30 research outputs found

    Effects of different types of diets on the parameters of oxidative stress and the fatty acid profile of rat liver phospholipids

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    Sastav masnih kiselina lipida, posebno fosfolipida (PL) glavnih konstituenata ćelijskih membrana zavisi od brojnih faktora. U poslednje vreme povećano je interesovanje za istraživanja novih antioksidanasa u ishrani, uključujući omega-3 masne kiseline i bioaktivne proteine prisutne u mleku. Uticaj različitih vrsta hrane, odnosno njihovog masnokiselinskog sastava na profil masnih kiselina fosfolipida tkiva nije dovoljno ispitivan. Stoga, cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio ispitivanje efekta unosa tri različite vrste hrane (standardne hrane, hrane obogaćene ribljim brašnom i hrane obogaćene mlekom u prahu) na biohemijske parametre u krvi, masnokiselinske profile fosfolipida jetre i na parametre oksidativnog stresa u jetri pacova Wistar soja, starosne dobi četiri meseca u trajanju od četiri nedelje. U okviru ove studije, poređen je manokiselinski profil u hranama različitog sastava, a takođe i u fosfolipidima jetri životinja nakon tretmana. Preciznije, cilj je bio izdvajanje pojedinačnih masnih kiselina, koje su najviše doprinele razlici u sastavu fosfolipida jetre, kao i ispitivanje polno specifičnog odgovora tkiva na primenjene vrste hrane. Rezultati ove disertacije su pokazali da hrana obogaćena ribljim brašnom i hrana obogaćena mlekom u prahu menja sastav masnih kiselina fosfolipida i njihov odnos u jetri pacova, na polno specifičan način. Primenjene hrane su promenile odnos ukupnih zasićenih (SFA), mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA), ali su efekti polno specifični. Hrana obogaćena mlekom u prahu je smanjila sadržaj SFA i povećala udeo MUFA kod mužjaka, i PUFA kod ženki, u odnosu na standardnu hranu. Ista vrsta hrane je smanjila procenat ukupnih n-3, povećala procenat ukupnih n-6 i odnos n-6/n-3 kod mužjaka u odnosu na druge vrste hrana. S druge strane, kod ženki, hrana obogaćena ribljim brašnom povećala je procenat ukupnih n-3, smanjila procenat ukupnih n-6 i odnos n-6/n-3 u poređenju sa standardnom hranom i hranom obogaćenom mlekom u prahu. Hrana je na polno specifičan način uticala i na odnos pojedinačnih masnih kiselina u PL jetre...The composition of fatty acids especially phospholipids (PL) as the main constituents of cell membranes depends on many factors. Recently, there has been an increased interest in novel dietary antioxidants, including omega-3 fatty acids and bioactive proteins present in milk. There is limited data regarding the effects of fatty acid composition of different types of diets on tissue phospholipids fatty acid profile. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the effects of different types of diets (standard diet, fish based and milk based diets) on plasma biochemical parameters, FA profiles of liver phospholipids, and parameters of oxidative stress in liver, of four months old Wistar rats, during four-weeks. Within this study, fatty acid profile was compared in diets of different composition, as well as in liver phospholipids of animals after treatment. The aim was to detect individual fatty acids mostly contributed to the difference in composition of liver phospholipids, and to explore the association of tissue response with gender. The results of this dissertation have shown that both, milk- and fish-based diet, changed the composition and ratio of rat liver phospholipids FA, in gender-specific manner. Although, applied diets changed the ratio of total saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), but the effects were sex specific. Milk-based diet lowered the amount of SFA and elevated the ratio of MUFA in males, and PUFA, in females comparing to standard diet. The same diet decreased n-3, increased n-6 and n-6/n-3 ratio in males comparing to the other type of diets. On the other hand, in females, fish-based diet increased n-3, decreased n-6 and n-6/n-3 ratio comparing to standard and milk-based diet. However, the ratio of individual FA in liver PL was also dietary-influenced, but with gender specific manner. While in females fish-based diet decreased AA (arachidonic acid) increased level of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), the same diet elevated only DHA levels in males..

