378 research outputs found

    Soft White Tissue Detection From Pressure Ulcer Images Using Anisotropic Diffused Total Variation Fuzzy C Means

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    The goal of image segmentation is to cluster pixels into salient image regions. It can identify the regions of interest in an image or annotate the data. In medical imaging, these segments often correspond to different tissue classes, pathologies, or other biologically relevant structures. Medical image segmentation is made difficult by low contrast, noise, and other imaging ambiguities. The goal of segmentation of pressure ulcer images is to find out the level of tissue wound and soft white tissue present. Soft white tissue protein level changes are mostly found in elderly people. Soft white tissue present may be dark red or light yellow gel based on the different imaging modes of severity of pressure ulcer. This helps in diagnosing the disease and to plan for the treatment. The soft white tissue detection is made difficult for the segmentation because of the noise present in the image. Clustering techniques are best suited to segment the input images with noise. Clustering is usually performed when no information is available concerning to the membership of data items to predefined classes. For this reason clustering is traditionally seen as a part of unsupervised learning

    Image sharing privacy policy on social networks using A3P

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    User Image sharing social site maintaining privacy has become a major problem, as demonstrated by a recent wave of publicized incidents where users inadvertently shared personal information. In light of these incidents, the need of tools to help users control access to their shared content is apparent. Toward addressing this need an Adaptive Privacy Policy Prediction (A3P) system to help users compose privacy settings for their images. The solution relies on an image classification framework for image categories which may be associated with similar policies and on a policy prediction algorithm to automatically generate a policy for each newly uploaded image, also according to user’s social features. Image Sharing takes place both among previously established groups of known people or social circles and also increasingly with people outside the users social circles, for purposes of social discovery-to help them identify new peers and learn about peers interests and social surroundings, Sharing images within online content sharing sites, therefore, may quickly lead to unwanted disclosure. The aggregated information can result in unexpected exposure of one’s social environment and lead to abuse of one’s personal information

    Parallel network file systems using authenticated key exchange protocols

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    The keyestablishment for secure many-to-many communications is very important nowadays. The problem is inspired by the proliferation of large-scale distributed file systems supporting parallel access to multiple storage devices. In this, a variety of authenticated key exchange protocols that are designed to address the issues. This shows that these protocols are capable of reducing the workload of the metadata server and concurrently supporting forward secrecy and escrow-freeness. All this requires only a small fraction of increased computation overhead at the client. This proposed three authenticated key exchange protocols for parallel network file system (pNFS). The protocols offer three appealing advantages over the existing Kerberos-based protocol. First, the metadata server executing these protocols has much lower workload than that of the Kerberos-based approach. Second, two of these protocols provide forward secrecy: one is partially forward secure (with respect to multiple sessions within a time period), while the other is fully forward secure (with respect to a session). Third, designed a protocol which not only provides forward secrecy, but is also escrow-free

