74 research outputs found


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    Automated decision-making using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is increasingly found in public- supported social work. This study analyses two cases in which RP A was implemented and disseminated in social work in Sweden. The first case took place in a Swedish municipality; the second case took place in a project conducted by the Swedish national agency for municipalities. These cases involve translations of aspirational changes related to RPA in decisions on social assistance. The study uses Actor-Network Theory to highlight organizational areas and issues in social work that must be addressed when RPA is implemented and disseminated. The study’s research questions are the following: What are the leading actors ́ ideas about aspirational changes related to RPA in decisions on social assistance? What is the role of technology in this context? The study revealed some similar aspirational changes in the two cases related to change management and maximization of services. Variations were found in other aspirational changes for RPA such as the issue of trust in applicants and the role of caseworkers. The study points to the need to increase applicants’ use of, and facility with, information technology. The formulation of “a why” behind these changes is important for caseworkers’ future role and use of discretion

    The Technological Construction of Quasi-Markets for Education

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    A fundamental assumption in this article is that not only the public administration but also semiprivate and private agencies provide electronic intermediaries between public services and citizens in a quasi-market situation. The theoretical framework of this study views markets as constructed in contrast to natural phenomena. In these processes of construction the role of technologies such as the Internet is seen as decisive. This view will be applied to the quasi-market for upper secondary education using empirical experiences from Sweden. Two questions are addressed in the article: (1) How is the choice of education and available alternatives embodied in the electronic intermediaries and what are the accompanying consequences for citizens? (2) In what ways do public, semi-private and private actors take part in the design of electronic intermediaries in quasi-markets for education featuring as an element in quasi-market construction

    eCareer Guidance in Quasi Markets for Education: Roles and Controversies

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    Educational and career guidance consists of various forms of support to individuals considering their educational and professional future. During the last five years various types of quasi-markets have been introduced in Sweden at all levels of the educational system. This paper presents some recent Swedish experiences of how publicly financed Internet portals are constructed and used as a means to provide guidance (‘e-career guidance’). The main question in the following is: what are the roles and controversies associated with the emergent construction and use of e-career guidance in quasi-markets for education? Ecareer guidance is more than anything seen as a source of opening up access to information. The most controversial aspects concern whether information should be neutral or not, and how it should be used. It is concluded that the aims with processes such as these are twofold: constructing a tool for e-career guidance as well as an intermediary between citizens and the quasi-market for education

    Value positions viewed through the lens of automated decision-making : The case of social services

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    NÀr skÀmt blir till krÀnkning - bedömningen av etniska trakasserier i arbetslivet

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    In recent years, most reports regarding discrimination received by the Equality Ombudsman concern ethnic discrimination at work. Nevertheless, there are only two cases in which discrimination have been established by the Labour Court since 1994; one case regarding indirect ethnic discrimination and the other concerning ethnic harassment. A significant amount of criticism has been directed towards Sweden from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and the United NationsÂŽ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This paper aims to investigate possible reasons for the limited number of cases in which discrimination was established and to find achievable solutions to the addressed problem with focus on ethnic harassment. One reason for the low number of cases in which discrimination was established, may be due to the fact that the Labour Court seem to demand more evidence from the plaintiff to fulfil the burden of evidence than the law prescribes, which may be against European Union law. One way to ensure a uniform and correct application of the law is to allow the Supreme Court to reconsider discrimination cases. Another possible cause to the addressed problem could be the Labour Court's strict interpretation of the legislative history to the Anti Discrimination Act, which is possible for the court to change. Anyhow, the need for new legislation may be acknowledged. On the basis of the results of this study generated by discourse analysis and postcolonial theory, there are reasons to change the necessary condition regarding the knowledge of the person that is claimed to have been harassing the plaintiff. The new necessary prerequisite could instead be ”should have understood”. Furthermore, it follows from postcolonial theory that knowledge about every-day racism could be taken into consideration in the judicial decision. Finally, it is suggested that the plaintiff are given the opportunity to judge what kind of behaviour that equals an infringement. In conclusion, it could be stated that changes in legislation or adjudication need to be made to make sure that Sweden has an opportunity to fulfil the demands set by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and the United NationsÂŽ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.De flesta av anmĂ€lningarna till diskrimineringsombudsmannen rör etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet. Trots detta har enbart ett fall av indirekt etnisk diskriminering och ett fall av etniska trakasserier konstaterats av de trettiotal mĂ„l rörande etnisk diskriminering som Arbetsdomstolen prövat sedan 1994. Allvarlig kritik har riktats till Sverige frĂ„n EuroparĂ„dets kommission mot rasism och intolerans och FN:s kommittĂ© för avskaffande av rasdiskriminering. Detta arbete syftar för det första till att undersöka möjliga orsaker till det lĂ„ga antalet konstaterade fall av diskriminering, med fokus pĂ„ trakasserier pĂ„ grund av etnisk tillhörighet. Undersökningen syftar för det andra till, utifrĂ„n de tĂ€nkbara orsakerna, analysera och ge förslag pĂ„ hur Sverige kan rĂ€tta sig efter kritiken genom att ge utsatta för diskriminering ökade möjligheter till upprĂ€ttelse och kompensation genom den juridiska processen. UtifrĂ„n vad som framkommit i undersökningen utgörs en möjlig orsak till det lĂ„ga antalet konstaterade diskrimineringsfall av att Arbetsdomstolen verkar tillĂ€mpa ett högre beviskrav Ă€n vad som föreskrivs enligt diskrimineringslagen. Ett sĂ€tt att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla en enhetlig och korrekt tillĂ€mpning av bevisregeln inom rĂ€ttsvĂ€sendet kan dĂ€rför vara att öppna upp för förlorande part att överklaga till Högsta domstolen. En annan orsak till det lĂ„ga antalet konstaterade fall Ă€r att Arbetsdomstolen ofta gör en mer restriktiv bedömning av vad som utgör diskriminering Ă€n vad som verkar krĂ€vas enligt förarbeten, vilket Ă€r möjligt för domstolen att Ă€ndra. Behovet av en förĂ€ndrad lagstiftning kan dessvĂ€rre inte uteslutas. UtifrĂ„n diskursanalys och postkolonial teori som tillĂ€mpas i uppsatsen, kan en Ă€ndring av insikts-rekvisitet till ”borde ha insett” förordas. Det kan Ă€ven utifrĂ„n postkolonial teori anses motiverat att kunskap om hur vardagsrasismen fungerar i större grad vĂ€gs in i den juridiska bedömningen och att den utsatte ges möjligheten att sjĂ€lv bedöma vad som utgör en krĂ€nkning. Slutligen kan konstateras att förĂ€ndringar i lagstiftning eller praxis verkar behövas om Sverige ska ha en möjlighet att tillgodose EuroparĂ„dets kommission mot rasism och intolerans och FN:s kommittĂ©s krav pĂ„ förbĂ€ttrade möjligheter för enskilda att fĂ„ upprĂ€ttelse genom den juridiska processen

