46 research outputs found
An interoperable research data infrastructure to support climate service development
Accessibility, availability, re-use and
re-distribution of scientific data are prerequisites to build climate
services across Europe. From this perspective the Institute of
Biometeorology of the National Research Council (IBIMET-CNR), aiming at contributing to
the sharing and integration of research data, has developed a research data
infrastructure to support the scientific activities conducted in several
national and international research projects. The proposed architecture uses
open-source tools to ensure sustainability in the development and deployment
of Web applications with geographic features and data analysis
functionalities. The spatial data infrastructure components are organized in
typical client–server architecture and interact from the data provider
download data process to representation of the results to end users. The
availability of structured raw data as customized information paves the way
for building climate service purveyors to support adaptation,
mitigation and risk management at different scales.This work is a bottom-up collaborative initiative between different
IBIMET-CNR research units (e.g. geomatics and information and communication
technology – ICT; agricultural sustainability; international cooperation in
least developed countries – LDCs) that embrace the same approach for sharing
and re-use of research data and informatics solutions based on co-design,
co-development and co-evaluation among different actors to support the
production and application of climate services. During the development phase of Web
applications, different users (internal and external) were involved in
the whole process so as to better define user needs and suggest the
implementation of specific custom functionalities. Indeed, the services are
addressed to researchers, academics, public institutions and agencies –
practitioners who can access data and findings from recent research in the
field of applied meteorology and climatology
The mother-child attachment bond before and after birth: The role of maternal perception of traumatic childbirth
The quality of the mother-child attachment bond is a relevant factor for the psychosocial well-being of a child. However, some variables could affect this relationship, such as a perceived traumatic childbirth experience. The aim of this study was to explore the mediating role of the childbirth experience on the relationship between prenatal and postnatal attachment. A predictive study was conducted on 105 pregnant women aged 26 to 44 years. The data was collected at two different times: at week 31–32 of gestation (T1) and three months after childbirth (T2). The quality of maternal prenatal attachment has a significant and direct effect on postnatal mother-child attachment. Moreover, the quality of prenatal attachment represents a protective factor for the quality of childbirth experience, promoting a higher quality of postnatal attachment bond. Our results highlight the importance of supporting women throughout the perinatal period, starting from pregnancy to after childbirth
La distribuzione della dose nel tessuto tiroideo nell'impiego diagnostico e terapeutico dello iodio.
Applicazioni e limiti delle indagini geofisiche in aree in frana
Si è valutata la possibilità di applicazione del metodo di prospezione gravimetrica per lo studio di corpi di frana caratterizzati da forte irregolarità delle superfici di scorrimento, da basso contrasto di densità rispetto alle rocce in posto e da superfici topografiche accidentate.
Il rilievo gravimetrico è stato eseguito nell'area in frana situata ad ovest dell'abitato di Bisaccia (AV), distante 30 km dalla zona epicentrale del terremoto del 23.11.80, caratterizzata da colate,cedimenti e scoscendimenti in Argille varicolori.
Utilizzando una procedura computerizzata, si sono costruiti modelli teorici, basati su informazioni geologiche e geofisiche, i cui effetti gravimetrici sono stati confrontati con i dati sperimentali. Il procedimento è stato iterato, modificando geometria e densità dei modelli, fino al raggiungimento di un accordo soddisfacente.
Si è trovato che il contrasto di densità tra materiale in frana e roccia in posto è di circa -0.4 g/cm3 per la colata e di -0.2 g/cm3 per la frana complessa; quest'ultima è costituita da corpi franosi diversi che nell'insieme formano un corpo eterogeneo; il corpo di frana, costituito da due rami principali, presenta una zona di massimo speccore (circa 40 m) nella zona di confluenza.
Tenute presenti anche precedenti indagini si è visto che i limiti di applicazione della prospezione gravimetrica non sono dovuti alla sensibilità del metodo ma sono riconducibili alla disponibilità di indicazioni affidabili da utilizzare in fase di interpretazione quantitativa