2,341 research outputs found

    Hexagonal convection patterns in atomistically simulated fluids

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    Molecular dynamics simulation has been used to model pattern formation in three-dimensional Rayleigh--Benard convection at the discrete-particle level. Two examples are considered, one in which an almost perfect array of hexagonally-shaped convection rolls appears, the other a much narrower system that forms a set of linear rolls; both pattern types are familiar from experiment. The nature of the flow within the convection cells and quantitative aspects of the development of the hexagonal planform based on automated polygon subdivision are analyzed. Despite the microscopic scale of the system, relatively large simulations with several million particles and integration timesteps are involved.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures (color figures have low resolution, high resolution figures available on author's website) Minor changes to text. To appear in PRE (Rapid Comm

    Correlations in a two-dimensional Bose gas with long range interactions

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    We study the correlations of two-dimensional dipolar excitons in coupled quantum wells with a dipole -- dipole repulsive interaction. We show that at low concentrations, the Bose degeneracy of the excitons is accompanied by strong multi-particle correlations and the system behaves as a Bose liquid. At high concentration the particles interaction suppresses quantum coherence and the system behaves similar to a classical liquid down to a temperature lower than typical for a Bose gas. We evaluate the interaction energy per particle and the resulting blue shift of the exciton luminescence that is a direct tool to measure the correlations. This theory can apply to other systems of bosons with extended interaction.Comment: 11 pages including 2 figure

    Two-dimensional order in β-sheet peptide monolayers

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    Amphiphilic peptides comprising alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acid residues were designed to form super-secondary structures composed of self-assembled β-strands as monolayers at the air−water interface. Insights provided by in situ grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD), surface pressure vs area isotherms, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy allow structural characterization of the assembled nanostructures and rational correlation with the peptide sequence. Peptides seven to seventeen amino acids in length were found to form crystalline arrays with coherence lengths in the range of 100 to 1000 Å. Two-dimensional registry of the self-assembled peptides was induced by placement of proline residues at the peptide termini. The films were found to intercalate ordered arrays of ions between juxtaposed β-sheet ribbons to generate peptide−ion composite phases

    Shear-induced criticality near a liquid-solid transition of colloidal suspensions

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    We investigate colloidal suspensions under shear flow through numerical experiments. By measuring the time-correlation function of a bond-orientational order parameter, we find a divergent time scale near a transition point from a disordered fluid phase to an ordered fluid phase, where the order is characterized by a nonzero value of the bond-orientational order parameter. We also present a phase diagram in the (ρ,γ˙ex)(\rho, \dot{\gamma}^{\mathrm{ex}}) plane, where ρ\rho is the density of the colloidal particles and γ˙ex\dot{\gamma}^{\mathrm{ex}} is the shear rate of the solvent. The transition line in the phase diagram terminates at the equilibrium transition point, while a critical region near the transition line vanishes continuously as γ˙ex0\dot{\gamma}^{\mathrm{ex}} \rightarrow 0.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Leaving College: Why Students Withdrew from a University

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons why students withdrew during a semester from a mid-sized, comprehensive university located in the Midwest. Six hundred forty-five students were asked to complete the ACT Withdrawing/Non-returning Student Survey during the 1992-93 academic year and summer semester. Three hundred sixty-five completed surveys were returned for a 57% response rate. Respondents indicated many different reasons for leaving which varied by year in school and whether or not the respondent was a graduate or undergraduate student. There was no typical withdrawing student and there were many reasons students withdrew over which the university has little or no control. The report concludes with a discussion of Vincent Tinto\u27s (1993) ideas concerning institutional departure. The retention and persistence of students in higher education has been the focus of serious intellectual inquiry for many years. Various concepts of institutional departure, persistence and models for programmatic interventions to reduce departure have been developed. (For example, see Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991; Stage & Rushin, 1993; Steele, Kennedy, & Gordon, 1993; Tinto, 1993; Wolfe, 1993.) The purpose of this study was to focus on one aspect of student attrition, and. to investigate the reasons and general trends as . to why students withdrew during a semester from a midsized comprehensive university located in the Midwest. This information could then be used to guide institutional action

    Molecular dynamics simulations of ballistic annihilation

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    Using event-driven molecular dynamics we study one- and two-dimensional ballistic annihilation. We estimate exponents ξ\xi and γ\gamma that describe the long-time decay of the number of particles (n(t)tξn(t)\sim t^{-\xi}) and of their typical velocity (v(t)tγv(t)\sim t^{-\gamma}). To a good accuracy our results confirm the scaling relation ξ+γ=1\xi + \gamma =1. In the two-dimensional case our results are in a good agreement with those obtained from the Boltzmann kinetic theory.Comment: 4 pages; some changes; Physical Review E (in press

    Star-graph expansions for bond-diluted Potts models

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    We derive high-temperature series expansions for the free energy and the susceptibility of random-bond qq-state Potts models on hypercubic lattices using a star-graph expansion technique. This method enables the exact calculation of quenched disorder averages for arbitrary uncorrelated coupling distributions. Moreover, we can keep the disorder strength pp as well as the dimension dd as symbolic parameters. By applying several series analysis techniques to the new series expansions, one can scan large regions of the (p,d)(p,d) parameter space for any value of qq. For the bond-diluted 4-state Potts model in three dimensions, which exhibits a rather strong first-order phase transition in the undiluted case, we present results for the transition temperature and the effective critical exponent γ\gamma as a function of pp as obtained from the analysis of susceptibility series up to order 18. A comparison with recent Monte Carlo data (Chatelain {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. E64, 036120(2001)) shows signals for the softening to a second-order transition at finite disorder strength.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Memory effects on the statistics of fragmentation

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    We investigate through extensive molecular dynamics simulations the fragmentation process of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones systems. After thermalization, the fragmentation is initiated by a sudden increment to the radial component of the particles' velocities. We study the effect of temperature of the thermalized system as well as the influence of the impact energy of the ``explosion'' event on the statistics of mass fragments. Our results indicate that the cumulative distribution of fragments follows the scaling ansatz F(m)mαexp[(m/m0)γ]F(m)\propto m^{-\alpha}\exp{[-(m/m_0)^\gamma]}, where mm is the mass, m0m_0 and γ\gamma are cutoff parameters, and α\alpha is a scaling exponent that is dependent on the temperature. More precisely, we show clear evidence that there is a characteristic scaling exponent α\alpha for each macroscopic phase of the thermalized system, i.e., that the non-universal behavior of the fragmentation process is dictated by the state of the system before it breaks down.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Role of reversibility in viral capsid growth: A paradigm for self-assembly

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    Self-assembly at submicroscopic scales is an important but little understood phenomenon. A prominent example is virus capsid growth, whose underlying behavior can be modeled using simple particles that assemble into polyhedral shells. Molecular dynamics simulation of shell formation in the presence of an atomistic solvent provides new insight into the self-assembly mechanism, notably that growth proceeds via a cascade of strongly reversible steps and, despite the large variety of possible intermediates, only a small fraction of highly bonded forms appear on the pathway.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (slightly shorter version, new Fig.2); further minor change

    Universal scaling dynamics in a perturbed granular gas

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    We study the response of a granular system at rest to an instantaneous input of energy in a localised region. We present scaling arguments that show that, in dd dimensions, the radius of the resulting disturbance increases with time tt as tαt^{\alpha}, and the energy decreases as tαdt^{-\alpha d}, where the exponent α=1/(d+1)\alpha=1/(d+1) is independent of the coefficient of restitution. We support our arguments with an exact calculation in one dimension and event driven molecular dynamic simulations of hard sphere particles in two and three dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure