10 research outputs found

    Environmental Pursuits In Nanomaterial Systems Science With Indian Exemplars

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    The behavior and pattern of NPs of minerals in the evolutionary history of the earth vis – a –vis the environmental context are inquired into, with a riverine system as a model. The study of fractal dimensions of NPs of interest serves as an aid to obtain a comprehensive view of natural NPs in the model system. The present study combines inputs from work done on nanoparticles, derived from the Subanarekha River System and products of base metal mine effluents that are rich in NPs of minerals. The authors believe this study would help to establish certain universalities about NPs and provide an updated framework for understanding the current state of nanomineral science

    Unusual presentation of Klinefelter syndrome

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    Introduction: Klinefelter syndrome usually presents in the puberty and adulthood with its characteristic features. We report a boy who had Klinefelter syndrome with hypospadias and hydrocele. Case Note: Six and half year old boy had complaints of genitourinary problem in the form of hypospadias, small phallus and hydrocele. Karyotyping showed 47,XXY. Conclusion: This case illustrates that Klinefelter syndrome was presented in the infancy with hypospadias and hydrocele which are very uncommon presentation of the diseas

    An unusual case of episodic quadriparesis

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    The natural history of untreated asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) remains incompletely understood. Increased level of parathyroid hormone produces the characteristic biochemical phenotype of hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia and the various clinical sequelae of chronic hypercalcemia. Periodic paralysis (PP) is a group of disorders of different etiologies with episodic, short-lived and hyporeflexic skeletal muscle weakness, with or without myotonia, but without sensory deficit and without loss of consciousness. However, PHPT has rare association with episodic quadriparesis mimicking as PP

    Tetany due to hypoparathyroidism as the initial manifestation of autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type-2: A case report

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    Hypoparathyroidism is most commonly isolated and idiopathic. Hypoparathyroidism in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type-2 (APS-2) is extremely rare with few isolated reports and usually presents late. We present perhaps for the first time, hypoparathyroidism being the initial manifestation of APS-2 which was diagnosed in a 32 year lady with tingling of the extremities along with hypocalcemic tetany for 15 years. She also had generalized acral and mucosal hyperpigmentation of 2 years duration. Investigations were significant for low calcium (7.1mg/dl), elevated phosphorus (4.8mg/dl), vitamin-D insufficiency (27.4ng/ml), low intact parathyroid hormone (2.3pg/ml), low basal (4.7mcg/dl) and stimulated serum cortisol (9.2mcg/dl at half hour, 11.4mcg/dl at 1 hour post synacthen), elevated triiodothyronine (2.1ng/ml) and free tetraiodothyronine (2.4ng/dl) along with suppressed TSH (<0.005 U/L). Imaging relevaled mild cerebellar calcification, normal adrenals with diffuse uptake of Tc 99 - pertechnate. A diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism with Addison′s and Graves′ disease as a part of APS-2 was made. This report intends to highlight the clinical heterogeneity and varied presentation of APS-2. Routine screening of other hormonal function (especially adrenal function, thyroid function and blood glucose) in a patient with diagnosed hypoparathyroidism is advisable to decrease the chances of missing APS-2

    Pituitary Gigantism: A Case Report

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    Objective: To present a rare case of gigantism. Case Report: A 25-year-old lady presented with increased statural growth and enlarged body parts noticed since the age of 14 years, primary amenorrhea, and frontal headache for the last 2 years.She has also been suffering from non-inflammatory low back pain with progressive kyphosis and pain in the knees, ankles, and elbows for the last 5 years. There was no history of visual disturbance, vomiting, galactorrhoea, cold intolerance. She had no siblings. Family history was non-contributory.Blood pressure was normal. Height 221 cm, weight 138 kg,body mass index (BMI)28. There was coarsening of facial features along with frontal bossing and prognathism, large hands and feet, and small goitre. Patient had severe kyphosis and osteoarthritis of knees. Confrontation perimetry suggested bitemporal hemianopia. Breast and pubic hair were of Tanner stage 1. Serum insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF1) was 703 ng/ml with all glucose suppressedgrowth hormone (GH)values of >40 ng/ml. Prolactin was 174 ng/ml. Basal serum Lutenising Hormone (LH), follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH) was low. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), liver and renal function tests, basal cortisol and thyroid profile, Calcium, phosphorus and Intact Parathyroid hormone (iPTH) were normal.Computed tomographyscan of brain showed large pituitary macroadenoma. Automated perimetry confirmed bitemporal hemianopia. A diagnosis of gigantism due to GH secreting pituitary macroadenoma with hypogonadotrophichypogonadism was made. Debulking pituitary surgery followed by somatostatin analogue therapy with gonadal steroid replacement had been planned, but the patient refused further treatment

    Mantle geochemistry: Insights from ocean island basalts

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