    The distributed author and the poetics of complexity: a comparative study of the sagas of Icelanders and Serbian epic poetry

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    The thesis brings together Íslendingasögur and srpske junačke pesme, two historically and culturally unrelated heroic literatures, literatures that had, nevertheless, converged upon a similar kind of realism. This feature in which they diverge from the earlier European epics - Beowulf, Nibelungenlied, La Chanson de Roland, is the focal point of this study. Rather than examining it solely in terms of verisimilitude and historicism with which it is commonly associated, I am approaching it as an emergent feature (emergent realism) of the non-linear, evolutionary dynamics of their production (i.e. their networked, negotiated authorship), the dynamics I call the distributed author. Although all traditional narratives develop in accordance with this dynamics, their non-linearity is often compromised by Bakhtinian 'centripetal forces' (e.g. centralised state, Church) with an effect of directedness akin to the authorial agency of an individual. The peculiar weakness of such forces in the milieus in which the sagas/Serbian epics grew, encouraged their distributed nature. As a result, they come across as indexes of their own coming into being, preserving, meshing and contrasting the old and the new, the general and the more idiosyncratic perspectives on past events and characters. In so doing they fail to arouse in the recipient the feeling of being addressed and possibly manipulated by an all encompassing organising authority. As a consequence, they also impress as believable. While chapters one and two of this study deal with theoretical and aesthetic implications of the two literatures' distributed authorship and their emergent realism, chapters three and four illustrate the ways in which these are manifested in the rich texture of the past and the complex make-up of the characters. The final chapter summarises major points of the thesis and suggests the poetics of complexity as a term particularly suitable to encapsulate the two literatures' common creative principles

    Uticaj različitih vrsta hrane na parametre oksidativnog stresa i masnokiselinski profil fosfolipida jetre pacova

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    The composition of fatty acids especially phospholipids (PL) as the main constituents of cell membranes depends on many factors. Recently, there has been an increased interest in novel dietary antioxidants, including omega-3 fatty acids and bioactive proteins present in milk. There is limited data regarding the effects of fatty acid composition of different types of diets on tissue phospholipids fatty acid profile. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the effects of different types of diets (standard diet, fish based and milk based diets) on plasma biochemical parameters, FA profiles of liver phospholipids, and parameters of oxidative stress in liver, of four months old Wistar rats, during four-weeks. Within this study, fatty acid profile was compared in diets of different composition, as well as in liver phospholipids of animals after treatment. The aim was to detect individual fatty acids mostly contributed to the difference in composition of liver phospholipids, and to explore the association of tissue response with gender. The results of this dissertation have shown that both, milk- and fish-based diet, changed the composition and ratio of rat liver phospholipids FA, in gender-specific manner. Although, applied diets changed the ratio of total saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), but the effects were sex specific. Milk-based diet lowered the amount of SFA and elevated the ratio of MUFA in males, and PUFA, in females comparing to standard diet. The same diet decreased n-3, increased n-6 and n-6/n-3 ratio in males comparing to the other type of diets. On the other hand, in females, fish-based diet increased n-3, decreased n-6 and n-6/n-3 ratio comparing to standard and milk-based diet. However, the ratio of individual FA in liver PL was also dietary-influenced, but with gender specific manner. While in females fish-based diet decreased AA (arachidonic acid) increased level of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), the same diet elevated only DHA levels in males...Sastav masnih kiselina lipida, posebno fosfolipida (PL) glavnih konstituenata ćelijskih membrana zavisi od brojnih faktora. U poslednje vreme povećano je interesovanje za istraživanja novih antioksidanasa u ishrani, uključujući omega-3 masne kiseline i bioaktivne proteine prisutne u mleku. Uticaj različitih vrsta hrane, odnosno njihovog masnokiselinskog sastava na profil masnih kiselina fosfolipida tkiva nije dovoljno ispitivan. Stoga, cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio ispitivanje efekta unosa tri različite vrste hrane (standardne hrane, hrane obogaćene ribljim brašnom i hrane obogaćene mlekom u prahu) na biohemijske parametre u krvi, masnokiselinske profile fosfolipida jetre i na parametre oksidativnog stresa u jetri pacova Wistar soja, starosne dobi četiri meseca u trajanju od četiri nedelje. U okviru ove studije, poređen je manokiselinski profil u hranama različitog sastava, a takođe i u fosfolipidima jetri životinja nakon tretmana. Preciznije, cilj je bio izdvajanje pojedinačnih masnih kiselina, koje su najviše doprinele razlici u sastavu fosfolipida jetre, kao i ispitivanje polno specifičnog odgovora tkiva na primenjene vrste hrane. Rezultati ove disertacije su pokazali da hrana obogaćena ribljim brašnom i hrana obogaćena mlekom u prahu menja sastav masnih kiselina fosfolipida i njihov odnos u jetri pacova, na polno specifičan način. Primenjene hrane su promenile odnos ukupnih zasićenih (SFA), mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA), ali su efekti polno specifični. Hrana obogaćena mlekom u prahu je smanjila sadržaj SFA i povećala udeo MUFA kod mužjaka, i PUFA kod ženki, u odnosu na standardnu hranu. Ista vrsta hrane je smanjila procenat ukupnih n-3, povećala procenat ukupnih n-6 i odnos n-6/n-3 kod mužjaka u odnosu na druge vrste hrana. S druge strane, kod ženki, hrana obogaćena ribljim brašnom povećala je procenat ukupnih n-3, smanjila procenat ukupnih n-6 i odnos n-6/n-3 u poređenju sa standardnom hranom i hranom obogaćenom mlekom u prahu. Hrana je na polno specifičan način uticala i na odnos pojedinačnih masnih kiselina u PL jetre..

