149 research outputs found

    Antibacterial assessment of TMPyP-incorporated p(HEMA-co-MMA)

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    IntroductionLight-triggered therapy to treat infectious diseases is called photodynamic antimicrobial therapy (PACT).PACT has been widely shown to have a lethal effect against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites and it impacts different biofilms (Garcez et al., 2007) TMPyP (tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin) is a porphyrin frequently used in PACT, and exerts its phototoxic effect upon both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, via two reactions First, Type II reaction is considered the major pathway of photodynamic therapy. The second pathway, Type I reaction, involves transferring electrons/protons to a substrate and releasing a radical that can react with oxygen to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Brady et al., 2007). This study aims to develop a novel surface loading with TMPyP capable of reducing the adherence of bacteria.Materials and methodsTMPyP (tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin) IS the photosensitizer loaded into p(HEMA-co-MMA)hydrogel. S. aureus ATCC 29213 and E. coli ATCC 700928 which are required for the microbiological assessments. The LED light array activates TMPyP-incorporated p(HEMA-co-MMA). TMPyP was incorporated onto the surface of the p(HEMA-co-MMA) copolymer by swell-encapsulation shrink(SES) technique. Samples were prepared by loading them in different TMPyP soaking solutions for 2min. First, a TMPyP stock solution was prepared (2.18 mg/ml). Next, further dilutions to the appropriate concentration were made using PBS (at pH 7.4). S. aureus ATCC 29213 and E. coli ATCC 700928 represent gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and are used for assessing adherence percentages.ResultsThe percentage adherence (%) compared to dark control of S. aureus and E. coli when TMPyP-incorporated and unincorporated p(HEMA-co-MMA) were illuminated for 120 min using a whiteLED source providing a power of 5.33 mW/cm2, integrated between 450–700 nm, or in dark condition has been presented in Figure 1.DiscussionTMPyP incorporated copolymers (7.33x10-4 M and7.33x10-5 M) significantly reduced the percentage adherence of S. aureus and E. coli compared to dark control illustrating that these materials are less likely to colonize. This antimicrobial behaviour for hydrogels loaded with 7.33x10-4 M of TMPyP shows significant promise for the development of biomaterials to prevent the colonization of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and prevent biofilm formation.ConclusionOverall, the attachment of TMPyP into the surface of p(HEMA-co-MMA) copolymers resulted in a material with antimicrobial behaviour

    Drug–drug interactions in vestibular diseases, clinical problems, and medico-legal implications

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    Peripheral vestibular disease can be treated with several approaches (e.g., maneuvers, surgery, or medical approach). Comorbidity is common in elderly patients, so polytherapy is used, but it can generate the development of drug–drug interactions (DDIs) that play a role in both adverse drug reactions and reduced adherence. For this reason, they need a complex kind of approach, considering all their individual characteristics. Physicians must be able to prescribe and deprescribe drugs based on a solid knowledge of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and clinical indications. Moreover, full information is required to reach a real therapeutic alliance, to improve the safety of care and reduce possible malpractice claims related to drug–drug interactions. In this review, using PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane library, we searched articles published until 30 August 2021, and described both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic DDIs in patients with vestibular disorders, focusing the interest on their clinical implications and on risk management strategies

    Nutraceuticals for peripheral vestibular pathology: Properties, usefulness, future perspectives and medico-legal aspects

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    Vestibular disorders may generate complex signs and symptoms, which may alter pa-tients’ balance and the quality of life. Dizziness and vertigo can strongly affect daily activities and relations. Despite the presence of conventional drugs, maneuvers, and surgery, another interesting therapeutic opportunity is offered by nutraceuticals. These molecules are often used in the treatment of dizziness and vertigo, but the rationale of their application is not always solidly demon-strated by the scientific evidence. Several substances have shown a variable level of efficacy/useful-ness in this field, but there is lack of important evidence for most of them. From a medico-legal point of view, specific information must be provided to the patient regarding the efficacy and possibilities that the use of these preparations can allow. Administering the right nutraceutical to the proper patient is a fundamental clinical skill. Integrating conventional drug treatment with nutraceutical administration seems to be easy, but it may be difficult considering the (in part unexplored) phar-macodynamics and pharmacokinetics of nutraceuticals. The aim of the scientific community should be to elevate nutraceuticals to the same law and technical dignity of conventional drugs

    Risk and resilience factors for specific and general psychopathology worsening in people with Eating Disorders during COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective Italian multicentre study

