondary Outcomes of Implemented Depression Prevention in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Our most recent RCT provides evidence that indicated depression prevention is effective in reducing depressive symptoms in adolescents when implemented in the school community. In the present study we further test the potential effects of this prevention approach on symptoms related to depression: anxiety, suicidality, somatic symptoms, and perfectionism. We conducted exploratory analyses in 130 adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 13.59; SD = 0.68; 63.8% girls) who were randomly assigned to the experimental (OVK 2.0) or active control condition (psycho-education). Self-reported anxiety, suicidality, somatic symptoms, and perfectionism were assessed at pretest, post intervention, as well as 6- and 12-months follow-up. Latent growth curve analyses revealed that there was a significant decrease in anxiety in both conditions and that this decrease was significantly larger in the intervention condition than in the control condition. Somatic symptoms and socially prescribed perfectionism decreased significantly in the intervention condition and suicidality decreased significantly in the control condition. Yet there was no difference in decrease in suicidality, somatic symptoms, and perfectionism between the two conditions. This study suggest that screening on depressive symptoms and providing a CBT depression prevention program for adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms, can decrease comorbid symptoms of anxiety and therefore ensure better outcomes. We discuss the clinical implications as well suggestions for future research. Clinical Trial Registration: The study is registered in the Dutch Trial Register for RCTs (NTR5725). Date registered: 11th of March 2016