58 research outputs found

    Metabolites produced by probiotic Lactobacilli rapidly increase glucose uptake by Caco-2 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although probiotic bacteria and their metabolites alter enterocyte gene expression, rapid, non-genomic responses have not been examined. The present study measured accumulation of tracer (2 μM) glucose by Caco-2 cells after exposure for 10 min or less to a chemically defined medium (CDM) with different monosaccharides before and after anaerobic culture of probiotic <it>Lactobacilli</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Growth of <it>L. acidophilus </it>was supported by CDM with 110 mM glucose, fructose, and mannose, but not with arabinose, ribose, and xylose or the sugar-free CDM. Glucose accumulation was reduced when Caco-2 cells were exposed for 10 min to sterile CDM with glucose (by 92%), mannose (by 90%), fructose (by 55%), and ribose (by 16%), but not with arabinose and xylose. Exposure of Caco-2 cells for 10 min to bacteria-free supernatants prepared after exponential (48 h) and stationary (72 h) growth phases of <it>L. acidophilus </it>cultured in CDM with 110 mM fructose increased glucose accumulation by 83% and 45%, respectively; exposure to a suspension of the bacteria had no effect. The increase in glucose accumulation was diminished by heat-denaturing the supernatant, indicating the response of Caco-2 cells is triggered by as yet unknown heat labile bacterial metabolites, not by a reduction in CDM components that decrease glucose uptake. Supernatants prepared after anaerobic culture of <it>L. gasseri, L. amylovorus, L. gallinarum</it>, and <it>L. johnsonii </it>in the CDM with fructose increased glucose accumulation by 83%, 32%, 27%, and 14%, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The rapid, non-genomic upregulation of SGLT1 by bacterial metabolites is a heretofore unrecognized interaction between probiotics and the intestinal epithelium.</p

    Glucose transport by epithelia prepared from harvested enterocytes

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    Transformed and cultured cell lines have significant shortcomings for investigating the characteristics and responses of native villus enterocytes in situ. Interpretations of results from intact tissues are complicated by the presence of underlying tissues and the crypt compartment. We describe a simple, novel, and reproducible method for preparing functional epithelia using differentiated enterocytes harvested from the small intestine upper villus of adult mice and preterm pigs with and without necrotizing enterocolitis. Concentrative, rheogenic glucose uptake was used as an indicator of epithelial function and was demonstrated by cellular accumulation of tracer 14C d-glucose and Ussing chamber based short-circuit currents. Assessment of the epithelia by light and immunofluorescent microscopy revealed the harvested enterocytes remain differentiated and establish cell–cell connections to form polarized epithelia with distinct apical and basolateral domains. As with intact tissues, the epithelia exhibit glucose induced short-circuit currents that are increased by exposure to adenosine and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) and decreased by phloridzin to inhibit the apical glucose transporter SGLT-1. Similarly, accumulation of 14C d-glucose by the epithelia was inhibited by phloridzin, but not phloretin, and was stimulated by pre-exposure to AMP and adenosine, apparently by a microtubule-based mechanism that is disrupted by nocodazole, with the magnitudes of responses to adenosine, forskolin, and health status exceeding those we have measured using intact tissues. Our findings indicate that epithelia prepared from harvested enterocytes provide an alternative approach for comparative studies of the characteristics of nutrient transport by the upper villus epithelium and the responses to different conditions and stimuli

    Milk Diets Influence Doxorubicin-Induced Intestinal Toxicity in Piglets

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    Chemotherapy-induced gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity is a common adverse effect of cancer treatment. We used preweaned piglets as models to test our hypothesis that the immunomodulatory and GI trophic effects of bovine colostrum would reduce the severity of GI complications associated with doxorubicin (DOX) treatment. Five-day-old pigs were administered DOX (1 × 100 mg/m2) or an equivalent volume of saline (SAL) and either fed formula (DOX-Form, n = 9, or SAL-Form, n = 7) or bovine colostrum (DOX-Colos, n = 9, or SAL-Colos, n = 7). Pigs were euthanized 5 days after initiation of chemotherapy to assess markers of small intestinal function and inflammation. All DOX-treated animals developed diarrhea, growth deficits, and leukopenia. However, the intestines of DOX-Colos pigs had lower intestinal permeability, longer intestinal villi with higher activities of brush border enzymes, and lower tissue IL-8 levels compared with DOX-Form (all P &lt; 0.05). DOX-Form pigs, but not DOX-Colos pigs, had significantly higher plasma C-reactive protein, compared with SAL-Form. Plasma citrulline was not affected by DOX treatment or diet. Thus a single dose of DOX induces intestinal toxicity in preweaned pigs and may lead to a systemic inflammatory response. The toxicity is affected by type of enteral nutrition with more pronounced GI toxicity when formula is fed compared with bovine colostrum. The results indicate that bovine colostrum may be a beneficial supplementary diet for children subjected to chemotherapy and subsequent intestinal toxicity. </jats:p