    The Effect of Fish Oil-Based Foods on Lipid and Oxidative Status Parameters in Police Dogs

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    The synthesis, degradation, and reconstruction of the cell membrane as a metabolic pathway of phospholipids is a constant and dynamic process. Fatty acids as bioactive lipid components of plasma and erythrocyte phospholipids as structural lipids have biological roles in the integrity of cell membranes. Fatty acids, depending on the chain length, the degree of saturation, and the synthesis pathways, can alleviate inflammation and oxidative stress caused by excessive exercise. Considering that changing food intake or diet can influence fatty acid phospholipid metabolism, our study aimed to determine the potential benefits of fish-based diets in working (police) dogs undergoing intensive training concerning bioactive lipids such as fatty acids, phospholipids of plasma, and erythrocytes. Fatty acid esters’ composition of plasma and erythrocyte phospholipids as a bioactive lipids, in addition to markers of oxidative stress and metabolic parameters, were analysed by GC chromatography. The food was well tolerated by all dogs, and the compliance to the diet was high throughout the study. After the treatment with fish-based food, blood glucose, total, and LDL cholesterol levels were significantly reduced, indicating positive biochemical profiles of dogs. Correlations of fatty acid phospholipid compositions between plasma and erythrocytes have shown that both plasma and erythrocytes could represent markers of omega-3 eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid intake levels in dogs. Morover, fish-based food supplementation caused a significant reduction in lipid peroxidation markers. The enrichment of dogs’ diets with marine fish could improve oxidative status and improve roles and status of bioactive lipids, such as membrane phospholipids and fatty acids, as its components in plasma and erythrocytes in police dogs exposed to intensive exercise

    Changes of stem water potential of grapevine cv. Frankovka (Vitis vinifera L.) in different crop load models Section 8 . Viticulture and Enology Changes of stem water potential of grapevine cv. Frankovka (Vitis vinifera L.) in different crop load models

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    Abstract Water status of grapevine, observed as stem water potential (Ψ stem ) have been investigated in field conditions on plants that were in different yields treatments. Plant water status was examined through the measurement of stem water potential (Ψ stem ) at the interval of 7 -10 days, from June to September. The research goal has been to monitor water status changes in the field conditions that might occur depending on the pruning strength. Numerous factors, from climatic to the various number of shoots and bunches, depending on the load variant, simultaneously influenced and possibly caused certain changes. Differences in yield were affected by leaving of 8 (v1), 16 (v2) and 24 (v3) winter buds per vine. Tree-year study showed that minimum values of stem water potential were recorded in the variant with 8 buds per vine, when the average yield was 2.03 kg per vine. The leaf area/crop weight was averagely 1.11 m 2 /kg in this variant. In case of the mentioned bud load, Ψ stem values ranged to -0.93 Mpa (July 15, 2004) and -0.65 MPa (July 27, 2006). These values indicated on unfavorable water status in v 1 than other two variants, in which the values are not decreased below -0.81 Mpa (22.7.2004) and -0.65Mpa (27.7.2006). The average yield in these variants were v 2 =3,4kg per vine and v 3 =4,8kg during the examined period. When statisticaly relevant differences were recorded among Ψ stem values of v 1 and the other two bud load variants, their values considerably approached critical values which indicating the commencement of stressful conditions due to water deficit