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions had negative impact on the psychopathology of people with Eating Disorders (EDs). Factors involved in the vulnerability to stressful events have been under-investigated in this population. We aimed to assess which factors contributed to COVID-19-induced worsening in both general and specific psychopathology. Methods: Three-hundred and twelve people with a clinically defined diagnosis of an ED and undergoing a specialist ED treatment in different Italian ED services before the spreading of COVID-19 pandemic filled in an online survey. ED specific and general psychopathology changes after COVID-19 quarantine were retrospectively evaluated. Factors related to COVID-19 concerns (financial condition, fear of contagion, perceived social isolation/support, satisfaction in peer, family or sentimental relationships), illness duration and treatment-related variables (type of treatment provided, type of access to care, satisfaction with therapeutic relationships) were included as predicting factors in a structural equational model, which included latent variables consisting of general and ED psychopathology items as outcomes. Results: A perceived low quality of therapeutic relationships, fear of contagion and increased isolation were positively associated with psychopathology worsening. Reduced satisfaction with family and with friends’ relationships and reduced perceived social support were associated with ED and general symptoms deterioration, respectively. No significant effect emerged for intimate relationships, illness duration, economic condition and type of treatment. Conclusions: This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of clinical variables associated with psychopathological changes during the COVID-19 lockdown period highlighting potential risk and resilience factors and, possibly, informing treatment as well as prevention strategies for EDs. Level of evidence IV: Evidence obtained from multiple time series analysis such as case studies

    Risk and resilience factors for specific and general psychopathology worsening in people with Eating Disorders during COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective Italian multicentre study

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions had negative impact on the psychopathology of people with Eating Disorders (EDs). Factors involved in the vulnerability to stressful events have been under-investigated in this population. We aimed to assess which factors contributed to COVID-19-induced worsening in both general and specific psychopathology. Methods: Three-hundred and twelve people with a clinically defined diagnosis of an ED and undergoing a specialist ED treatment in different Italian ED services before the spreading of COVID-19 pandemic filled in an online survey. ED specific and general psychopathology changes after COVID-19 quarantine were retrospectively evaluated. Factors related to COVID-19 concerns (financial condition, fear of contagion, perceived social isolation/support, satisfaction in peer, family or sentimental relationships), illness duration and treatment-related variables (type of treatment provided, type of access to care, satisfaction with therapeutic relationships) were included as predicting factors in a structural equational model, which included latent variables consisting of general and ED psychopathology items as outcomes. Results: A perceived low quality of therapeutic relationships, fear of contagion and increased isolation were positively associated with psychopathology worsening. Reduced satisfaction with family and with friends\u2019 relationships and reduced perceived social support were associated with ED and general symptoms deterioration, respectively. No significant effect emerged for intimate relationships, illness duration, economic condition and type of treatment. Conclusions: This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of clinical variables associated with psychopathological changes during the COVID-19 lockdown period highlighting potential risk and resilience factors and, possibly, informing treatment as well as\ua0prevention strategies for EDs. Level of evidence IV: Evidence obtained from multiple time series analysis such as case studies

    Effect of different protein sources on satiation and short-term satiety when consumed as a starter

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because the source of protein may play a role in its satiating effect, we investigated the effect of different proteins on satiation and short-term satiety.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two randomized single-blind cross-over studies were completed. In the first study, we investigated the effect of a preload containing 20 g of casein, whey, pea protein, egg albumin or maltodextrin vs. water control on food intake 30 min later in 32 male volunteers (25 ± 4 yrs, BMI 24 ± 0.4 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). Subjective appetite was assessed using visual analogue scales at 10 min intervals after the preload. Capillary blood glucose was measured every 30 min during 2 hrs before and after the ad libitum meal. In the second study, we compared the effect of 20 g of casein, pea protein or whey vs. water control on satiation in 32 male volunteers (25 ± 0.6 yrs, BMI 24 ± 0.5 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). The preload was consumed as a starter during an ad libitum meal and food intake was measured. The preloads in both studies were in the form of a beverage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the first study, food intake was significantly lower only after casein and pea protein compared to water control (P = 0.02; 0.04 respectively). Caloric compensation was 110, 103, 62, 56 and 51% after casein, pea protein, whey, albumin and maltodextrin, respectively. Feelings of satiety were significantly higher after casein and pea protein compared to other preloads (P < 0.05). Blood glucose response to the meal was significantly lower when whey protein was consumed as a preload compared to other groups (P < 0.001). In the second study, results showed no difference between preloads on ad libitum intake. Total intake was significantly higher after caloric preloads compared to water control (P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Casein and pea protein showed a stronger effect on food intake compared to whey when consumed as a preload. However, consuming the protein preload as a starter of a meal decreased its impact on food intake as opposed to consuming it 30 min before the meal.</p