    Growth Responses of Preterm Pigs Fed Formulas with Different Protein Levels and Supplemented with Leucine or β-Hydroxyl β-Methylbutyrate

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    Growth after preterm birth is an important determinant of long-term outcomes. Yet, many preterm infants suffer ex utero growth retardation. We evaluated effects of leucine and the metabolite, &beta;-hydroxy &beta;-methylbutyrate (HMB) on growth of preterm pigs, a previously-validated translational model for preterm infants. After 48 h of parenteral nutrition preterm pigs were fed for 6 to 7 days isocaloric formulas with different levels of protein (50 or 100 g/L) with leucine (10 g/L, 76 mM) or HMB (at 1.1 g/L, 4 mM) added to stimulate protein synthesis or with alanine (6.8 g/L; 76 mM) as the control. Rates of growth of pigs fed the low protein formula with alanine (3.4 &plusmn; 0.2% gain per day) or leucine (3.7 &plusmn; 0.2) exceeded that of pigs fed the high protein formula (2.8 &plusmn; 0.2, p = 0.02 for comparison with both low protein formulas; p = 0.01 compared with low protein + leucine). Supplementing the high protein formula with leucine or HMB did not increase growth relative to alanine (2.72 &plusmn; 0.20, 2.74 &plusmn; 0.27, and 2.52 &plusmn; 0.20, respectively). Small pigs (&lt;700 g birth weight) grew slower during parenteral nutrition and had a more pronounced response to leucine. Females fed the high protein formulas grew faster than males, and particularly for small pigs (p &lt; 0.05). Blood urea nitrogen values were lower for pigs fed the low versus the high protein formulas (p &lt; 0.05). Leucine and HMB improved growth of preterm pigs fed low, but not high protein formulas, even after controlling for birth weight and sex, which independently correlated with growth rates. They offer an option to improve growth without increasing the amino acid load, with its attendant metabolic disadvantages

    Paracellular Filtration Secretion Driven by Mechanical Force Contributes to Small Intestinal Fluid Dynamics

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    Studies of fluid secretion by the small intestine are dominated by the coupling with ATP-dependent generation of ion gradients, whereas the contribution of filtration secretion has been overlooked, possibly by the lack of a known mechanistic basis. We measured apical fluid flow and generation of hydrostatic pressure gradients by epithelia of cultured mouse enterocytes, Caco-2 and T-84 cells, and fibroblasts exposed to mechanical force provided by vigorous aeration and in response to ion gradients, inhibitors of ion channels and transporters and in vitro using intact mouse and rat small intestine. We describe herein a paracellular pathway for unidirectional filtration secretion that is driven by mechanical force, requires tight junctions, is independent of ionic and osmotic gradients, generates persistent hydrostatic pressure gradients, and would contribute to the fluid shifts that occur during digestion and diarrhea. Zinc inhibits the flow of fluid and the paracellular marker fluorescein isothyocyanate conjugated dextran (MW = 4 kD) across epithelia of cultured enterocytes (&gt;95%; p &lt; 0.001) and intact small intestine (&gt;40%; p = 0.03). We propose that mechanical force drives fluid secretion through the tight junction complex via a “one-way check valve” that can be regulated. This pathway of filtration secretion complements chloride-coupled fluid secretion during high-volume fluid flow. The role of filtration secretion in the genesis of diarrhea in intact animals needs further study. Our findings may explain a potential linkage between intestinal motility and intestinal fluid dynamics

    A Phosphatidylserine Source of Docosahexanoic Acid Improves Neurodevelopment and Survival of Preterm Pigs

