19 research outputs found
Durston and El-Sabaawi - Stickleback Composition
From Durston and El-Sabaawi 2017, this file contains morphological, genetic, environmental and elemental data for 375 Threespine Stickleback from 12 populations. The file contains separate tabs for data from all locations, Kennedy and Miami. The Kennedy and Miami data is also present in the all locations tab, but the size adjustment and standardization are different
Models for population-mean excretion N:P (log-transformed) versus population-mean whole-body N:P.
<p>Tables show key statistics on model fits and regression slope without diet (left) and with diet (right). Without accounting for diet, there is no correlation between whole-body N:P and excretion N:P. After accounting for the effect of diet, the overall model fit improves and a significant, negative correlation between whole-body N:P and excretion N:P is evident.</p
Population mean whole-body %P vs. whole-body %N for HPred (triangles) and LPred (circles) on the high-P diet (dark blue) and low-P diet (light blue), with standard errors represented in light gray lines.
<p>Symbols on the left correspond to the Guanapo guppies, and those on the right correspond to the Aripo guppies. Low-P diets reduced whole-body %P, as indicated by blue arrows. HPred guppies in both rivers had higher average whole-body N than LPred guppies (triangles vs. circles). On average, Guanapo guppies are lower %N and %P because they are higher %C.</p
The influence of dietary and whole-body nutrient content on the excretion of a vertebrate consumer - Fig 2
<p>P Excretion (A) and N excretion (C) for the Guanapo (yellow) and Aripo (green) rivers. Size correction was conducted by dividing measured excretion by the fish’s weight, raised to the ¾ power to account for expected metabolic scaling. Low-P diet guppies had lower P excretion in both the Guanapo and Aripo. Both P excretion and N excretion were higher in HPred populations (orange) than LPred (blue), though this effect was only marginal in the Aripo for N excretion. Small differences in the x-axis placement within the High-P and Low-P diet groups do not reflect differences in diet quality, but are used to create separation to facilitate visual comparison of the data points.</p
Models of N excretion (A; size-corrected and log-transformed), P excretion (B; size corrected and log-transformed), and excretion N:P (C; log-transformed).
<p>All models include ‘river’ as a random effect, to account for differences between guppies from the Aripo and Guanapo Rivers in age, rearing environment, and background genetics. Variation in P excretion and excretion N:P suggests independent influences of diet and ancestral predation, while variation in N excretion suggests only an influence of predation. Model support for predation effects on N excretion was strong (removing predation LRT: df = 1, χ<sup>2</sup> = 6.68, p = 0.01). Model support for diet and predation effects on P excretion was also strong (removing predation LRT: df = 1, χ<sup>2</sup> = 10.2, p = 0.001; removing diet LRT: df = 1, χ<sup>2</sup> = 22.7, p < 0.001). Model support for diet effects on excretion N:P was strong (LRT: df = 1, χ<sup>2</sup> = 19.0, p < 0.001) but support for predation effects on excretion N:P was weak (LRT: df = 1, χ<sup>2</sup> = 2.35, p = 0.13).</p
Physical response variables from the experiment (i.e. phosphorous, chla, GPP
Zooplankton, benthic invertebrate, and water column invertebrates from the Populus-stickleback experiment
Analysis of elemental composition and stoichiometry of adult <i>Rivulus hartii</i> using a general linear model (GLM) and variance decomposition (η<sup>2</sup>).
<p>All values are F ratios, and symbols indicate degree of significance. DF is degrees of freedom used for each variable. C∶P, N∶P and C∶N were log transformed before analysis.</p>**<p>indicates P<0.01.</p>*<p>indicates P<0.05.</p>#<p>P∼0.043.</p
Map displaying locations sampled in this study.
<p>(1) Marianne, (2) Arima, (3) Guanapo, (4) Aripo, (5) Quare, and (6) Turure. All streams were located in the Northern Range Mountains of Trinidad and Tobago (location shown in inset).</p
Spatial variability in the organismal stoichiometry of adult <i>Rivulus hartii</i>.
<p>Stream and the interaction of stream×community are the strongest predictors of elemental composition and organismal stoichiometry of <i>R. hartii</i>. Values are least squares means generated from a general linear model (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032713#pone-0032713-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>). They are standardized to body size = 35 mm. Community designations are RO = <i>Rivulus</i> Only, RG = <i>R. hartii</i> and Guppies, HP = High Predation sites. ARM is the Arima, ARP is Aripo, GUA is Guanapo, MAR is Marianne, QUA is Quare and TUR is the Turure.</p