    Review of Various surgical Procedures in the Management of Hirschsprung’s Disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Harold Hirschsprung – Senior paediatrician at Queen Louise children hospital in Copenhagen in 1886 presented his classic description of disease equity that bears his name to the Paediatric congress held at Berlin who described about two children who had classical and anatomical characteristics of the disease and died at the age of 8 and 11 months respectively due to repeated entero colitis. Hirschsprung’s disease of the colon was first reported in 1888 as an “idiopathic dilatation and hypertrophy of large bowel”. It was only in 1948 that Swenson and Bill identified that it was actually the constricted segment of colon which was at fault because of its inability to engage in peristaltic activity due to absence of ganglion cells in the myentric plexuses. AIM OF THE STUDY: To analyze the results by a prospective study of Hirschsprung’s Surgery done in the Department of Paediatric Surgery from August 2007 to July 2010. OBJECTIVES: 1) Analyze the types of procedures done, and their outcome. 2) To study the results and complications. 3) To study the patients who have come for follow up regarding their toilet pattern and recrudescence of the disease. 4) To assess by personal examination minor problems which may not have been noted by their parents. CONCLUSION: Reviewing the cases in the yester years, prior to this study we find that there is a great deviation in the management. Three stage procedures are very occasional. Single stage procedures have come to stay in selected cases. While this should cause increased mortality or morbidity, this has not been the case and actually it has been the other way around. Proper selection of cases and good technique have yielded good results and no mortality. The reduction of staging and good results have reduced the workload of our unit substantially. Most of the cases have been treated conservatively during the Intestinal obstruction episode and taken up electively, after they improved. Frank intestinal Obstruction were submitted to Emergency Colostomy. Transition zone colostomy commits to a two stage procedure, versus Transverse colostomy which commits to a three stage procedure. The has been a definite discernible difference of shift in favour of Transition zone colostomy as seen by Table 2 and the chart below with no discernible increase in mortality or morbidity. Due to down staging most of the definitive procedures have been completed by three years of age as evidenced by the Table: 3. This leaves the child free of his disease before the school going period, Regarding the choice of procedures no strict protocols were observed. Short segment disease was committed to POOP. Long segment disease was evaluated on a patient to patient basis and the appropriate procedure chosen. This was left to the Surgeon’s choice and discretion. But, for minor discrepancies there was not much of difference between the procedures, but the following points were noted. POOP left us with a higher incidence of recrudescence which was managed conservatively by dilatation and myotomies, successfully. Hence we reserved it for the less florid cases. Duhamel is technically the easiest, and was the procedure of choice in complicated cases, Soave gave us very good results as a single stage procedure in the neonates. Swenson was technically more demanding but with practically no recrudescence of symptoms, Voiding dysfunctions were not seen but complications of anastomotic strictures presented which were treated conservatively with dilatation and anoplasty. As with most operations, complications arising even years after surgery can be attributed to problems occurring during the operation itself. The majority of patients with Hirschsprung’s disease have a satisfactory or excellent long-term outcome after their pull-through procedure, provided the procedure is performed by a competent and well-trained paediatric surgeon. However, following even the best operation, problems may persist in many of these children. Therefore, close and long-term follow up of these children is necessary. Often, a conservative, non operative approach can lead to a successful outcome in most patients. As concluded in the last edition of the text by Orvar Swenson: Resection of the aganglionic colon … is a difficult operation. Yet, if a well-trained surgeon has an opportunity to observe the technical details of the operation and then perseveres, good results can be obtained

    Design of a PI Controller for Negative Output 1 & 3 -lift Main Series Switched Capacitor Push Pull Luo Converter

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    Classic converters like DC-DC converters are having the passive components such as switches, diodes, capacitors and inductors that are combined. By this size of the converter will be large and power density will be low. Power density of the converter can be increased by micro power consumption technique. Voltage-lift technique is the best technique to design circuits in electronics. For more power density, compact size and gain switched capacitors can be used and incorporated into the IC having lesser EMI. This work provide the performance evaluation of PI controller for Negative output push-pull switched capacitor DC-DC 1 lift and 3 lift Luo converter and also performance evaluation of chosen converter with PI controller. Mat lab and Simulink based simulation is carried out under line and load disturbances for performance evaluation


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    Objective: Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of regioisomers of allyl phenyl ethers derived 1, 2, 4-triazoles. Methods: A series of new 1,2,4-triazole derivatives of allyl phenyl ethers were synthesized by reacting a mixture of regio isomers 1-(3-bromo-2-methoxypropoxy)-arene and 1-(2-bromo-3-methoxypropoxy)-arene with 1,2,4-triazole in presence of K2CO3 and DMF at 80oC in good yields. Allyl phenyl ethers 1(a-f) were synthesized by refluxing the substituted phenols with allyl bromide in the presence of K2CO3 and acetone in excellent yields. The newly synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1HNMR, Mass spectral studies and elemental analysis. These compounds were also screened for their In-vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities. Results: Allyl phenyl ethers derived 1,2,4-triazol derivatives were synthesized in good yields. Conclusion: Preliminary results revealed that some of the synthesized compounds were showed promising antibacterial and antifungal activity
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