7 research outputs found
Analysis of three-dimensional ducted and exhaust plume flowfields
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A Mixed Analytical-Numerical Method for the Vibro-Acoustic Analysis of an Underwater Ring-Stiffened Cylindrical Shell Containing Substructures
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
3D numerical simulation on fluid-structure interaction of structure subjected to underwater explosion with cavitation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Potentially Damaging Effects of Developmental Aid and Voluntourism on Cultural Capital and Well-Being
- Author
- A Attaran
- A Mayor
- AB Bayram
- AL Freidus
- AM McBride
- B Paragi
- BA Aronson
- BE Goldsmith
- BK Ashdown
- C Belcher
- C Cooper
- C McGloin
- CA Talmage
- D Throsby
- DA Guttentag
- DD Klaristenfeld
- F Martin
- G Laleman
- G Wagner
- GE Shockley
- J Wiseman
- JI Ebeh
- K Bradley
- K Casey
- KJ Sykes
- L Musikanski
- L-I Rigney
- L-J Chen
- M Harris
- M Temmerman
- MG Findley
- MJ Deloffre
- N Chaudhary
- NS Berry
- P Ranlet
- R Dart
- R Dunch
- R Jedwab
- R Panelli
- R Straubhaar
- RJ Taormina
- RJ Taormina
- S Bex
- S Brown
- S McLennan
- SA Brouwers
- SM Kesten
- SW Hook
- T Masaki
- TD Linhart
- Y Jailani
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diffraction of weak shock waves by deformed bodies submerged in a liquid
- Author
- A. A. Pavlov
- A. G. Gorshkov
- A. G. Gorshkov
- A. G. Gorshkov
- A. G. Gorshkov
- A. N. Guz'
- A. P. Poddubnyak
- A. S. Stulov
- A. V. Khromushkin
- A. É. Babaev
- A. É. Babaev
- A. É. Babaev
- B. A. Kuranov
- B. A. Kuranov
- B. A. Kuranov
- B. E. Bennett
- B. S. Berger
- B. V. Zamyshlyaev
- D. Ranlet
- E. N. Mnev
- G. S. Pisarenko
- G. S. Pisarenko
- I. G. Filippov
- I. I. Anik'ev
- L. I. Balabukh
- L. I. Slepyan
- M. A. Il'gamov
- M. A. Il'gamov
- M. Sh. Israilov
- N. D. Veksler
- N. D. Veksler
- N. D. Veksler
- Nuri Akkas
- O. Talhouni
- R. G. Yakupov
- Sh. U. Galiev
- Sh. U. Galiev
- Sh. U. Galiev
- T. A. Duffey
- V. D. Kubenko
- V. I. Vaganov
- Ya. A. Metsavéer
- Ya. A. Metsavéer
- Ya. A. Metsavéer
- Ya. Metsavéer
- Ya. S. Podstrigach
- Yu. S. Yakovlev
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- É. I. Grigolyuk
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Black Loyalists and Black Slaves in Maritime Canada
- Author
- Archibald A.
- Bailyn B.
- Barnes T. M.
- Bell D. G.
- Bell D. G.
- Berlin I.
- Blakeley P. R.
- Brown W.
- Brown W.
- Bumsted J. M.
- Bumsted J. M.
- Cahill B.
- Cahill B.
- Calhoon R. M.
- Calhoon R. M.
- Clarkson J.
- Clifford M. L.
- Condon A. G.
- Condon A. G.
- Cooper A.
- Cuthbertson B. C.
- Edelberg C. D.
- Fellows J.-A.
- Fingard J.
- Flick A.
- Frey S. R.
- Fyfe C. H.
- George D.
- Godfrey W.
- Gordon G.
- Greene L. J.
- Haliburton T. C.
- Hast A.
- Hill L.
- Hodges G. R.
- Hodges G. R.
- Hodges G. R.
- Hodges G. R. G.
- Hornby J.
- Horton J. O.
- Katzmann M. J.
- Kirk-Greene A.
- Knowles N.
- Lambert R. S.
- Leyden S. K.
- MacKinnon N.
- Melish J. P.
- Nash G. B.
- Nelson W. H.
- New M. C.
- Norton M. B.
- Ousterhout A. M.
- Palmer G.
- Potter J.
- Potter-MacKinnon J.
- Pulis J. W.
- Pybus C.
- Pybus C.
- Quarles B.
- Quarles B.
- Ranlet P.
- Robertson C. A. M.
- Robertson M.
- Rommel-Ruiz B.
- Sabine L.
- Schama S.
- Smith T. W.
- Spray W. A.
- Trudel M.
- Van Buskirk J. L.
- Van Tyne C. H.