    Journal of Human Hypertension advance online publication

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    Globally, hypertension is poorly controlled and its treatment consists mainly of preventive behavior, adherence to treatment and risk-factor management. The aim of this study was to explore patients' experiences of an interactive mobile phone-based system designed to support the self-management of hypertension. Forty-nine patients were interviewed about their experiences of using the self-management system for 8 weeks regarding: (i) daily answers on self-report questions concerning lifestyle, well-being, symptoms, medication intake and side effects; (ii) results of home blood-pressure measurements; (iii) reminders and motivational messages; and (iv) access to a web-based platform for visualization of the self-reports. The audio-recorded interviews were analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis. The patients considered the self-management system relevant for the follow-up of hypertension and found it easy to use, but some provided insight into issues for improvement. They felt that using the system offered benefits, for example, increasing their participation during follow-up consultations; they further perceived that it helped them gain understanding of the interplay between blood pressure and daily life, which resulted in increased motivation to follow treatment. Increased awareness of the importance of adhering to prescribed treatment may be a way to minimize the cardiovascular risks of hypertension

    Mastery and Autonomy in Medication With a Mobile Self-Report System – A Project in Action

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    Abstract. The overall aim of this research program is to design and examine if a mobile phone-based self-report system can be used to a) mediate knowledge about hypertension b) improve adherence to antihypertensive treatment and c) increase patient participation and autonomy

    Internet use, needs and expectations of web-based information and communication in childbearing women with type 1 diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the childbearing period women use the internet both to seek information and as an important source of communication. For women with type 1 diabetes, pregnancy and early motherhood constitute a more complex situation than for women in general. This implies need for support from various professionals and a way of bridging any discontinuity in care would be to develop a website providing complementary social support and information. The objective of this study was to explore internet use, needs, and expectations regarding web-based information and communication in childbearing women with type 1 diabetes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected via a web-based survey with an explorative and descriptive design, in which 105 of 139 eligible mothers with type 1 diabetes and recent childbearing experience participated. The data were analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics, and open answers with a directed content analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 105 women, 22% never used the internet to search for information concerning pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. 12% searched for information every day, 29% one or more times a week, and 38% one or more times a month. Of the women 44% declared themselves to be passive participants on social websites, and 45% to be active participants. 45% had specific expectations of web-based support directed towards childbearing, especially those with higher educational level (<it>P </it>= .01). Expectations of instrumental and informational support included an expert-controlled website with reliable, updated, and information focused on childbearing and diabetes, improved access to diabetes care professionals and alternative ways to communicate and to receive childbearing-related support. The women also asked for online technical devices to manage the frequent monitoring of blood glucose during pregnancy. Informal, emotional, and appraisal support from women in similar situations was suggested as a way to provide an arena for belonging instead of creating feelings of alienation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results add important knowledge about the web-based needs of women with type 1 diabetes in relation to childbearing. This user directed study indicates specific areas of development for the provision of effective web-based support that includes facilities for reliable information, interactive support and social networking in this population.</p