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    The amount, composition, and sources of nutrition support provided to preterm infants is critical for normal growth and development, and particularly for structural and functional neurodevelopment. Although omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), and particularly docosahexanoic acid (DHA), are considered of particular importance, results from clinical trials with preterm infants have been inconclusive because of ethical limitations and confounding variables. A translational large animal model is needed to understand the structural and functional responses to DHA. Neurodevelopment of preterm pigs was evaluated in response to feeding formulas to term-equivalent age supplemented with DHA attached to phosphatidylserine (PS-DHA) or sunflower oil as the placebo. Newborn term pigs were used as a control for normal in utero neurodevelopment. Supplementing formula with PS-DHA increased weight of the brain, and particularly the cerebellum, at term-equivalent age compared with placebo preterm pigs (P&rsquo;s &lt; 0.10 and 0.05 respectively), with a higher degree of myelination in all regions of the brain examined (all p &lt; 0.06). Brains of pigs provided PS-DHA were similar in weight to newborn term pigs. Event-related brain potentials and performance in a novel object recognition test indicated the PS-DHA supplement accelerated development of sensory pathways and recognition memory compared with placebo preterm pigs. The PS-DHA did not increase weight gain, but was associated with higher survival. The benefits of PS-DHA include improving neurodevelopment and possibly improvement of survival, and justify further studies to define dose-response relations, compare benefits associated with other sources of DHA, and understand the mechanisms underlying the benefits and influences on the development of other tissues and organ systems

    Introduction: intestinal nutrient transport'a comparative approach

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    Parenteral nutrition compromises neurodevelopment of preterm pigs

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    Background: Despite advances in nutritional support and intensive care, preterm infants are at higher risk of compromised neurodevelopment. Objective: This study evaluated the contribution of total parenteral nutrition (PN) to compromised neurodevelopment after preterm birth. Methods: Preterm pigs were provided PN or enteral nutrition (EN) for 10 d. Neurodevelopment was assessed by observations of motor activity and evaluation of sensory/motor reflexes, brain weight, MRI, and cerebellar histology. Results: Despite similar gains in body weight, PN pigs had smaller brains (32 ± 0.4 vs. 35 ± 0.6 g; P 5 0.0002) including the cerebellum, as well as reduced motor activity (P = 0.005), which corresponded to underdeveloped myelination (P = 0.004) measured by diffusion tensor imaging. PN resulted in lower serum triglycerides (17 ± 5.9 vs. 27 ± 3.1 mg/dL; P = 0.05), total cholesterol (3169.6 vs. 8568.1mg/dL; P = 0.04), VLDL cholesterol (3.761.2 vs. 5.760.7mg/dL; P = 0.04), andHDL cholesterol (16 ± 4.6 vs. 57 ± 7.3 mg/dL; P = 0.03) and nonsignificantly lower LDL cholesterol (10.7 ± 4.4 vs. 22.7 ± 2.9 mg/dL; P = 0.09). Conclusions: The compromised neurodevelopment caused by total PN is a novel finding, was independent of confounding variables (disease, inconsistent gestational ages, diverse genetics, extrauterine growth retardation, and inconsistent neonatal intensive care unit protocols), and highlights a need to improve current PN solutions. The preterm pig is a translational animal model for improving nutrition support to enhance neurodevelopment of preterminfants requiring PN

    Responses of Preterm Pigs to an Oral Fluid Supplement During Parenteral Nutrition

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    Background: Nutrients and electrolytes in amniotic fluid swallowed by fetuses are important for growth and development. Yet, preterm infants requiring parenteral nutrition (PN) receive minimal or no oral inputs. With the limited availability of amniotic fluid, we evaluated the responses of preterm pigs receiving PN to an oral fluid supplement (OFS) based on the electrolyte and nutrient composition of amniotic fluid. Materials and Methods: Preterm pigs (92% of term) received a combination of PN (6 mL/kg-h) and 4 mL/kg-h of supplemental fluid as an experimental OFS (n = 9), lactated Ringer\u27s either enterally (n = 10) or intravenously (n = 8). Outcome measures after 96 hours were weight gain, blood chemistry, organ weights, and small intestine mass and brush-border membrane carbohydrases. Results: The OFS did not improve weight gain compared with providing lactated Ringer\u27s orally or intravenously, or increase serum urea nitrogen values, but resulted in higher serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, as well as improved glucoregulation and heavier intestines, livers, kidneys, and brains and lighter lungs. Conclusions: Providing supplemental fluid and electrolytes during PN either intravenously or orally increases weight gain after preterm birth. An oral fluid supplement based on amniotic fluid may accelerate development and maturation of organs critical for extrauterine life after preterm birth and may enhance neurodevelopment