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids phospholipids profiles in plasma and liver in Wistar rats of different age

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    The phospholipids class, fatty acids (FAs) composition and cholesterol content in membranes are basic determinants of the physical properties of membranes. They been shown to influence a wide variety of membrane dependent functions such as membrane transport, enzyme activity and receptor function. The FAs profile in tissues partly reflects not only the dietary fat intake, but also the efficiency of FAs metabolism in the body. We examined overall saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids phospholipids profiles in plasma and liver in male Wistar rats of different age (n=10; 3 months and n=10; 22 mouths), as well as overall n-3, n-6 and n-6/n-3 ratio. We determined it by GC cromatography. Results showed deferent tissue specificity and age specificity also. In young rats plasma phospholipids MUFA were increased (p<0.01), while PUFA and n-6 were decreased (p<0.01)compared to aged rats.In liver phospholipids in young rats overall n-3 were increased (p<0.001), while overall N-6/n-3 ratio was ssignificantly decreased (p<0.001) compared to aged rats. Liver as a place of biosynthesis and degradation of FAs seems to have more pronounced changes in its phospholipids profiles in aging

    Fatty Acid Composition and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Plasma after Fish Oil Supplementation in Aging

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    Fish oil affects oxidative stress parameters and changes in phospholipids fatty acids profiles in plasma, erythrocytes and tissues. We examined the effects of fish oil supplementation in young and old male Wistar rats (3 and 22 months old) on plasma phospholipids fatty acids profiles and blood oxidative stress parameters. Twenty young and twenty aged Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (ten animals each): two control groups and two supplemented groups treated for 6 weeks with fish oil capsules containing 45 mg eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and 30 mg docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Fish oil supplementation changed the percentage of long chain fatty acids (FAs): the elevated percentage of eicosatrienoic acid (ETA, 20:3), eicosapentanoic (EPA, 20:5), docosapentanoic acid (DPA, 22:5), n-3 fatty acids and decreased arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4). However, there were no age-related changes in total SH groups, the percentages of palmitic (16:0), palmitoleic (16:1), oleic (18:1 (n-9)) and linoleic acid (18:2) in plasma phospholipids and MUFA and they were neither reversed nor prevented by fish oil supplementation. Results showed that fish oil supplementation increased SOD and CAT activities in erythrocytes, and PON activity in the blood plasma of both young and aged rats. Furthermore, fish oil supplementation decreased lipid peroxidation (MDA) and nitrite levels in both young and aged rats implying better antioxidant protection and a lower level of oxidative pressure after fish oil supplementation. Our results suggest that fish oil supplementation is beneficial regarding better antioxidant protection in both young and aged rats, while applied treatment differs in plasma phospholipids FAs composition

    Efekti hrane obogaćene ribljim brašnom i mlekom u prahu na antioksidativne enzime i lipidnu peroksidaciju u jetri ženki pacova Wistar soja - pilot studija

