40 research outputs found

    Weakly commensurable arithmetic groups, lengths of closed geodesics and isospectral locally symmetric spaces

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    We introduce the notion of weak commensurabilty of arithmetic subgroups and relate it to the length equivalence and isospectrality of locally symmetric spaces. We prove many strong consequences of weak commensurabilty and derive from these many interesting results about isolength and isospectral locally symmetric spaces.Comment: 62 page

    The finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group over function fields for algebraic tori defined over the base field

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    Let KK be a field and VV be a set of rank one valuations of KK. The corresponding Tate-Shafarevich group of a KK-torus TT is Sha(T,V)=ker(H1(K,T)vVH1(Kv,T))Sha(T , V) = \ker\left(H^1(K , T) \to \prod_{v \in V} H^1(K_v , T)\right). We prove that if K=k(X)K = k(X) is the function field of a smooth geometrically integral quasi-projective variety over a field kk of characteristic 0 and VV is the set of discrete valuations of KK associated with prime divisors on XX, then for any torus TT defined over the base field kk, the group Sha(T,V)Sha(T , V) is finite in the following situations: (1) kk is finitely generated and X(k)X(k) \neq \emptyset; (2) kk is a number field.Comment: Corrections and clarifications based on referee's feedbac

    Applications of the Fixed Point Theorem for group actions on buildings to algebraic groups over polynomial rings

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    We apply the Fixed Point Theorem for the actions of finite groups on Bruhat-Tits buildings and their products to establish two results concerning the groups of points of reductive algebraic groups over polynomial rings in one variable, assuming that the base field is of characteristic zero. First, we prove that for a reductive kk-group GG, every finite subgroup of G(k[t])G(k[t]) is conjugate to a subgroup of G(k)G(k). This, in particular, implies that if kk is a finite extension of the pp-adic field Qp\mathbb{Q}_p, then the group G(k[t])G(k[t]) has finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups, which is a well-known property for arithmetic groups. Second, we give a give a short proof of the theorem of Raghunathan-Ramanathan about GG-torsors over the affine line.Comment: Corrections and clarifications based on referee's feedbac

    Simple algebraic groups with the same maximal tori, weakly commensurable Zariski-dense subgroups, and good reduction

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    We provide a new condition for an absolutely almost simple algebraic group to have good reduction with respect to a discrete valuation of the base field which is formulated in terms of the existence of maximal tori with special properties. This characterization, in particular, shows that the Finiteness Conjecture for forms of an absolutely almost simple algebraic group over a finitely generated field that have good reduction at a divisorial set of places of the field would imply the finiteness of the genus of the group at hand. It also leads to a new phenomenon that we refer to as "killing the genus by a purely transcendental extension." Yet another application deals with the investigation of "eigenvalue rigidity" of Zariski-dense subgroups, which in turn is related to the analysis of length-commensurable Riemann surfaces and general locally symmetric spaces. Finally, we analyze the Finiteness Conjecture and the genus problem for simple algebraic groups of type F4\textsf{F}_4.Comment: Published versio

    Finiteness theorems for algebraic tori over function fields

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    We present a number of finiteness results for algebraic tori (and, more generally, for algebraic groups with toric connected component) over two classes of fields: finitely generated fields and function fields of algebraic varieties over fields of type (F), as defined by J.-P. Serre