- Walker J. W. St. G.
- Walker J. W. St. G.
- Walker J. W. St. G.
- Warren W. A.
- White G.
- Whitehead R. H.
- Wilson E. G.
- Wilson E. G.
- Winks R. W.
- Wright E. C.
- ‘Crossing Slavery's Boundaries’ (AHR Forum)
- ‘Representing Slavery: A Roundtable Discussion’
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The History of Biological Weapons Use: What We Know and What We Don't
- Author
- Alibek K
- Avery D
- Baird ND
- Baird ND
- Bar-Zohar M
- Barenblatt D
- Barnes J
- Barton R
- Berdal BP
- Biggs RD
- Bisher J
- Blum H
- Boers inoculating horses?
- Boghardt T
- Bojtzov V
- Bradbury J
- Brown FJ
- Brown T
- Bryden J
- Burger M
- Burgess SF
- Carter GB
- Carter GB
- Carus WS
- Carus WS
- Carus WS
- Casey D
- Caufield C
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Churchill W
- Clarke R
- Clunan AL
- Coen B
- Cohen A
- Cole LA
- Cole LA
- Committee on Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI's Investigation of the 2001 Bacillus anthracis Mailings
- Cook ND
- Danzig R
- Davies JC
- Davies JC
- Davies JC
- Davies JC
- Davis SH
- Davison N
- Defalque RJ
- Dembek ZF
- Dembek ZF
- Diseased British mules
- Domaradskiĭ IV
- Doubts that Boers inoculated horses
- Drury CM
- Eitzen EM
- Elkins M
- Ellert H
- Endicott SL
- Erickson EJ
- Expert Behavioral Analysis Panel
- Faraone CA
- Fenn EA
- Ferguson RB
- Folchi A
- Frandsen K-E
- Franz DR
- Frost FJ
- Furmanski M
- Furmanski M
- Furmanski M
- Garrett BC
- Geissler E
- Geissler E
- Geissler E
- Geissler E
- Geissler E
- Geissler E
- Glenday C
- Gorgas WC
- Gould C
- Graysmith R
- Grotius H
- Guillemin J
- Gurney OR
- Hall JM
- Hansen F
- Harris R
- Harris S
- Hawaii Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry
- Heinzen K
- Heinzen K
- Heizer RF
- Hill AB
- Hristov H
- Hristov H
- Irving DJC
- Jena GP
- Jones DE
- Kangle RP
- Kaplan DE
- Katona P
- Katz R
- Kaut?alya
- Keiichi T
- Keim P
- Kirby R
- Knight B
- Knollenberg B
- Koblentz GD
- Koenig RL
- Kroeber AL
- La Roche R
- Lambert JR
- Landau H
- Landtman G
- Langmuir AD
- Laqueur W
- Le Dantec
- Le Dantec
- Leitenberg M
- Leitenberg M
- Leitenberg M
- Lepick O
- Lesho E
- Leven K-H
- Levinson D
- Levy LM
- Lewin L
- Lewy G
- Lewy G
- Li P
- Li X
- Linné S
- Lockwood JA
- Loike JD
- Lévi-Strauss C
- Mangold T
- Manu
- Martin JW
- Martin SB
- Massell TB
- Matousek J
- Mayor A
- McCoy I
- McKendrick DR
- Meselson M
- Miller J
- Miller J
- Montgomery PL
- Moore M
- Most JJ
- Nass M
- Nass M
- Nicol DM
- Nie J-B
- Nowak J
- O'Malley GF
- Olivelle P
- Owen RL
- Parachini JV
- Parke TH
- Parkman F
- Partington JR
- Perrot E
- Pliny the Elder
- Poli (Martino) P.
- Price RM
- Prinzing F
- Purkitt HE
- Quail J
- Ranlet P
- Richardson NJ
- Rivers WHR
- Rocco F
- Rolle R
- Sabbatani S
- Sbacchi A
- Scurlock JA
- Shea DA
- Singer J
- Singer J
- Smart JK
- Snowden FM
- Sprinzak E
- Stalin's plan to assassinate Tito
- Startling revelations of an anarchist
- Steers E
- Steers E
- Steiner PE
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Street CJC
- Stąpor M
- Sugishima M
- Taylor T
- Thorold PW
- Tucker JB
- Tucker JB
- Tucker JB
- Turner M
- Unit 731 Criminal Evidence Museum
- Walker JR
- Watts J
- Weathersby K
- Wees H van
- Weisz GM
- Wheelis ML
- Wheelis ML
- Williams P
- Willman D
- Witcover J
- Yin J
- Zilinskas RA
- Publication venue
- 'Mary Ann Liebert Inc'
- Publication date
- Field of study