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    Background/Aim. Recently, there has been an increased interest in novel dietary antioxidants, including omega-3 fatty acids and bioactive proteins present in milk. The aim of this study was to examine potential antioxidant effects of four-weeks long fish-based and milk-based diets in female Wistar rats. Methods. Four-months old rats were divided into three groups receiving either: control diet, diet enriched with fish meal, or diet enriched with milk. The activities of antioxidant enzymes: glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), and concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were determined in liver homogenates obtained at the end of the treatment period. Results. Statistically significant higher activities of GPx (3.52 ± 0.73 U/mg) and CAT (147.25 ± 15.93 U/mg) were detected in rats fed with fishbased meal in comparison with both the control (GPx: 1.93 ± 0.11 U/mg; CAT: 99.37 ± 10.03 U/mg) and the group fed with milk-based diet (GPx: 1.72 ± 0.52 U/mg; CAT: 104.18 ± 37.49 U/mg). Despite somewhat lower concentration of TBARS in the milk-treated group (0.88 ± 0.23 nmoL/mg), no significant differences were detected in comparison with other groups (the control group: 1.00 ± 0.08 nmoL/mg; the fish-based diet group: 1.13 ± 0.15 nmoL/mg). Conclusion. Diet enriched with fish could improve one's oxidative status by enhancing activities of antioxidant enzymes in the liver tissue. On the contrary, we failed to obtain results suggesting that milk could serve as a source of dietary antioxidants.Uvod/Cilj. U poslednje vreme povećano je interesovanje za istraživanja novih antioksidanasa u ishrani, uključujući omega-3 masne kiseline i bioaktivne proteine prisutne u mleku. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitivanje potencijalnih antioksidativnih efekata hrane obogaćene ribljim brašnom i hrane obogaćene mlekom u prahu kod ženki Wistar pacova, u trajanju od četiri nedelje. Metode. Pacovi, starosti četiri meseca, podeljeni su u tri grupe koje su bile hranjene standardnom hranom (kontrolna grupa), hranom obogaćenom ribljim brašnom i hranom obogaćenom mlekom u prahu. U homogenatima jetre, posle četiri nedelje, određene su aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima: glutation peroksidaze (GPx), superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i katalaze (CAT), kao i koncentracija reaktivnih supstanci tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBARS). Rezultati. Statistički značajno veće aktivnosti GPx (3,52 ± 0,73 U/mg) i CAT (147,25 ± 15,93 U/mg) nađene su kod pacova koji su dobijali hranu obogaćenu ribljim brašnom u odnosu na kontrolu (GPx: 1,93 ± 0,11 U/mg; CAT: 99,37 ± 10,03 U/mg) i grupu koja je hranjena hranom obogaćenom mlekom u prahu (GPx: 1,72 ± 0,52 U/mg; CAT: 104,18 ± 37,49 U/mg). Uprkos nešto nižoj koncentraciji TBARS u grupi koja je primala hranu obogaćenu mlekom u prahu (0,88 ± 0,23 nmoL/mg), nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u poređenju sa drugim grupama (kontrola: 1,00 ± 0,08 nmoL/mg; grupa na ishrani obogaćenoj ribljim brašnom: 1,13 ± 0,15 nmoL/mg). Zaključak. Ishrana bogata ribom mogla bi delovati povoljno na oksidativni status preko poboljšanja aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima jetre. Sa druge strane, rezultati ne pokazuju da bi mleko moglo biti dobar izvor dijetarnih antioksidanasa

    Current Insights into the Effects of Dietary α-Linolenic Acid Focusing on Alterations of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Profiles in Metabolic Syndrome

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    The plant-derived α-linolenic acid (ALA) is an essential n-3 acid highly susceptible to oxidation, present in oils of flaxseeds, walnuts, canola, perilla, soy, and chia. After ingestion, it can be incorporated in to body lipid pools (particularly triglycerides and phospholipid membranes), and then endogenously metabolized through desaturation, elongation, and peroxisome oxidation to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), with a very limited efficiency (particularly for DHA), beta-oxidized as an energy source, or directly metabolized to C18-oxilipins. At this moment, data in the literature about the effects of ALA supplementation on metabolic syndrome (MetS) in humans are inconsistent, indicating no effects or some positive effects on all MetS components (abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, impaired insulin sensitivity and glucoregulation, blood pressure, and liver steatosis). The major effects of ALA on MetS seem to be through its conversion to more potent EPA and DHA, the impact on the n-3/n-6 ratio, and the consecutive effects on the formation of oxylipins and endocannabinoids, inflammation, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion, as well as adipocyte and hepatocytes function. It is important to distinguish the direct effects of ALA from the effects of EPA and DHA metabolites. This review summarizes the most recent findings on this topic and discusses the possible mechanisms