282 research outputs found

    Peierls Distortion and Quantum Solitons

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    Peierls distortion and quantum solitons are two hallmarks of 1-dimensional condensed-matter systems. Here we propose a quantum model for a one-dimensional system of non-linearly interacting electrons and phonons, where the phonons are represented via coherent states. This model permits a unified description of Peierls distortion and quantum solitons. The non-linear electron-phonon interaction and the resulting deformed symmetry of the Hamiltonian are distinctive features of the model, of which that of Su, Schrieffer and Heeger can be regarded as a special case

    Saddle index properties, singular topology, and its relation to thermodynamical singularities for a phi^4 mean field model

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    We investigate the potential energy surface of a phi^4 model with infinite range interactions. All stationary points can be uniquely characterized by three real numbers $\alpha_+, alpha_0, alpha_- with alpha_+ + alpha_0 + alpha_- = 1, provided that the interaction strength mu is smaller than a critical value. The saddle index n_s is equal to alpha_0 and its distribution function has a maximum at n_s^max = 1/3. The density p(e) of stationary points with energy per particle e, as well as the Euler characteristic chi(e), are singular at a critical energy e_c(mu), if the external field H is zero. However, e_c(mu) \neq upsilon_c(mu), where upsilon_c(mu) is the mean potential energy per particle at the thermodynamic phase transition point T_c. This proves that previous claims that the topological and thermodynamic transition points coincide is not valid, in general. Both types of singularities disappear for H \neq 0. The average saddle index bar{n}_s as function of e decreases monotonically with e and vanishes at the ground state energy, only. In contrast, the saddle index n_s as function of the average energy bar{e}(n_s) is given by n_s(bar{e}) = 1+4bar{e} (for H=0) that vanishes at bar{e} = -1/4 > upsilon_0, the ground state energy.Comment: 9 PR pages, 6 figure

    Isentropic Curves at Magnetic Phase Transitions

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    Experiments on cold atom systems in which a lattice potential is ramped up on a confined cloud have raised intriguing questions about how the temperature varies along isentropic curves, and how these curves intersect features in the phase diagram. In this paper, we study the isentropic curves of two models of magnetic phase transitions- the classical Blume-Capel Model (BCM) and the Fermi Hubbard Model (FHM). Both Mean Field Theory (MFT) and Monte Carlo (MC) methods are used. The isentropic curves of the BCM generally run parallel to the phase boundary in the Ising regime of low vacancy density, but intersect the phase boundary when the magnetic transition is mainly driven by a proliferation of vacancies. Adiabatic heating occurs in moving away from the phase boundary. The isentropes of the half-filled FHM have a relatively simple structure, running parallel to the temperature axis in the paramagnetic phase, and then curving upwards as the antiferromagnetic transition occurs. However, in the doped case, where two magnetic phase boundaries are crossed, the isentrope topology is considerably more complex

    Bose-Einstein condensation in inhomogeneous Josephson arrays

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    We show that spatial Bose-Einstein condensation of non-interacting bosons occurs in dimension d < 2 over discrete structures with inhomogeneous topology and with no need of external confining potentials. Josephson junction arrays provide a physical realization of this mechanism. The topological origin of the phenomenon may open the way to the engineering of quantum devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation. The comb array, which embodies all the relevant features of this effect, is studied in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum geometry and quantum algorithms

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    Motivated by algorithmic problems arising in quantum field theories whose dynamical variables are geometric in nature, we provide a quantum algorithm that efficiently approximates the colored Jones polynomial. The construction is based on the complete solution of Chern-Simons topological quantum field theory and its connection to Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory. The colored Jones polynomial is expressed as the expectation value of the evolution of the q-deformed spin-network quantum automaton. A quantum circuit is constructed capable of simulating the automaton and hence of computing such expectation value. The latter is efficiently approximated using a standard sampling procedure in quantum computation.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math-Gen, for the special issue ``The Quantum Universe'' in honor of G. C. Ghirard

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on inhomogeneous complex networks

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    The thermodynamic properties of non interacting bosons on a complex network can be strongly affected by topological inhomogeneities. The latter give rise to anomalies in the density of states that can induce Bose-Einstein condensation in low dimensional systems also in absence of external confining potentials. The anomalies consist in energy regions composed of an infinite number of states with vanishing weight in the thermodynamic limit. We present a rigorous result providing the general conditions for the occurrence of Bose-Einstein condensation on complex networks in presence of anomalous spectral regions in the density of states. We present results on spectral properties for a wide class of graphs where the theorem applies. We study in detail an explicit geometrical realization, the comb lattice, which embodies all the relevant features of this effect and which can be experimentally implemented as an array of Josephson Junctions.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Thermalization of a Brownian particle via coupling to low-dimensional chaos

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    It is shown that a paradigm of classical statistical mechanics --- the thermalization of a Brownian particle --- has a low-dimensional, deterministic analogue: when a heavy, slow system is coupled to fast deterministic chaos, the resultant forces drive the slow degrees of freedom toward a state of statistical equilibrium with the fast degrees. This illustrates how concepts useful in statistical mechanics may apply in situations where low-dimensional chaos exists.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, no figures

    A Topological String: The Rasetti-Regge Lagrangian, Topological Quantum Field Theory, and Vortices in Quantum Fluids

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    The kinetic part of the Rasetti-Regge action I_{RR} for vortex lines is studied and links to string theory are made. It is shown that both I_{RR} and the Polyakov string action I_{Pol} can be constructed with the same field X^mu. Unlike I_{NG}, however, I_{RR} describes a Schwarz-type topological quantum field theory. Using generators of classical Lie algebras, I_{RR} is generalized to higher dimensions. In all dimensions, the momentum 1-form P constructed from the canonical momentum for the vortex belongs to the first cohomology class H^1(M,R^m) of the worldsheet M swept-out by the vortex line. The dynamics of the vortex line thus depend directly on the topology of M. For a vortex ring, the equations of motion reduce to the Serret-Frenet equations in R^3, and in higher dimensions they reduce to the Maurer-Cartan equations for so(m).Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics

    Quantum global vortex strings in a background field

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    We consider quantum global vortex string correlation functions, within the Kalb-Ramond framework, in the presence of a background field-strength tensor and investigate the conditions under which this yields a nontrivial contribution to those correlation functions. We show that a background field must be supplemented to the Kalb-Ramond theory, in order to correctly describe the quantum properties of the vortex strings. The explicit form of this background field and the associated quantum vortex string correlation function are derived. The complete expression for the quantum vortex creation operator is explicitly obtained. We discuss the potential applicability of our results in the physics of superfluids and rotating Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera
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