9 research outputs found

    Multivariate Comparison of Cephalometrictraits in Iranian Azeris and Persians

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    Turkic-speaking Azaris and Iranian-speaking Persians living in Iran were compared by cephalomentric traits. Two multivariate statistical approaches, principal component and discriminant analyses, were applied. The populations are described by almost the same average values (p > 0,05) of the first two principal component variables accounting in aggregate for 73.6% of total diversity of the initial traits. The average level of correct reclassification for the objects while using the analytical recognition method is about 52%, i.e. the probability of their attribution to any of the two groups is almost equal. In whole, the two samples do not differ significantly from each other according to multivariate characteristics analysed that witnesses to the same generalized cephalomentric peculiarities in the ethnic groups considered. Key words: Iranian people, Iranian Azaris, Persians, craniofacial traits, multivariate analysi

    Qajar rule in Iran: in the Qajar government events that changed the fate of Iran

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    The history of each society is a futurity of ups and downs got over by its nation. The basis of their future will be made by the past, particularly if their precedent returns to the ancient times. Individual's dependence on the present world, on one hand, and the past, on the other hand, represents the importance of the chronology. This article tries to study scientifically a main and decisive part of the history of Iran, namely the Qajar dynasty when it is a cause of deep and expanded changes since then. The main object of this study regarding the expanded and complicated changes in this time, is to consider the role and the effect of relations between Iran and Russia in the form of the Golestan and Turkmanchy treaties in the early of the Qajar.The most important outcomes resulted from these two treaties are the separation of some parts from Iran, people's dissatisfaction and determining the Araxes river as the major border between Iran and Russia. Key words: Qajar dynasty,  Iran, Russia, Culture, Golestan treaty, Turkmanchy treaty

    Turkmen Status within Iranian Ethnic Identity (Cultural, Geographical, Political)

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    The world is a place containing various racial and lingual groups. Iran is not an exception, because it can be called a multi-national or multi-racial community. Iran is of great interest to a wide range of scientific disciplines because of the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of population living there, and the extreme complexity of the historical and genetic issues in the region. However, studies related to the ethnogenesis of indigenous peoples and their ancient genetic contacts are not conclusive. Turkmen the largest ethno-linguistic minority in Iran are one of such peoples. Iranian Turkmen are a Turkic people the Branch of Turkmen people living mainly in Northern and Northeastern of Iran Famous to Turkmen Sahra 'Includes Golestan, RazaviKhorasan and North Khorasan. Turkmens were one of the divided nation after 1885, as a result of the British, Iranian and Pashtun resistance in The Great Game, expansion of the Russian Empire to the south ended. Fate of Turkmens across borders evolved differently. Industrialization, urbanization and more intensive modernization in Soviet Turkmenistan led to: unite disparate nomadic tribes settled in a single ethnic group with pronounced cultural and linguistic attributes. Keywords: Turkmen people, Turkmen Sahra, language, Genetic evidence, Racial characteristics

    The Iranian and Azari languages

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    persian predominant ethnic group of Iran formerly known as Persiaand a significant minority community in western Afghanistan. Although of diverse ancestry the Persian people are united by their language, Persian )Farsi) which belongs to the Indo-Iranian group of the Indo-European language family. The name of Azarbaijan has been one of the most renowned geographical names of Iran since 2000 years ago. Azar is a New-Persian word derivative from Middle-Persian (Pahlavi) Athur, Adur which means fire. In Pahlavi inscriptions the the region located south of Aras river has been recorded as Athurpatekan while it has been mentioned Azarbayegan and Azarpadegan in Persian writings. In many references Azerbaijanis are designated as a Turkic people due to their Turkic language. However modern-day Azerbaijanis are believed to be primarily the descendants of the Caucasian and Iranic peoples who lived in the areas of the Caucasus and northern Iran respectively prior to Turkification. Various historians including Vladimir Minorsky explain how largely Iranian and Caucasian populations became Turkish-speaking.   Key words: Language, Iranian languages, The Indo-European languages, Language of Azari people,  Azeris.

    Anthropological Study of Bread Baking in Tehran and Its Evolution Over Time

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    Wheat is the main ingredient of hundreds of different food, medicine and industrial products, and bread, as the most important product of wheat, has been recognized as a salubrious food such that each one of us may eat bread several times a day during our lives, and each time enjoy it more profoundly than ever before. Being known as a vital dietary product, bread has been investigated from various viewpoints. In the present sturdy, attempts are made to investigate the evolution of bread baking process in Tehran (District 1) from an anthropological perspective and explore its overt and covert functions and its role in everyday life of people. As for methodology, the present research falls within the category of ethnographic studies. In the present study, bread has been investigated from the viewpoint of functionalism school (due to its function in our everyday life) and the structuralism school (due to its impact on various structures in society). The findings of documentary studies as well as in-depth interviews and observations indicate that bread, as the staple food of Iranian people, can play a cultural and dogmatic role in many social, cultural and economic structures. Keywords: Bread - Baker - classic bread - Industrial bread - Anthropology - Tehran DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-14-01 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Patrilineal genetic analysis of the origin of azaris of the Middle East

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    The origin of the Turkic-speaking population of the north-western provinces of Iran, the so-called Azaris, is the subject of long-year debate. Here, we present preliminary results on testing of several hypotheses concerning their origin: 1) the Azaris are the descendants of the Turkic ethnic groups migrated from Central Asia; 2) they have an autochthonous origins; 3) they are of Iranian origin; and 4) they have mixed ethnic origin with unknown proportions of source populations‟ contribution. The results show that Azaris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language replacement (change) with regard to Azaris occurred through “elite dominance” mechanism rather than “demic diffusion” model